Good bye 2020.....


Well-known Member
It turned sunny late this afternoon so we went down to the lake.....east shore of
Lake watch the sunset. Beautiful way to end a difficult year, perhaps
that portends a better year next.
The family that owns this home better hope so....not long ago, there was 40 feet of
sand before you got to the water. Now, it looks as though part of the house is
already sliding towards the water. There were two large high hoes there, placing
the boulders seen against the base of the house. Ice on the lake may take them away
if the winds and high water levels persist. Many homes along the shoreline are in
danger of sliding in. Mother Nature at work...

Happy New Year all!


In many ways 2020 wasn’t the most exciting year of our lives, but I have been grateful and count my many blessings. We have been healthy, grew a good crop of corn silage, and managed to get enough hay to get through. We got another grandson in this December to round out the year. And the wife and I were able to spend many extra days together while the our world was in lock down.
Time to move those cottages!
Happy New Year!!!
I wish we could have some of that water in Arizona, it's only rained .2 inches in the last 4 months. the plants are stressed, and I don't see how the wildlife survives. It's a good thing Roosevelt lake is almost full.
Saying that 2020 was a difficult year is an understatement.
We started the new year last January 1st with hopes for a better year. We were bitterly disappointed.

So, here's hoping that 2021 will be a better year. I don't see how it could be much worse.

Happy new year to all.
Think I'm going to watch the Road Warrior over the weekend to bring in the new year properly! What a great trilogy, though the second half of Thunderdome was kind of wimpy.
The future is dim, for the country coming into the future if things go as it appears they might. I don't see a better new yars with all the inflation coming from all the government handouts of the last year and all the businesses that are going to be gone for good. We've already lost several to our foolish idiot in Lansing just in my town not to mention around the state. A couple local eat joints and the bowling alley I heard yesterday is closed for good got repoed. Probably some more I didn't hear about.
Over on the other side of the state is Lake Michigan and the same problems. Piers are under water, and excavators are doing the same thing with the rocks. You would think City and Twp. Officials would not let people and Contractors build so close to the water. I guess it's all about the money.....
My inlaws had a house on Oak Point, Caseville, Mich. The house faced north into Saginaw Bay.
Over the years, we watched the beach expand and contract, from 100+ feet and bolders exposed to 10 feet or less. There was one time, I was told about in the 60's, that there was no beach at all and septic fields were in danger.
We were in Caseville in 2019 for my BILs 80 BD. (He lived in a cottage across the street that he and his father built in the late 50's.) There was about 5 feet of beach. Sadly, cancer got him this past May.
PS. My granddaughter was at Sleeper State Park in Caseville this past summer with her boyfriends family.
He proposed on the beech in a beautiful sunset. They are both meteorologists.

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