OT for laughs Again for non beleavers


I was there again yesterday. It is real and the tree is a popular, in Virginia

(quoted from post at 13:04:43 01/15/21) Ran when parked! I am unfamiliar with a popular tree, looks like a ash or boxelder in MN.

Poplar. Fast growing trees. Seem them about done inside 20 years
It's going to be a very interesting picture in years to come, when it is hanging off the ground. Stan
I don't doubt this for a second. I have a poplar tree in the front yard, and I can't believe how fast it grew. It is about 35-40ft tall and was planted only 18 years ago. It will be coming down soon.

The only part of the tree that grows upward is the top. That trunk only grows outward so as it adds rings it will envelop the plow in whichever manner but it won't raise the plow off the ground if that's what you meant.
Had one grow up through a 4 bottom plow in an old shed that had lost its roof. The coulter was actually grown into the tree was fun getting it out.....
Lot of poplar planted for fast growth when establishing a new grove around north and west sides of the farmstead (that is what we call them) here in south western part of Minn. Then in about twenty years they are a mess of tangled broken rotten trees and often removed.
When you only show one picture and no explanation it’s easy to doubt the validity of the picture with the quality of photoshop .
That reminds me of the time my father cut down a tree for a neighbor with his chain saw. My Dad could really get saw chains sharp. But this time the saw wasn't cutting very fast and my Dad thought he messed up on sharpening. When they got the tree down they discovered that my Dad had hit a big spike and cut it lengthwise. Not through it the way you'd cut blocks off a log but lengthways. The full length of that big spike. They all got a good laugh out of that. Needless to say, my Dad didn't do any more cutting until he got another chain.
Hmmmm, in the both photos, check the alignment of the trunk's left vertical edge above and compared to below the steel of the hitch. Something smells fishy in Denmark to me.
Of course you are entitled to your opinion. I do fail to understand the conectio9n of a grader blade surrounded by a tree in Virginia to a fish smell in Denmark?
Wilson ..... just an expression from Hamlet with a slight wording change .....

The story is "Hamlet." Act I, Scene 4: Marcellus (an officer) says "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark," having just seen the ghost of Hamlet's father, the late king of Denmark. The phrase means "things are unsatisfactory; there is something wrong."
I'd say its real have seen similar things many times.In the photo where the blade touches the tree there is a slight abnormal place on the bark just like a Poplar tree would grow.
I don't know anything about the tree, but I had a blade exactly like that one and I remember selling it for $50 in 1984. I "think" it was an Imco blade. I remember the selling price because I felt guilty about selling something for much more than it was worth. Hunger [on my part] and buyer demand [on the buyer's part] influenced my decision to sell. As a consolation, the $50 included delivery to the buyer's doorstep. From my knowledge of that particular blade, I see nothing unusual about that tree growing through it.
There is something odd about this, in the old wood lot here, along an old fence line there is or was a tree that showed 2 strands through the bark, that was at least 20' high, baffles me to this day.

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