My fellow Canadians.....


Well-known Member
With some postings of American politics on this site, I thought I would ask Canadians how they feel about the latest incident in Ottawa....the resignation of our Governor General, the Queens representative in Canada. Do we really need this representation in our country at this time in our history? Would it take the pull of all the Canadian built tractors to change that part of our Constitution? Since we are Canadians, I dont have to ask to keep this polite....
Do we need a GG? IMHO I think we can manage without quite nicely, I was surprised to know she had a staff of 250, not bad for a token rep. I will volunteer my 1945 JD plus chain.
(quoted from post at 18:15:04 01/21/21) Do we need a GG? IMHO I think we can manage without quite nicely, I was surprised to know she had a staff of 250, not bad for a token rep. I will volunteer my 1945 JD plus chain.
I'm usually a big fan of tradition and quite resistant to change but have to say there are better places for our tax dollars.
Well since the Canadians here are always butting in about things in the USA I'll feel free to give you fellow some wisdom.Look to the USA to see how we handled
the British Royalty thing or maybe even the French.
Reminds me of a quote from Quigley down under...we already ran the misfits out of our country. We sent them back to England.
Good to see and hear from you centash.......

Canadians do NOT require a Governor General to operate our Democracy,as the Supreme Court of Canada handles all matters when and if the Governor General is not on her / their throne!!!

HOWEVER, with out a "Governor General", would Canada still be part of the British Commonwealth...??

To the best of my knowledge, to be a member of the British Commonwealth, Canada must pay a fee to maintain our membership in the British Commonwealth..???

It's my understanding ,to be a member of the British Commonwealth ,as Canadians, and as a Nation enjoy trading of goods with In the Courtiers that are all members of the British Commonwealth with less retractions than other nations whom are NOT members of the British Commonwealth.???

When and if a Governor General, is found to be snotty, snooty, arrant....then have them removed Immediately!!

Bob.......Born a Canadian..
I have no problem with having a Governor General. It is mostly a ceremonial position, therefore the pay scale should be only the honour of holding the position. Not 300 Grand per year to do screw all !!! Maybe give them a performance fee and travel experiences, and that’s it !!

Be careful. We thought that the Governor General's position was ceremonial here in Australia until in 1975, we found that he had the power to dismiss an elected government.
Plow hand must not be a Country music fan.

I think that song should become the national anthem. Well that might be rash; maybe we can make it honorary national theme song.

Ya another case of our prime minister blinded by looks instead of brains.appears as though they all go on planes and forget their brains ! This whole government is all screwed up ! Then once caught they resign. They are no dam good so why have them wasting our money. A kid for a prime minister so what can you expect. We need an 80 year old with brains not kids flying around on planes defying our rules. Good another blonde gone , and should have stayed lost in space.
I was talking about how they handled their royalty.And no we still wouldn't ruled by the British crown what a joke, beat them all by ourselves in the
War of 1812.Without the USA the Britain would be German held territory just like France and most of Europe was.
I remember a taking an arc flash class and we were talking about electricity and it take all paths of resistance not just the path of least resistance . Being a smart azz I was I said what about in France? they have no resistance! ( this after 911 and France was unwilling to help fight)
I find it interesting to watch CBC news on occasion when i would travel and stay near Detroit.

Our media portrays our northern neighbor as being the land of milk and honey and green grass. Apparently politics is politics regardless ;) (I already knew that)

My sister-in-law is from around London, ON but i cannot say i've ever heard her talk about Canadian politics. The rest of her family is happy to share their thoughts and since they are hog and dairymen they sound similar to those expressed here.
Sounds like she ran a pretty nasty ship and the sailors weren't too happy. I read the paper this morning that former GG Adrienne Clarkson (another one cut from the same cloth) still dings the federal treasury for $100 G's every year for her expenses. She left the GG's office in 2005. The link below explains it all, perhaps it best to not have your breakfast before reading it ....
Adrienne at the trough ..... poke here
The GG does not have the power the PM has.....the position has final say on any
bills passed by Parliament, but has never vetoed a single one. The GG also approves
of elections or the parrogueing....delay tactic... of Parliament based on the Queens assent. The GG can
also displace the PM and order an election, but has only done that once in 1926.
The PM selects the GG, so there is some favouritism there too, one would
think.Otherwise, it's mostly a ceremonial position with duties performed by
convention rather than by relevance to the issue at hand. As CH had shown, they can
all ding the taxpayers for money as long as they live. Time to rethink the position
and it's relevance to Canadian politics and nationality today.

Interesting question.

We have the queen as the sovereign of Canada.
Other than posing for bust updates on currency her role as of late has been symbolic.

She has a Governor General appointed to handle things over here.
Sure the title of Governor General comes with some power attached to it, but if those powers are never exercised then what is the purpose of having them.

Would you put brand new tires on a tractor with a seized engine, it may be good for show but in reality it is a total waste of time and money if it's never going to return meaningful use.

In the case of the recent resignation in a nut shell it boiled down to the Governor General yelled at some people and this triggered a review, investigation, report and resignation.

If the extent of your position and power that you never exercise result in you having to step down because you offended somebody then odds are good your position is purely symbolic and would not be missed.
With all due respect to the Queen, do we as Canadians need her as our sovereign?As
Canada matures as a nation, perhaps we should be cutting more of the apron strings
that have bound us to mother England over the years....they have served their
purpose and I think we could always retain an allegiance to England and remain
independent of her at the same time. Peacefully, of course!

I'm sure we'd be just fine without one. But, government easily becomes a cancer of it's society. It grows and grows. It breathes $ instead of air. Once it starts getting out of hand, the cure is just about as vicious as the disease. So, good luck getting rid of it. I'd be glad for remission.
I am not a Monarchist by any stretch but, this system has functioned well enough for the past 157 years, why tamper with it. There are millions of humans living in other countries around this world that would love to switch places with most anyone in Canada. If you were to Google countries with highest quality of life, you will find Canada in number one position followed by ; Denmark, Sweden , Norway,Australia,Netherlands,Switzerland,New Zealand, Finland,Germany,Austria ,UK,Luxembourg,Japan,USA, France then Portugal . This list looks at a broad range of things necessary for a happy comfortable life, including affordable housing, food , access to health care, education etc. Maybe there are things we don’t like and can be improved on , but I am certain that anyone fortunate enough to be born into and live in any of the countries on this list , has very little to complain about.
Wife's family is from Mossley, east of London....milked cows there for years...would you be willing to drop a name?

I'm from a generation of Canadians born in 1950's. I could never understand why Canada had a FLAG that was NOT Canadian.
Finally Canada (under the late Leister B Pearson) in time for Confederation now fly's our own Flag.

From time to time I believe we as Canadians need to stop Brest feeding and stand tall with our own identity.

Just wait a few years more.
I here all of your recent immigrants imported by your government and reaping very good government benefits are getting uppity.

Getting elected to offices by their fellow Canakistanees.
"[b:654c4848f0][i:654c4848f0]Look to the USA to see how we handled the[/i:654c4848f0][/b:654c4848f0]"

<a href="">Imperial Japan</a>

<a href="">German N a z i s m</a>

<a href=" F a s c i s m">Italian F a s c i s m</a>
yes, there is too many cooks in the kitchen already and things are really hard to digest! and the worst is coming. willie is right the world
has gone to pot and worst.
Country music yes..this is going as smooth as Tennesee whiskey but not as sweet as strawberry wine..Goerge
An engineer is taught to pay strict attention to detail. Lives depend on it.
She would have worked amongst an elite cadre of similar people.
She would be naturally critical and perhaps upset with lessor types
who can't do their jobs adequately.
She risked her life twice on missions into space and was successful.
If you want to encourage more kids to pursue educations in science and
engineering, it doesn't hurt to create a role model.

A person in her position doesn't exercise power for publicity. She
can influence things on the quiet. She would be the one to suggest
and award honors, medals, ribbons, which is highly motivating.

She is also in position to dismiss a rogue Prime Minister if the need arises.
She is Commander in Chief of the military.

I'm not sure if she can grant pardons, but may have the power of suggestion.

She also has something like an ambassador, since as a member
of the Commonwealth, Canada has High Commissioners instead of
ambassadors. At least in the beginning, Great Britain and Canada
were not exactly foreign countries to each other.

That has changed since Canada got it's independence, but they selected
the same Queen, just like Norway and Sweden did in the 1800's.
"She is also in position to dismiss a rogue Prime Minister if the need arises."

How many rogue Prime Ministers has Canada had that stole from the country they were elected to serve and fled the country.
And now live in exile and luxury elsewhere?
Or were in office a few months before being removed or resigning??
Thank you cdmn for your insight.....

With all due respect cdmn, I'm now more convinced than ever the Prime Minister of Canada did in deed make a terrible choice with the now defunct Governor General.
Canadas pop of say 36 million are not of Military, "yes sir how high sir back grounds".
For all of us who serve our fellow Canadian citizens, leave the military attitude at home.

in my honest opinion ? the GG is an antiquated link to our past, and is time to let it go the millions and millions of dollars sent to support it, could be better spent on nnalert, , the home less , the down trodden, well, any where except people of privledge , that have already been living off the tax payers their entire lives this goes for the senate as well, another total waste of tax payer funds , seems to be only a reward system for good old boys and bag men
(quoted from post at 08:36:08 01/22/21) I'm from a generation of Canadians born in 1950's. I could never understand why Canada had a FLAG that was NOT Canadian.
Finally Canada (under the late Leister B Pearson) in time for Confederation now fly's our own Flag.

From time to time I believe we as Canadians need to stop Brest feeding and stand tall with our own identity.

I agree. More like the americans who threw them out once and for all.
It’s some kinda bs thing about the UNITED STATES corporation. All in capitals like I just have posted. Something about U.S.Grant being the last President of the people, and all Presidents since have only been CEO of the aforementioned corporation since 1871. Believe what you like I guess. I am not picking sides in this that’s for sure
Moresmoke: What you say has a ring of truth. Without Marshal Rochambeau and Admiral De Grasse, Yorktown would have just been one more battle with questionable results. In fact, Washington probably wouldn't have fought it without them. Pay no attention to some of these historical (hysterical) neophytes who like to listen to themselves talk. The political genius behind all this was Benjamin Franklin in Paris.

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