mowing through mined a mined field

37 chief

Well-known Member
here in my area, If you want to build a house. first thing to do, is to put up story poles. This is pvc pipes this exact size of the roof line
of the house you want to build. Then your neighbors can see if they like the height. If not then them the the meetings start. Then the poles come
down. Problem with that, the company removes the 2 inch pvc poles, but don't remove all the rebar, and wood pegs to hold the poles up with nylon
cord. Here I come along, mowing the field hoping I don't punch a rear tire. the mower picked up a few rebars. I got through the mine field ok this time no flats.
I have only punched tear tires a couple times. One time a 3/4 inch pvc pipe with a sharp edge, the other time a T post ruined a tire. I don't mind
front flats, but not the rears. Had to stop because of the heat, will finish tomorrow. The rest is good going. Stan
Judging from all the mowing stories you tell, I wonder why you even do it?

Come to my county. I noticed the county highway dept. just bought a new Air Conditioned Kubota to mow roadsides and got rid of an old green open air mower. Perhaps with all your mowing experience you could find a better job and not worry about tearing up your equipment.
If somebody falls and impales themself on a piece of rebar left in the ground, that property owner will be paying a lot more than the cost of a tractor tire.
(quoted from post at 17:16:46 06/16/21) here in my area, If you want to build a house. first thing to do, is to put up story poles. This is pvc pipes this exact size of the roof line
of the house you want to build. [b:1b74bee0c9]Then your neighbors can see if they like the height. [/b:1b74bee0c9]If not then them the the meetings start. Then the poles come
down. Problem with that, the company removes the 2 inch pvc poles, but don't remove all the rebar, and wood pegs to hold the poles up with nylon
cord. Here I come along, mowing the field hoping I don't punch a rear tire. the mower picked up a few rebars. I got through the mine field ok this time no flats.
I have only punched tear tires a couple times. One time a 3/4 inch pvc pipe with a sharp edge, the other time a T post ruined a tire. I don't mind
front flats, but not the rears. Had to stop because of the heat, will finish tomorrow. The rest is good going. Stan

Dang man! And people put up with that?
If they are going to do those things stupidly then it would be in my contract they get the tire bill whether to replace or fix my optionwith the tire guy. A few of those and I would not be mowing or they would have it cleaned up.
What makes people put up with some gooberment that makes the neighbors approve the height of your house? Seriously - why on Earth does anything like that even exist? Where I am you can choose to live in an HOA community or not. If you choose to give up your rights you can do so, but it is voluntary. Otherwise you build what you wish as long as it is safe.
I wouldn't know how to act with a new airconditioned tractor. I do run into some problems sometimes. At 78 (79 next month) I am just glad I can still do the work. like my Dad told me one time. He didn't make money farming, but he was out there every year doing the same thing all over again. I will do this as long as I am able. Something about when I start in a field full of all kinds of weeds, some as high as my tractor. When I am finished, and loaded up. I leave the field looking great. Stan
I split an acre a few years ago. I had to notify all the neighbors, and have a meeting on what I was about to do. It just isn't right, It's not
any of their business, but if I wanted a lot split that's what I had to do. Stan
Don't tell me what to do on my property. I'll full my front lawn with junk cars and piles of manure if I want, but if you put an eyesore on your property, I'm going to complain to the town.

That's the typical attitude in this situation: I can do what I want with my property, but you can't do what you want with your property.
(quoted from post at 23:21:04 06/16/21) What makes people put up with some gooberment that makes the neighbors approve the height of your house? Seriously - why on Earth does anything like that even exist? Where I am you can choose to live in an HOA community or not. If you choose to give up your rights you can do so, but it is voluntary. Otherwise you build what you wish as long as it is safe.

It is no difference bet a HOA and the local gooberment having similar rules.
They both were created by a group and allowed to do so.
It is up to the buyer to decide if they can live with those rules or not.
And how safe is a 3 or 4 story house when the fire departments DO NOT have laders tall enough to get the people out if they have a fire?
(quoted from post at 13:16:46 06/16/21) here in my area, If you want to build a house. first thing to do, is to put up story poles. This is pvc pipes this exact size of the roof line
of the house you want to build. Then your neighbors can see if they like the height. If not then them the the meetings start. Then the poles come
down. Problem with that, the company removes the 2 inch pvc poles, but don't remove all the rebar, and wood pegs to hold the poles up with nylon
cord. Here I come along, mowing the field hoping I don't punch a rear tire. the mower picked up a few rebars. I got through the mine field ok this time no flats.
I have only punched tear tires a couple times. One time a 3/4 inch pvc pipe with a sharp edge, the other time a T post ruined a tire. I don't mind
front flats, but not the rears. Had to stop because of the heat, will finish tomorrow. The rest is good going. Stan

I'd say you are a glutton for punishment....I only do easy jobs anymore, not worth the stress...

I mowed an overgrown slough a couple of years ago, tall reed canary grass. I was in first gear, heard a clunk every 30 seconds or so...finally stopped to inspect the mower. I found out I was chopping off steel posts in an old fence line that sunk in the wet ground. Never went back to that job! I have been lucky (knock on wood), no fires, no ruined tires, no roll overs in 20 years of custom mowing...just occasionally get stuck :D
Sounds like the junkyard people in front
of the ethanol plant. 6' fence around all
the dead trucks and busses. Park a
sanitized hog pot by the tracks and block
their view of town, and they're on the
phone with the sheriff complaining about
the smell.

I'm tempted to rent a new, never-seen-
cattle pot from Wilson and hang a banner
from it, introducing the new viewblocker
5000, only from Wilson trailer

*the ethanol plant leases the gravel lot from
the railroad for staging during harvest
and in the off season allows it to be
used for a town truck parking area.

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