How to break the habit of taking an afternoon nap


Well-known Member
If you take a nap in the afternoon, it becomes habit forming. Avoid it at all costs.
I figured if I take my arthritis pain med, tramadol, right around 1, I don't get tired around 2 and my shoulder doesn't right shoulder doesn't hurt that much.
Helps to reset my body clock so I can get a good nights sleep.
When I complained to my doctor that I get tired a lot quicker that I used to, he said to just take a nap. So I'm following doctor's orders. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
I dunno, maybe I'm weird...or just lazy.

My schedule is pretty consistent. Up between 4:30 and 5:00, busy until sometime between 1:00 and 3:00, take an hour's nap (don't set an alarm, I just wake up after an hour, +/- 15 minutes) busy again until 8:30 or 9:00, hit the sack, do the crossword in the daily paper, sleep soundly from 9:00 or 9:30 to the next morning.

Except, of course, for multiple trips to the bathroom. Nothing I do changes that. Every two hours, you can set your watch by it. Fortunately, I'm back to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
That's why I drink a beer every night. Doctor told me that drinking one was probably better than not drinking at all. And that's MY story. LOL
George .... Talking an hour nap seems to improve my entire outlook on life as I know it. Makes me a HAPPY CAMPER!!! Wingnut
I worked for two different neighbors in high school 50+ years ago. Both German dairy farmers. Both took a 1 hour nap after lunch.

Started about 6 a.m. and in bed by 10 p.m.

I can take a nap easily and nap or not sleep well at night.

Got in the habit about 35 years ago. I worked from 4pm to 4am. Got in bed at 4:30 am and up at 6:30am to get the kids ready and get them to school. Work till noon, eat a sandwich and then nap till 1:30 and do it again. The kids are long gone but the habit remains and I see no point in changing now.
(quoted from post at 18:12:34 07/01/21) SORRY I THOUGHT I POSTED ON TALK.
Perhaps I need a nap after all.

Looks like you really need to take two naps.
You been working yourself and your tractor so hard your saying sorry for posting elsewhere when in fact you did post where you thought you posted.
Give yourself and your tractor an extra nap today.
(quoted from post at 17:12:34 07/01/21) SORRY I THOUGHT I POSTED ON TALK.
Perhaps I need a nap after all.

Try napping within plan sight of your wife. Most women can't stand to see their men being comfortable or relaxed.
Google CPAP
It is a machine that helps you sleep by air pressure to keep you from snoring and havi g trouble breathing at night. Sleep study found i was waking up 39 times in two hours. Would be tired in the morning, headaches, lot of naps. CPAP really helped.
Thats the same routine I have been following for 40 years. Up early for morning chores. Half hour nap after lunch. And if I am too busy, I skip lunch and no nap, because if I eat, I will fall to sleep on the tractor seat. If I dont eat, no problem staying awake
Nap between 5:30 pm and 6:00 pm.Eat supper and go till midnight. Up at 5:30.
(quoted from post at 19:59:15 07/01/21)
(quoted from post at 17:12:34 07/01/21) SORRY I THOUGHT I POSTED ON TALK.
Perhaps I need a nap after all.

Try napping within plan sight of your wife. Most women can't stand to see their men being comfortable or relaxed.

Ditto. Double Ditto. Triple Ditto. lol
Im NOT giving up my after lunch brief rest period NO WAYYYYYYYY.......I feel so relaxed renewed and refreshed after it. Often, theres no actual nap just a kick back relaxation time AFTER WHICH I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As always to each their own whatever is best for them medically and emotionally is fine by me, its YOUR body, no two are alike, its NOT for everybody but iffffffff youre retired and don't have to go back to work and IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO SO go for it .......If you dont like to or dont want to or cant, dont go for it WELL DUH LOL........

Be Happy

John T One happy after lunch break taking camper
My post has proven naps are habit forming and some people don't want to break their habit.
Good to learn I'm not the only one with a habit.
Happy Trails.
One of my favorite people, Winston Churchill, always took a nap during the day.
Said he made 2 days out of 1 and got twice as much done.
Richard in NW SC, who takes a short nap every day if I can fit it in to my schedule.

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