How did we get to this point in our lives

I think it has more to do with the legal system than with the overall intelligence of the general population.
And we used to build pyramids without power equipment, and decorate the inside with elaborate artwork without electric lights!

And cross uncharted oceans in catamaran canoes! And then make it back!

And build bombers with Bridgeports with no DRO in record time, but that was women's work while the able bodied men were off to war!

Yep, we're a lot smarter than those people!
I do not know just how we got here but very glad we did. I want nothing to do with life in the 50s or 60. The old iron is fun to dink with but I and my friends spend a lot of time shaking our heads wondering why they did things like they did. I guess they had not been told to work smarter and didn't know they did not have to work harder.
Its easy to figure out. 50 years ago it was your fault if you drank the battery acid - today its the car companies fault. A lack of personal accountability is a big reason why things are like they are.
I worked as a mechanic for a major truck leasing company for 40 yrs. In the beginning it was free wheeling/get the work done. Little oversight-just get the job done/stay busy. Oh yeah-be careful-wear safety glasses at the grinder.
Then it became -wear safety glasses all the time-no matter how bad sweaty/fogged up they got. And make your repair orders on the computer. That will be more efficient! Huh!! The computer will tell you how long the job will take, no allowance for different models. Huh! Just made everything take longer-less time fixing, more time telling computer what you did.
Oh-now if you get hurt you get wrote up. And let's have meetings and handouts that had to be initialed how to be careful, and if you get hurt it's your fault and only your fault and you get wrote up twice: once for doing something 'wrong' and once for actually getting hurt! We apparently got dumber the longer I worked there, and all due to lawyers. Thank goodness I am retired! Mark.
No personal accountability. It is ALWAYS someone elses fault. A legal system that is junk. Judges that are re-elected by voters who have little sense. A general public that wants the government to provide everything for them. A corrupt government lead by politicians who only want to get re-elected. On-line and over the air media that allows children to view things that they should not see until adulthood. A public school system that is corrupt and full of people who possess no values or integrity. Democracies have a short life span and crumble once the electorate can vote themselves money. That is where we are today.
Had a lady in the county jail chug a bottle of hand cleaner and die. Now the lawyer that got 12 million from Louisville because she was shot by the cops as they returned fire at her boyfriend took her case.
Amen, Brother. The end of the 10K mile tune up (plugs,points,condenser) and hydraulic lifters are a blessing from above!

What I am awaiting is an electric pickup truck that can go more than 300 miles on a charge.

Oh, and now you have to MASK-UP when you get out of your car in the company parking lot! Wear one if it's your choice but just leave me out of the crazy.

Very simple schools now days don't teach common sense think or for that matter much of anything that is really true but instead a twisted form of the truth

Here is an example of the twisted form of the truth. Many now think the civil war was fought because of slavery
Yep, we used to pull off the gloves, roll up the sleeves and get to work.
Now we button down the sleeves, put on our gloves, stand back and take 2 for safety.
The world would not exist the way we know ir people were as soft in the old days as they are now . Pepe like above are the Reason were in the shape we are in now . Its to hard its to dangerous we cant be expected to actually work like people in the old days did couple that with people who wont get out of bed for 20$ an hour theres your problem and it will only get worse
The schools here in Texas just teach the kids the Star Test. They do not teach all the rest of the important things. They just teach the contents of the test.
I sure do appreciate you thinking my kids and grand kids are stupid. They're all more successful than I am and WAY more successful than you or most of the others on here. Thanks again for your faith in them.
Gtidwell, Don't know what part of Tx. you are talking about, but that is absolutely not true where my family members teach. My wife, daughter, sister, cousins (several), daughter-in-law are all school teachers. Star test is a part, but saying it is all they teach is not true.
Old do you mean that nearly 600,000 men lost there life's so they could own slaves , is not true OMG , I thought that's all it was about , Im sure the poor people in the south that could never afford a slave died for that cause
Where do you get me calling any body stupid I did not such thing I said school no longer teach the real truth about things like the civil war and in that there is no such thing as saying any one is stupid. I cannot see how you can read that in unless your not using your head in the first place
The Civil war had been being fought for well over 2 years before slavery was even a part of it. It wasn't till Lincoln sign the act that slavery was made part of the war. The war started because of unfair trade practices between the north and south
(quoted from post at 16:42:52 07/29/21) Very simple schools now days don't teach common sense think or for that matter much of anything that is really true but instead a twisted form of the truth

Please don't generalize or stereotype such a complex and complicated issue. Yes, we need to educate children better. Teachers are one part of this, and you are disrespecting them with such generalized statements (probably inadvertently).

Most teachers are part of a group that has always been, and will always be Superheroes!

This post was edited by jimtrs on 07/29/2021 at 04:18 pm.
Here's what you said 'Very simple schools now days don't teach common sense think or for that matter'

The implication that people these days don't have any common sense and can't think. If you still have the ability to think, you'd better remember what the previous generation said about you when you had your hair all the way down to your belt in high school. You were going to be the end of civilization as we know it. I'm not just singling you out when I say this, but I get pretty tired of a bunch of old shut ins on these forums condemning anybody younger than they are. A whole bunch of people need to be cleaning up their own backyards before they worry about what's in somebody else's.

Sorry, but the whole direction of this post hits a nerve with me. Those warnings are to keep manufacturers from being sued,not because anybody is stupid enough to do these things. But, just like always, a bunch of old know-it-alls sitting in the rec room of the nursing home chime in with 'Back in my day, while we read the Bible, we sent our kids out to cut a switch. Then we wrapped it in the American flag and we beat them with it. That made them successful enough to move 3000 miles away and never want to come and see me.'.

My point is that school no longer teach what they did when where where kids. Now days most kids cannot even sign there names they print it instead. Math well many cannot give change back from a dollar with out seeing it on the cash register. Read well many can still do that to a point but that is about it. And as for history many don't have a clue that many who came to what I now the U.S.A. did so as slaves and while for only something like 7-10 year they where still slave and most at first where whit people
The comments about the Civil War and what it was all about are nothing short of ridiculous. I would ask the poster who made that reply to give us have a reference which supports his claim .... BUT I am banned from replying to him because 1)I live in Canada and have no business replying to such topics, and 2)I don't always agree with some of the silly things he says. I'm abiding by his rule by not replying directly, if he reads this perhaps he will post that information for me, I'd be interesting in reading about it.
If they are like any of em Ive seen including my own all I can say Is the truth hurts like it or lump it . Nephew came by the other day Im quitting my job I had to use a wheelbarrow to move dirt . Whats your definition of success? Getting paid a lot of money to work a job that isnt work at all ?
That's because it wasn't used as a political weapon.....permanent mail in voting, harvesting, ballot stuffing, no ID required, anybody can vote as often as you want. There will be new variants of the virus coming every month to keep us from gathering. These politicians are not very smart....simple playbook.
jimtrs, I'm only going to say one more thing on this, then I'm done. It's not the job of teachers or the school systems to teach
common sense, that's the parents job. Keep them from being cold, wet and hungry, and teach them about life, that means common
sense. If there's a generation responsible for their own kids and grand kids having no sense, the ones who raised them had better
look in the mirror or the photo album instead of passing the buck. If teachers tried to instill values in kids, they'd rant that the values they're teaching aren't the same as their own.

It's gonna take a while for my nerves to settle after this whole blame game from bunch of people who think they know everything
just because that's what somebody on the radio or TV tells them.

Actually both of you are wrong.
The civil war was fought to stop the south from seceding from the union.
The reason the south was leaving was because they wanted equal representation in congress.
They wanted half of all new states added to the union to be slave states.
So the civil war actually started over Kansas and the Missouri Compromise.
So the war was really about slavery.

On the other hand abolishing slavery was never a factor in the start of the war.
This is why some twist words and say the war was not about slavery.
The only reason the abolishing of slavery became part of the war is because the north was losing.
By using abolishing slavery the north effectively made the war a white black matter and got thousands of blacks to fight for the north.
My daughter and her husband are successful in their fields. Neither has been married to anybody else. They have a large home with a pool, and they travel a LOT. They have two daughters. One just got her doctorate in neurology from Western Michigan and got a job in research at University of Kentucky. The other has her masters in Dietetics from the College of Ag and Natural Resources at Michigan State University. She is head dietitian at a large hospital.

My oldest son owns his own engine machine shop that he got totally on his own with no help from me. He's engaged to a pharmacist who grew up right down the road, the daughter of a single mother, and got everything she has on her own too. They're getting married September 11. My youngest son is shift supervisor at a large machine shop.

Successful enough for you? I think it's pretty dam amazing for what started with a 17 year old kid who didn't have common sense enough not to knock up his girlfriend in high school.
Good for them . If that makes them happy then I guess thats there success . Only place I like to travel is to look at the cows and home so for me Im as successful as I want to be
You're trolling me again SV. Not the first time, it's happened before a number of times. I'm going to have to impose a ban on you replying to my posts or replies (like the ban I have been suffering through by you-know-who). If you reply to this one then I know you're a web predator.
Here is a prime example of what I am talking about in the lack of truth and good education.

I took 2400 pictures of Lincoln to the bank and got back a picture of Jackson and 4 of Washington. I asked a number of cashiers in a number of stores what I took to the bank. The only one who got it right was a gal that was around 18 who was home schooled.

So tell me do you know what I took to the bank or are you part of the example I am talking about
Young people graduating today are far more technologically literate than nearly everyone on this site. Nearly everyone of us here has complained one way or another about having computer/internet/telephone problems that nearly every grade 8 grad could fix with their eyes closed. I'm with Randy....all of my kids have successfully completed post graduate degrees at University and have great jobs and above all, a drive to succeed. They....and their friends that I know quite well.... leave me stumbling in their dust.

Not very original SV, somebody already used that in the last day or two for a reply. Meanwhile, you must've been a lot of fun in the schoolyard years back.
Yes many do well at what they do but how many could keep them self's alive if the power went out for say a year?? I have a nephew that I call Nerd not out of disrespect but because I am proud of him and he is in the Navy as a Nuke ET. He has done so well he went to his A and B schools and instead of going out to the fleet he became an instructor. He has done so well there that he is now in the OTC program
There would not be many of us left alive of any age if the power went out for a year, especially up here in the cold!lol

If you lived in the apartment next door. and the trigger happy (panicked) cop shot into the walls of your home and your innocent child's bedroom, you might have a different take on the shots being fired by whom. You need to explain that the cop was indicted for reckless endangerment. Wild shots into a neighboring apartment during the arrest.
I could probably get by but would not like doing so. I live far enough out that I have what I would need to live but would not live high on the hog. Have water and a lot of wild life and heirloom seeds. Big problem would be fuel but again could get by
Interesting how wild accusations are ok...until it is about your family. Then it is incorrect, Look in the mirror.
Most of , not all but most of the comments Are , it would seem, a sour bunch of old guys, that let life and many of the good things in life, loving partner and children of their own. I am not judging anyone, we all have our short comings. This society we live in is changing and always has been, and those of us on this site will be gone in a very few short years. So why go around ticked off by things that you cannot change, and wont matter to you in a decade or two anyhow
Oh, I agree, if left alone, survival is possible. I would be more concerned about hordes of people searching for food, and desperate enough to do anything to get would take a well defended compound and a number of ssharpshooters to fend off a large and armed crowd determined to do anything to obtain food and supplies.....good conversation but we are getting a bit off topic...!

The statements of secession written by the seceding states need to be read by everyone that has an OPINION on this subject and it will give you a very, very clear idea of what the seceding states had on their mind when they voted to secede. I am from Mississippi and after reading the secession statements written by several of the southern states, there is absolutely NO DOUBT.
It doesn't really matter what we think today, it is what THEY were thinking.

You took 2,400 pennies to the bank and exchanged them for a $20 bill and 4 $1 bills.

This little exercise is in no way a valid indication of a person's education.
Guess your not schooled well. Back when I was in grade school who was on a coin or bill was a testing point so we did learn and is basic knowledge of the money we have and use. If this is not an indication of a persons education then things are going backwards fast
My great great grandfather fought for the South in the Civil War in Lee's Army of Northern VA,he never owned slaves BTW very few did in my area.His reason for joining up according to my grandmother was he was a resident of Virginia and Virginia was being invaded so he fought to keep the Yanks out.
No sir, please do some more reading. John in la explains it pretty well. There are plenty more websites, books, and documentaries that will give you more details. Please educate yourself and have an open mind, none of us are right all the time.
Wow! This crazy thread exactly reflects how we go to this point. A bunch of old white guys arguing about coins and wars. THATS how we got here. The old leading the young down the path, then complaining about the brambles they planted along the way.
I guess we're different there too. I love to travel and meet other people. I've met YT'ers from all over the country. Great bunch for the most part, but obviously those are the kind who don't post much.
I couldn't possibly agree with you more Bruce. I never made any claims about being the most moral, patriotic Christian on this forum, but I have to assume that most of the old coots on here lived their entire lives the same way they appear to live it now, sitting on the sideline watching everybody else do things that they conveniently seem to remember now as having done themselves.

I see guys now and then who I had a lot of fun with over the course of my life and always hear Man I miss those days. I wish we could go back and do it all over again.' I honestly have to say that I don't. I milked every phase of my life for all it was worth and don't feel like I missed anything, or that I need to go back and try to pickup what I missed.

I embrace every new age that I reach and get everything I can out of it. It's frustrating to watch people wasting the last years of their lives being bitter and hateful for some unknown reason instead of going out and feeling the sun on their face and smelling the fresh air. But then I suppose even going to the coffee shop and chewing the fat with real people is out of the question because if they act this way in real life, everybody at the table suddenly remembers that there was someplace they needed to be ten minutes ago as soon as they walk in.
Close friend's great grandfather came over from Ireland as a little boy. In 1864 a marching band came through his home town in Wisconsin with banners that said: Join Sherman's Army. Cash on the barrelhead. He went right over to the paymaster who sat behind a wooden barrel , signed up and took his cash to the bank. Got on a train and went to Illinois for training and then got on a train for an east coast port where he got on a ship and joined Sherman's Army in Savannah, right at Christmas time, 1864. He said he never saw such a party in his life. Then, they headed north. He had worked in the woods in Wisconsin so much of his time was spent on one end of a two-man crosscut saw felling logs to make corduroy roads through South Carolina swamps. I doubt that very many of those troops, Sherman included, gave much thought to slavery. He went back home and bought some land that the family still owns which now includes a beachfront resort, restaurant, banquet hall, campground and the homes of his heirs.

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