Jm surgery update

Philip d

Well-known Member
Hi Jm just an update on the procedure,they werent able to do the replacement as there was a non-threatening growth but it caused enough damage there wasnt enough left to repair time they got it out.
Opps haha I guess I worded the title poorly as it was a procedure I had done he was curious about but thank you
YES it was me that ask for the results as I am somewhat in the same boat. Depending on which doctor I believe may be down the same road.
They werent able to perform the procedure for me so I wont be much help for you. They found a large benign tumour in my ear that destroyed much of the ear canal so all they could do was remove it as there wasnt enough left to repair.
I asked for a second opinion. Second Dr agreed with first Dr and he said and by the way you are ugly.
I didn't bother to get a third opinion.

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