Mini Horse Video

Nice video. I watched your first also. Dad just had surgery so Ive taking care of the cows and his team of Belgians the last week or so. Kinda the same as yours, but a little bigger ! Lol !
Thanks for the comment! I had a couple riding horses years 50 backand and they were just bigger babies than these. Your dads would be larger yet.
Looks like a well cared for baby, pretty pony. As a side story, b in l has four mules and a horse in a large pen across the lane from me. It hasn't rained since I don't know when and last evening as the air had cooled they got all spunky and was running around stirring up a cloud of dust so that it was hard to see. Two of the mules ran through a single wire electric fence into an adjoining cow pen which made things really go nuts. Luckily the cows were in another area so I only had to deal with the mules. Knowing how much they love fresh green corn stalks, I went to my near by garden and pulled some from a patch I had planted too thick anyway. After I got the ones still in the pen eating the corn, I went over to the other two, who were still acting up in the other pen, and after getting their interest in the corn, they followed me across what was the fence line into their pen. Food and love is the only way to handle these animals. If you try to force them, your looking for a hard time.
You are 100% corrct. I have a horse out quite often from one thing or another. When first out they have to visit the other horse lots and are not interented im me. I take a lead and the feed pail out with my wheelchair which catches their interst and they walk up to get a bite. After they have been out a while they come up to me.

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