

Well-known Member
On a different note am I the only one that thinks pre-diluted is a half a gallon of water and half a gallon of anti-freeze right or is the other 50% some magical potion to replace water? Is 100% anti-freeze even still available?rant over
My opinion is, the 50/50 blend is a rip off. It's probably blended with distilled water, but in my opinion, still a rip off. 2 gallons of the 50/50 blend is gonna cost you more than 1 gallon of the concentrated.
In my area, stores have both on the shelf. Generally side by side and in similar looking containers and with similar looking labeling. I have to look at close, and read the labeling close to ensure I am grabbing the pure antifreeze, which is what I want to buy. I wish they'd put the 50/50 in white jugs and straight in black jugs or something, but they don't seem to want to do that. Probably figure they can screw a few more people over by grabbing the wrong kind by mistake, and not just with the pricing.
I never buy 50/50 either. Most people don't want to mix the concentrated, then they need to buy distilled water. Most probably don't. Stan
A guy I know had a truck with a coolant leak. He was adding around a gallon every 2 days. He was buying the pre-mix because it was a couple bucks cheaper. I spoiled his thriftiness, telling him the full strength @50/50 will make 2 gallons of pre-mix.

Even funnier when I offered to see what was leaking, it was just a heater hose, about 3 ft of bulk 5/8 hose is all it needed. He had at least a dozen empty jugs in the bed, spent a lot of money for a repair that cost less than 1 gallon of antifreeze and 15 minutes.
i asked the guy at orchelns where the antifreeze was. he said the next aisle. so went to the next aisle and he followed me. i picked up a bottle of 50/50 for 8 bucks and looked at it. the guy told me the 100 percent was a better buy at 10.50 gallons. convinced me for sure
I always by the full strength and mix it myself. There's usually not that much price difference between full strength and 50/50. And I don't feel inclined to pay someone else for water when I can get that for free!
I have three vehicles that take Dex-Cool. They all need a small amount from time to time; maybe half a pint. If I were to buy straight Dex-Cool I'd probably just add it straight to the reservoir, so I wouldn't actually save any money buying unmixed antifreeze. If I need to replace all or most of the antifreeze in a vehicle or my tractor, then I'll buy straight antifreeze for that.
Yup the premixed is a rip off. I just buy it by the barrel about every 10-20 years. Probably will not need to buy any for the rest of my life now.
I'm with you. I would add full strength. None of my thing have freezed up using pre mixed.
My failing memory? Is the freezing point of full strength less than 50/50?
You are a good fact checker.
> Is the freezing point of full strength less than 50/50?

I think 'full strength' antifreeze is actually slightly diluted so it's still pourable in cold weather. Even if straight glycol 'freezes', it's no big deal since, unlike water, it doesn't expand when it freezes.

Being an old physics instructor, you probably know that if water didn't expand when it freezes, the ocean floor would be solid ice and earth would be a dead planet.
I'm old, retired 18 years. Lost brain cells. CRS. Can't remember stuff. I rely on you as my fact checker.
Something is telling me 50 50 is better. Guess I'll talk to Google.
Apparently, your normal is different than everybody else's normal. Around here, the price difference is about 20%. That is a far cry from double for the full strength.
MARK, I was right, haven't lost all my brain cells.
Pure ethylene glycol freezes at about 12 C (10.4 F) but, when mixed with water, the mixture freezes at a lower temperature. For example, a mixture of 60% ethylene glycol and 40% water freezes at 45 C (49 F).

Mixing 50 50 (-37 F) is a no brainer. Eliminate humans errors form adding full strength thinking they get better protection.
Seems to me they found a way to get top dollar for water!

Any way you slice it, $10 for a gallon of 50-50 is $5.00 for half a gallon of water. That figures out to $10.00 for a gallon of distilled water. I can buy it for a LOT less over at most any department store, hardware store or grocery store.

So, anybody that thinks that 50-50 is not a rip off apparently has not done the arithmetic or just doesn't care how they waste their money.
> Pure ethylene glycol freezes at about 12 C (10.4 F) but, when mixed with water, the mixture freezes at a lower temperature. For example, a mixture of 60% ethylene glycol and 40% water freezes at 45 C (49 F).

Hopefully you left out a few minus signs, George.

'Pure' antifreeze isn't pure, BTW. It has to be diluted a bit so the jug in your unheated garage doesn't freeze.
What is the quality of the added water? Is the water distilled??
I wonder if the water they add has been ph tested, tested for minerals, my water has calcium. Some wells have, iron, magnesium, bacteria.
Perhaps the water they add has been approved by Car manufacturers. May have other additives. I don't know. I don't get upset buying 50 50.
Well, look at how much you pay for a pound of coffee and the number of cups you get out of it at home in comparison to buying it at the local Java Shop. Not an exact comparison of course but similar in a lot of ways. A lot of people find the 50/50 convenient and obviously it works for marketing. Remember that a lot of people don't spend their waking hours always figuring out a way to save money, everyone's different. And the majority of us have a choice of course.
Your buddy didn't pay attention to his math teacher in grade 4 ..... ha! Just shows you ..... thank a teacher every day !!!
I didn't leave out the minus sign, I copied and pasted.
You are the fact checker, check it out.
I agree. I buy it full strength, pour half into an empty jug and add water. Now I have two gallons of pre-mix. Same thing with the pre-mixed roundup the wife insists on buying. I get a 2.5 gallon jug and it lasts three seasons.
> I didn't leave out the minus sign, I copied and pasted. You are the fact checker, check it out.

Well, George, I don't need to use google to know that +12°C is not the same as +10°F. Or that +45°C is not the same as +49°F.

I think you got burned by the copy and paste function on your iPhone.
I occasionally work for a contractor who is a real bean- counter. I show up for work one morning with store-bought coffee in my hand. He started on me about how much I spent in a years time buying coffee like that and honestly, it does seem rather formidable in that light. So for years I made coffee at home. For some reason, I fell back into buying coffee at the gas station. Even though I felt guilty about it, it was then I realized that I didnt really know anyone in the three towns that I drive through twice a day. Now I have 3 possible coffee stops where they are happy to see me and I am glad to patronize their shop. So for the friends Ive made, $365 a year seems reasonable to me.
Whatever water they put in it, you are still paying $10.00 per gallon for WATER. Whether it be distilled water, spring water, or tap water, it is STILL WATER!

Like I said before, if I had your money, I could throw mine away.
Seems to me they found a way to get top dollar for water!

How do you figure that ???????
It still takes 4 gallon jugs to package the 50 50 mix.
It still takes a box to hold the 4 jugs.
It still takes about 5 cu feet of warehouse space to store the boxes.
It still takes the bottling line the same time to fill the 4 jugs.
It still takes the same amount of trucks to haul the mixed jugs.
It still takes the retail store the same amount of time to sell you the mixed jugs.

The actual cost of the water and antifreeze mix in the jug is miniscule to the other cost to get the product in your hands.
When you also consider they do not use tap water in the mix the water may cost more than the antifreeze itself.
> Like I said before, if I had your money, I could throw mine away.

How do you think George got his money? Ole George is smarter than the average bear; if he says it's not worthwhile for him to mix his own antifreeze, I'll bet he's done the math. I don't think Warren Buffet mixes his own antifreeze, either.
Do you REALLY think that antifreeze is mixed in 4 jugs at the facility that does the mixing? As far as I can see, it only takes ONE vat and the ingredients are poured into it. Then it is put in jugs, sealed, and stored or shipped.

i could go on and on, but they are still getting over $10.00 per gallon for water.

So, how much does it cost for the box? $.50? 5 cubic feet of warehouse space costs how much per month? How about trucking? How much does it cost PER JUG to ship a truckload of pre-mix? Considering that a regular 5 axle truck of STAA dimensions can carry about 5500 jugs in a truckload. Even if the truckload costs $1000 to deliver, that figures out to around $.20 per jug to ship.

And you say the cost of the ingredients is minuscule? I beg to differ, sir!
In our part of the world, a store bought 50/50 mix doesn't provide enough protection. We usually make our mix at a 60% antifreeze/40% water to meet the temps we want our stuff to be protected for.
> Do you really think anybody got rich by not mixing their own antifreeze?

Of course not. But if you value your time, you're going to use it for things that are valuable to you. That time I might spent mixing antifreeze, for example, could be better used arguing with other old pharts.
(quoted from post at 07:12:26 11/16/21) Yup the premixed is a rip off. I just buy it by the barrel about every 10-20 years. Probably will not need to buy any for the rest of my life now.

The problem is the slobs who mix the concentrate with tap water .
Do you think manufacturer of cars require their antifreeze with certain additives and quality water or it could damage radiator, water pump, heater core and they would have to pay for the repairs?..
So they add a particular color .

Not all antifreeze is recommended on certain new cars
I agree 100% buy straight up and mix it yourself. Some folks on here brag what they make in the stock market,
How about almost an 80% return on your money that cost you a gallon of water.... no brainer
I agree it's a ripoff however there are a great many lazy people around that will buy it. Then you have the millennial that probably can't figure out how to mix it.

I get 100% antifreeze at my local walmart.
(quoted from post at 14:34:51 11/16/21) I agree. I buy it full strength, pour half into an empty jug and add water. Now I have two gallons of pre-mix. Same thing with the pre-mixed roundup the wife insists on buying. I get a 2.5 gallon jug and it lasts three seasons.

I do the same. Empty jug, make my own pre-mix. I write 50/50 on the jugs with an ear tag marker, seems to hold up best.

Prestone pre-mix at Walmart is $9.28..x2= $18.56. Prestone concentrate is $11.37 +$1 for distilled water is $12.37. $6.19 difference.

As far as "Is it worth it?". To each their own. not that big a deal to me to mix it myself. I get a warm fuzzy feeling for saving $6 for maybe 3 minutes additional work.

Where I am at it is much cheaper to buy premix, than be replacing a cooling system. Our water is bad. Very bad.

50 miles to the closest place that sells distilled water. 3 miles to the Deere dealer that will fill my containers from their bulk. Sometimes convenience is worth the price.

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