Tornado damage across midwest (prayers)

Keith Molden

Well-known Member
Our family's thoughts and prayers go out to all the folks devastated by the tornadoes from Arkansas to Kentucky. Sitting here, I wish there was something I could do for them and praying for their safety. It's so terrible and we just watch the tv in amazement that a tornado could stay on the ground for that many miles. Just want to let all those impacted to know we're praying for you even tho I know it's all we can do right now. Keith
I am watching the same thing. When I see farm equipment all twisted up, the power of the wind must be so great. All we can do is pray for the people Stan
Parts of Missouri where also hit. In my area all I have seen was a bunch of tree limbs knocked down and on my way to town I saw the frame work of a building had been blown down. I was told that we had 70mph winds last night in my area
The drone videos I have seen show a scene that looks like an atom bomb hit. I'm sure there is no electricity water and heat for those who are fortunate enough to still have a house to live in. I wonder how far they have to drive to even get groceries or gas?
The Governor of KY has started a relief fund for storm victims. You can use the link below. As far as I know it is only for Kentucky victims of last night's storms. He stated in a briefing that 100% of funds donated would be used for those affected.
Prayers are always appropriate and appreciated!
WKY relief
My son is a deck hand on a tugboat running up and down the Ohio,Illinois and Mississippi Rivers..he said they had to hammer down against the bank when the weather came through and later travelled past a lot of damaged areas.I believe they are somewhere near Kentucky
The John Deere dealer in Mayfield Kentucky got hit hard, there was about 6-8 four wheel drives sitting there at a angle, they look like they didn't move, but were heavily damaged,round balers , is what they looked like, not sure, are definitely headed for the crusher!
About an hour after dark, been running track hoe all day , barns, cattle and homes. Still no real number on number of deaths we are about 9 miles into Tennessee from Ky line. Not as bad as Mayfield but plenty of damage .
I anticipate revisiting building codes for tip-up wall construction. Walls blew inward and then the roof went down.

The John Deere dealer is across the road from the candle factory that collapsed with 110 workers inside, last report there's still around 40 they haven't found yet, 40 have been rescued alive


I have a nephew and his family that live in Mayfield and a niece that lives just up the road near Benton, they are all ok
The storm dissipated some near Rough River about 20 miles south of me so we only had strong winds and no damage.
Prayers to all that have been effected and special prayers to those that have lost family members

I was a year out of high school when the April 74 tornado that destroyed Brandenburg Ky pasted 1/2 mile to the south of our home
nothing happened on IL Wis state line all we can do is pray for those whose lives have been changed for ever
Its so sad so many lives were lost. I know there is a lot of finger pointing going on but nothing can bring those lives back. The people who lost their homes lost everything they owned. They have nothing now. If a family member perished where will they have the funeral if the church and funeral home are damaged or gone? Marilyns nephew worked in the WalMart that was destroyed in Joplin. He said they knew the tornado was coming but the customers would not listen to the warnings. The customers would not go to the safe area of the building when ordered to so some of them ended up perishing. He found a grossly mangled body in the rubble after the storm passed. He never did find his car. All of this is being repeated many times in Kentucky. I pray for them.

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