Chestnut trees

I am excited. I just ordered three Chestnut trees, they are 1% Chinese Chestnut to prevent blight, but look just like the old ones and grow to 60 to 80 feet tall. They will be about 3 feet tall and should grow about 3 feet the first year. I have about a 1/2 acre open spot in my woods where a huge Oak tree went down last year and I cleared up the top and the other trees it took out. I am going to plant them there. Wish me luck. Ellis
I've planted some Dunstan chestnuts on my farm for the deer. They produce nuts after about 4 years. Mine have to be planted within 30 feet of each other for pollination. Good luck on yours. Protect them to keep the deer from rubbing on them!
What is the Variety? Outfit in McMinnville sells Celestial. I think it is from Dunstan. Another outfit over in Spring City sells Dunstan. I have been thinking of putting some out. keep us posted.
Hope you have better luck than I did. I planted a pair of seedlings years ago. One got run over by me on an tractor in the snow. The other thrived and got to be about 16 inches at the stump. I would bear a ton of empty hulls every year. Finally cut it down, got tired of dealing with the mess without any nuts to show for it.
Years ago dad planted some maples in the stump of some trees we had taken out. Two were in stump ground and two were just dirt,the two in the stumps really outgrew the other two.
First warning...the deer love them.

Second...the ones I bought at Rural King were not cold hardy. Don't remember the variety.
I bought a table from an antique store years ago. The owner said it was made from wood, from back east. All the all the trees had died. Must have been a Chestnut tree? Stan
Last year, bought some chestnuts off ebay, supposedly from Dunstan trees. I know dunstans are hybrids, who knows what the children trees will look like.

Also bought some Michigan grown chinese chestnuts from the grocery.

Put them in coffee cans with holes drilled in them in damp peat moss. In a small fridge for a few months.
Transplanted to red beverage cups past spring, then to 1 gallon nursery pots.

Sold half, covered my expenses plus a little. Planted the rest. We'll see.

I know dunstans are hybrids, who knows what the children trees will look like. Just an experiment.



(quoted from post at 08:45:05 01/11/22) Probably was,Chestnut blight was a real blow to the SE USA.Like some other bad things guess where it came from?

True, but that one wasn't an engineered bio-weapon.
We planted Dunstan trees (2) in the spring of 19. There is a fence around them to protect from the deer, and they are slow growing that is for sure. Maybe I expect to much. But I will have to enlarge the fence a bit this year.

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