My new tractor

Bob N.Y.

Well-known Member
Norway, N.Y.

I acquired this 1930 Ford Model A doodlebug from my lady friend about 4 years ago. It had belonged to her late husband. She is reasonably sure it hasn't run for at least 38 years. It sat outside behind a barn for 20 years before I got it. The engine was stuck. The transmission bearings were all rusted up. The front tires were rotten and the rims rusted though where they had sunk into the ground. I have been working on it on and off for 3 years and finally got it to run right last Thursday. This is what it looks like now.

Just for the record, I started painting it like this before Grandpa Love painted the Farmall purple. He works faster than I do. Purple is her favorite color.
A few years back I fixed a set of rear rims for one of those tractors. The guys old rims where rusted out and I had good rims so I took his centers off the bad rims and put them on my good rims
The back rims on this one are bad too. Haven't decided what to do about them. The back tires are so stiff they don't squat even with no air.
There is NO correctness with a doodlebug. Just about anything goes. It had one Model B wheel on the front that you can see in the before pic. The other was like the ones on it now. Both rims were rusted through where they were in the dirt.
2 Thumbs up, love it!

Just for the record, all most all of us are slower than Grandpa Love.

But then we don't have his ace mechanic helping either....

It's great you saved it! Probably most would have junked it. And it looks great too! nice job.
On Purple being the favorite color, on one occasion I was at a loss for a new color for one of my bathrooms. I had never had Purple anything so I bought some purple paint. I didn't even get one wall finished before I realized that I had made a terrible mistake. In no time I was back at the paint store for some white....took 3 coats to cover the purple.
Here's one that was at the "gas-up" in Gallupville, NY a couple of weeks ago.
Correct era wheels....never saw tri-ribs on one before.
Since you are from NY, maybe you know of this club?

We went to a tractor show at the Cooperstown Farmers Museum, probably 3 years ago. The Franklin club had about 8 doodlebugs there. That was the first I had heard of a doodlebug club.

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