How to put a welder in the back of the truck.


Well-known Member
How to put a welder in the back of the
truck the easy way.

Lift the welder then back up the truck .

I told my welder to get in the back of the truck he refused and sat in the passenger seat, in the air conditioning...... The nerve of that guy!
Yep, my welder is me and I just open the door and get in.
Too old to climb in the back of the truck anymore.
It amazes me how innovative some YT'ers are .... so lift it with a loader tractor and then back the truck up and under it. I'll tell ya, this forum never ceases to amaze me ..... ha!
Just so happens I needed the welder at my other property.
I used my other terramite and reversed the process to unload..
I'm too old and not strong enough to even think of lifting the welder.
Anything heavy I need to haul goes into my utility trailer. It's lower to the ground than my pickup truck and has a nice ramp. And if the load can't be rolled up the ramp, it's easy enough to lift it in with an engine hoist.
When the machine and the operator are listed in the same document, the absolutely correct way to name the operator the term is spelled
WELDOR. In fact I believe it may be the British way of spelling it. I did like the humor. Just yesterday a fellow was relling me he put a winch in the back of his truck and I explained that I had a wench in the front seat of mine
I have seen that same system used many times but, we using cranes, trucks, trailers, and loading 80,000 lbs. I think the truck driver weighed more than your welder. lol.
That is the way I load when I sell a piece of equipment I raise it up and let the buyer back under it,that way if the truck gets damaged they were the ones moving.Beats having something like a blade up in the air swinging around anyway.

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