No wood burning

37 chief

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A few counties north of me near Los Angles are banning wood fires, for heat. Not permanently, but probable will not be long. My main source for heat is my wood stove, bathrooms have electric heat. I would freeze my --- off if I couldn't burn wood. In the 70's when my house was built, electric ceiling heat was the best thing going. I couldn't go back to it if I wanted. Most of the ceiling heat circuits are now used for my mill, lathe, log splitter, and compressor. My next choice is a gas furnace, but natural gas is going to be banned in the near future. By that time I will prpbably be in the old folks home anyway. So for now, I will just keep burning wood until they haul me off to jail. Has your town banned wood burning yet? Stan
I was think at one time somebody said any mew wood stove sold here had to be wood gasification, but I don't know for sure. I think they burn cleaner than a normal wood fire don't they? I do know they burn more completely. Thogar's wood gas boiler produces less than a 12 oz pop can of ashes in a week.
Sorry to break your bubble, but if natural gas is banned in your life time I will do some serious hat eating! As long as hydrocarbon fuel ..crude oil.. can be extracted from the earth at a reasonable cost natural gas production will continue.
I was going to be a chemical engineer when I started college in 1967. I recall the chemistry professor said we could get rich if we could solve California's air pollution problem.

That was 55 years ago. I guess no one has gotten rich fixing California's problem.

I know there is no place like home.
I can't see myself moving to California and making it my home.

What keeps you in California?

Terre Haute banned burning leaves for many years now. OK to burn in the country.
I can't imagine the pollution problem burning leaves would create inside a large city.

Don't the mountains trap your air pollution?
Well I guess I will have to do some hat eating. The greenies have already gotten their claws in deeper than I thought. So they want heat all those buildings with electric and power our highway vehicles with that as well?? They better start opening a bunch of new tech schools that offer lineman training courses. That profession is going to get up close to doctor pay rates.
Lots of corporations and state government have gotten rich off California's perceived pollution problem. But nobody has 'fixed' it, no money in that.
There is a burning ban here in the Phoenix valley of Arizona, because the air pollution is terrible. A lot of the bigger homes have fireplaces, and they are big polluters. The modern high efficient wood stoves like we have in MN are much cleaner burning, once they are up to temperature there isn't any visible smoke.
Burning wood is ok in my book if you don't have close neighbors! If you had to live downwind of a close neighbor, you would understand, especially when they cut the air down at nite and the fire just smolders! It will kill you!
California idiots are working real hard at removing natural gas. Some new homes don't have natural gas already. The air resources board voted to ban natural gas appliances starting in 2030. I would leave Califoria, but I don't have a snow blower attachment for my tractor. Stan
Have 2 stoves going right now. I think a really high percentage of people burn wood in Wisconsin especially in the country. Neighbors have an outdoor wood boiler and it smokes like mad sometimes.
I don't burn.
I don't have a neighbor that does.
I live in the country.
I would move if I had to smell someone's wood smoke.
I'm lucky I have clean air to breathe where I live.

Back in the 70-80s I had neighbors who were too cheap to pay a garbage man to haul their trash away.

I solved that burning problem, I bought those properties when they came up for sale..
My son will sell them when I'm dead and gone. I hate smelling burning leaves and burning trash.
Youre not wrong , they may not ban natural gas, but they really want to. If they want to be Diesel-free by 2035, they better have a serious run on power plants, whether they be wind or solar. EV charging should be restricted to green energy only. Otherwise its just pretend.
What people do not understand is the greenies want you to die and let the world go back to nature. It is in their literature.(PITA for one) Electric is fine, but they will not allow for new power plants to be built,and have closed every coal plant they can. Within 100 miles of me their have been 4 plants closed and torn down,nothing but the concrete they sat on left.
NG is cheap,clean and we have something like a 200 year supply in the ground in this country.
(quoted from post at 16:55:21 12/23/22)
I would move if I had to smell someone's wood smoke./quote]

I love the smell of wood fires! Some of my neighbors burn wood, and it makes my time outside between October and April very pleasant.
My furnace quit on the coldest day of the year. Im burning wood in the fire place. I would be very cold if i couldnt burn wood.
Ask a greenie how they dry their clothes? If not on the line they are the problem! Before I retired I worked for a company that is sitting on enough coal to power this country for 400 years. We will never see the end of oil in my, my kids or grand kids lifetime,period. They're living in la la land.
They better start opening a bunch of new tech schools that offer lineman training courses.

Those places already exist. I don't remember how much it costs. I know a kid out of HS went through the course and instantly had a high paying job..
You must be like the kid I sat next to in second grade. A few short years ago he bought two and a half sections of land, hired a construction out fit to come and build a small lake with a concrete dam and left a small island in the middle. When I retired I had the cable tv turned off, trash pickup stopped, home phone turned off and the newspaper stopped just to make ends meet. So I have to burn the trash that's left after recycling.
I provide a 2 yard dumpster for the places I own and ban all burning.
I like breathing clean air. All kinds of cancer causing chemicals created when you burn trash.

No one burns trash in my neighborhood anymore, even in places I don't own.
I don't understand how it can be more efficient for the power company to burn natural gas to generate electricity for my electric cookstove than for me to just burn natural gas in my cookstove. I prefer to cook on my gas stove.


Also enjoy sitting in front of my wood burning fireplace insert here in south central Wisconsin. Currently below 0 Fahrenheit.
Trash does smell sometimes, no denying. But its over in 20 minutes. But the only alternative is a landfill. Environmentally geared people tend to turn a blind eye to the pollution challenges of a landfill. Sort of like when a neighbor tosses their grass clippings over the fence into someone elses yard... or across the street into the ditch. The stinky smelly pile is still there, but its out of their yard and thats all they care about.
I think I would find a new place to live.

They seem to be on people's ??? about something all the time. If not this, then that. Once that's over with, its something else that comes along. You may think that you are going to be stubborn about this no wood stove thing, but how much other stuff has already been crammed down your throat that you are now participating in???

Fighting the law sounds good, until it's time to do it. Then cooperating seems to be the better thing to do. They ussually make the fines and jail time stiff enough that people will abide. Much easier to make the penalties a little tougher, than have to much ongoing trouble with ya burning wood in your stove anyways.
i seen how much fossil fuel we have. got the coal fired plants cleaned up then shut em down bs in my opinion. we got nuff fossil fuel the go many generations with no problems. to me this green bs is just a way our gubberment likes it SPENDING TAX PAYERS MONEY ON FAIRY TAILS ,oh yes my opinion
(quoted from post at 19:27:37 12/23/22) I don't understand how it can be more efficient for the power company to burn natural gas to generate electricity for my electric cookstove than for me to just burn natural gas in my cookstove. I prefer to cook on my gas stove.


Also enjoy sitting in front of my wood burning fireplace insert here in south central Wisconsin. Currently below 0 Fahrenheit.

An industrial scale plant burning natural gas is indeed more efficient and cleaner than your gas stove. On your stove the air/fuel mix has essentially no management beyond gas pressure and orifice size, a large portion of the heat produced goes right past the sides of the pan and into the room, not into the pan. There is no exhaust treatment to reduce emissions.

Indoor air quality has been studied a lot in recent years and gas cooking appliances are pretty bad if you don't turn on an exhaust fan any time you have a gas burner or oven running. I do prefer to cook on gas (LP) and I always turn the exhaust fan on at the same time I turn on a burner or oven.
(quoted from post at 15:10:42 12/23/22) Sorry to break your bubble, but if natural gas is banned in your life time I will do some serious hat eating! As long as hydrocarbon fuel ..crude oil.. can be extracted from the earth at a reasonable cost natural gas production will continue.

NYS just came out with a recommendation that no new construction using NG be allowed after 2035. Oh, and no gasoline vehicles allowed after same date. Not law yet, but...
To be my neighbor he would have to sign a lease.
Then he would have a need to burn wood. My places are well insulated. Burning Wood isn't the solution. Insulation is the key.

I know a lady who was burning leaves. She goes to town and comes home to a pile of ashes. She burnt her house down..
Burning isn't the answer. I compost my leaves if mother nature doesn't blow them into the neighbors field.
ask God why he made all of the fossil fuel. He knew at begining of time all the greenie suff wouldn't work.
Something else may change your mind.......your age/health. I built my house (1440 sq ft with my wife and kids help) in 1979 and built it square, around a wood stove, the only heat source in the house excepting 250 watt ceiling lights in the bathrooms. Over the years I added rooms to a total of 2700 and that extra was either Propane or electrically heated. I am 81 and development around here has gone nuts (population explosion....folks coming to Texas for the good joke) drying up the pastures I used to lease and the wood sources upon which I used to rely.

So, a couple of years ago I replaced the wood stove with a Propane and with the winters we have started to have and considering the other aspects it was a wise decision. Cost isn't all that much higher (the difference is worth the convenience) and I don't have to get out in the weather to bring in wood and don't wake up to a cold house and all that good stuff. Plus when I sold off my cattle part of the proceeds bought a permanent Generac backup generator and its fed by a 500 gallon Propane more hauling out the portable, having enough gasoline handy and the resupply when it runs out and extension cords and all that.

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