@#$%^*! ground squirrels


New Sharon, IA
We call them grinnys around here. I am so happy with the almost perfect stand of corn I have this year, but... I see crop circles showing up in one of my fields. 7 or 8 of them in a beautiful 60 acre field. Up to 20 feet in diameter. Dad blasted vermin!!! It's got this Sunday school teacher wanting to call down fire and brimstone on the suckers. I have got 8 of them with my .22 and am feeding them poison. But I'll have to live with these bare spots all summer and I'll likely mutter something every time see them. Off to go get some more bait. (mutter, mutter, mutter)
Well here its Armadillos and my yard is full of large white worms. They are a constant menance. Besides making a mess of the yard, it seems when its time to retire, they have to burrow under something.....different site every night....... footings under my house and that disruption is a constant cost to repair....ain't it ain't cheap.
I have some here in my two hayfields. I thought we called them sqinnies, but it may have been grinnys and my son calls them 13 stripe ground squirrels. WHATEVER @#$%^&! name you call them, they are a pest. I don't know what BAIT your using but I read an article about secondary poisoning of bald eagles from rat poison I believe. fyi gobble
google has a good picture, they are not chipmunks, a smaller version of a prairie dog in my opinion. gooble

We got rid of thirteen stripes and chipmunks with clear plastic bottles with a mouth just big enough for them to enter.
Then they would fill their cheeks with bird seeds and not be able to get out of bottle.

The funner way is a tank of water, some garden hose and a rat terrier type dog.
We will spend 2 to 4 hours per day shooting Richardson's ground squirrels (also know as Wyoming ground squirrels) for the next 6 weeks. they are real pests in crop and range land. This year with the rain and snow we've had they are hard to see in the grass. Lots of fun shooting, my cousin and YT poster will be here Friday from Kentucky to help shoot.

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