Almost peed my Pants!!


Well-known Member
I walked into the shop after a tractor ride today to get some tools, pulled a drawer open and looked up to see him looking at me. He started to crawl away before I got my phone out and took his picture. First snake Ive seen in the shop in the 20 years since it was put up. Ill be more careful reaching for stuff now!!
the markings look like a northern water snake. any ponds nearbby? they eat fish, frogs and toads.
my bad, checked with a herpetologist buddy, it is a fox snake. good to have around, eats rats and mice. non venomous and harmless .
Nestor pester said if it would have bit u on the pp you would die, cause nobody would suck out the poison lol
my first guess too. Glad you found the real answer. Never saw a Fox Snake before.
i carry my .22 derrenger loaded with birdshot for creepy crawlys like that.
snakes n me are not on first name basis. as said above only good snake is a dead snake
I have an old black snake that has lived in my shop for at least 10 years now. I have never seen him but we find his skin every year after he sheds. I don't have any birds nests or mice nest or copperheads in it that I know of, but he's a dead snake if I see him cause I'm scared of the darned things. I guess we have an understanding-he stays out of my sight and he cab stay. Keith
(quoted from post at 21:25:13 07/08/23)

snakes don't bother me, because i live where there's only one species that's venomous (mid-michigan) and they're rarer than all heck here. that being said, he's a big boy by the standards of what i'm used to seeing, which are garter snakes. i rarely see them in the machine shed (newly-learned nomenclature from here at YT), and never up on my stuff. but i have been known to pick them up on occasion. call me a snake-hugger i guess :D

glad it turns out to not be the one that eats toads and frogs. i live on the edge of a flood plain and i love my population of skeeter eaters. anything that eats mosquitoes or mice is my friend :)
Around here a snake would useless for rodent control from late October until April most years. If your are lucky maybe it stays warm into November and March is mild. Anymore it starts cooling off around Columbus Day and does not really warm up until May. I'd take a skunk over a snake for rodent control. Outdoor cats have done an outstanding job catching mice around here.
On Rattlers and the winter, knew a Florida BTO that had numerous irrigated fields. Had to put remote start/stop controls on all the irrigation pumps as in the winter the rattlers and moccossins were camped out all over the pumps staying warm.

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