Pics and Puzzles


Well-known Member
Pics and puzzles will be late today, chaps, I have an early hospital appointment. No problems, I am on a drugs trial for five years and today is my eye inspection that involves many pictures of the backs of my eyes. If you are really missing tham, there are a few hundred on my puzzle web site for you to browes through. :9)
Wishing you well and hoping for the best.

Not trying to outdo you on the puzzles, maybe just filling in for a bit.
There is a site on the internet that has puzzles similiar to what you have been posting.
You can select old barns, homestead, tractors, landscapes and such.
Everything went well as usual but four hours of drops and flashing lights from the close up cameras can be a bit painful. It takes a couple of hours for the effects to disappear. I am absolutely fascinated by the pictures they get when they appear on the screen. My consultant explains everything in detail so I am becoming quite an expert on eye health! ;0) The pictures are going world wide and are sent to research people in the US and Denmark.

When my father was alive, as we were both diabetic and he was in his 90's, we were often used by the consultants for training, allowing them to examine two generations of the same family, side by side.
Good luck with the Dr appt. I had mine yester to review the eyeball picts. If its glaucoma you really want to stay on top of it with the pressure checks. Had been a year since last scan and a little loss now shows in the other eye. Pressures had been stable for years but went up to 25 unchecked past summer and may have caused the loss.
(quoted from post at 12:45:01 11/22/23) I am absolutely fascinated by the pictures they get when they appear on the screen.

I agree the pictures are fascinating! I have some retina issues in my left eye which are going to be dealt with next month, so I've had the pictures done also. It's amazing what they can do, and the pictures are fascinating to look at.
I have had a lot of pictures in January,hi pressure in both eyes, left eye is controlled with drops,no loss of vision, right eye is not and having lost of 15% peripheral vision my Dr. sent me to the U of Utah for surgery, they cut a tiny hole in my eye, now I read 6 instead of 26. Made trip to Dr. once a week until mid July for check-ups.

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