governor question (not politics ;) )


Well-known Member
Hey folks,
I'm in Germany and trying to ask a question on a German forum but having trouble with the language barrier. I think I can ask you folks the same question and get the answer though. The background:
Everything that goes on the road here has to be registered, licensed, and inspected. Hobby tractors have to run normal vehicle plates w/ normal taxes. Farmers can use a green plate that means they can pay little to no taxes and get cheaper fuel as long as the use is directly related to the farm.

The exception to the rule is: If the vehicle is governored to run only up to 6km/h (3.6 mph), it needs not be licensed.

Now, the question I'm trying to ask and hope you folks can answer:

If it is set to only run that fast, wouldn't you loose HP also? Or is there a way to lock it another way?

Thanks, Dave
The modification has to be done at an approved (part of the raquett) garage, so it's probably cheaper to get the plate. Thanks for the tip.

3.6 Mph.... That"s just crawling! I often do field work faster than that! While I know many European tractors are geared so that they can go pretty fast, that 3.6 seems a rediculous, stupid regulation. Suggest you bite the bullet and get the registration.
(quoted from post at 06:13:52 06/10/08) Why would they allow something so slow to block the aready narrow European roads?

The major roads have a minimum speed limit. But you see some pretty long lines and plenty of accidents on secondary roads.
Hello dave2
One way to limit road speed is by limiting engine R.P.M'S.
Here is a way to find that out.
RPM = M.P.H. x Gear ratio x 336 / tire diameter.
Do the math and see if it works for you.

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