
Farmington IL
We have been very very lucky this year. Our crops look good. We have had some problems but as you can see from the pictures I took today while spraying, we have a chance to have a nice crop. Dont usually spray corn this big but with the wet weather, it had no herbicide prior to today.



Most of the corn in the area looks this good and there are a very few fields that are bigger than these.


You can see the results of to much water here.


There are quite a few areas like this where ponding water has affected the crop.


Do you ever get that feeling someone is watching over your shoulder all the time? I get that alot!
corn is looking good!! who knows, you could be looking at $10.00bu corn right there if prices keep going up. heard 7.50 bu today on the radio. least it will put a dent in the fuel and chemical bills.
We have more that looks like the yellow stuff and less of the green stuff up here.

I'll trade ya.

What is the corn crop like? Are we in for another cornholing? I know the news just shows all doom and gloom, but I know the whole corn crop in north-central US isn't grown on the flooded river banks. Obviously there's high ground with good drainage that the rain was good for the corn.
There was a dumbasss on the news that said shipping costs will be up because of the river block. Who of you'll got a premium for being late because of ice, snow, whatever?
The processors will not make money on ethanol with $10.00 corn unless crude oil goes to $200 plus per barrel.

The ethanol processors already have a lot of future corn bought for $3.00 to $5.00 per bushel.

I know some of my corn is bought for that lower price.

Will you replant corn in there gary? Hope things are getting better up there. I am about 70 miles east of Burlington and Fort madison and it sounds like they are in big trouble over there. Both brigdes are closed and some leeves have failed. I bet there is alot of nice farm ground under water in that river bottom.
like I said earlier that little bit so be vary thankful have several of my buddies whole farms are gone. dealer I help out road is gone between his to machinery lots also. alot of the hog confinement buldings are really making messes with the pit contents floating
By the other discussion in this topic, obviously there's time to replant, so what's the price rise?
I bought hog feed yesterday, local private mill, paid $355 a ton, owner told me he couldn't find corn at $7.25. Fortunatly I only feed a few for private sale. If prices keep going up the small independent feed mill will go the same way as the independent gas station, belly up, and then the big guys will really be able to out the screws to the small farm. Just my opinion for what it's worth

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