Flood victums not allowed to get tools from their homes


Well-known Member
This morning I heard on the news that flood victums were going to be allowed in to their homes to retrive posesions. The news clearly stated that they were not allowed to get any tools from their homes.

Now I'm a easy going old man, but talk about a class action law suit against the know it all government. Well I just can't imagine walking away from hand tools etc that are unharmed buy flood water. Just can't help but think they are overstepping their self given powers.

A few years ago I was,--- as a fireman helping clean up after a small town was flooded. I was visiting with three FEMA dudes and they told me one was a retired car salesman, one used to sell insurance, and one worked at a golf course. All three were retired and friends of a politician. They were making the decisions of condemnation etc. I just got up and walked away after asking a few questions about their skills in construction. They were all from out east, and admitded they had never had so much as a hammer in their hands. We can only wonder how these FEMA idiots, who may well be nice folks--make these very costly and life altering decisions. And heck we were all thinkining the flood waters were the sad part of it all.

On a lighter note, and to make lite of this, a friend who like me was also divorced, asked how it differed to how I lost everything to a ex-wife. It was indeed a judge that seemed to know everything after only knowing me and the ex for a very short time. I got my son, so nothing else mattered.

So as not to step on any toes, I am a old generation fireman, very cured out in EMS. Yet for some reason many folks assume we know what the heck is going on, when we have often no idea of why we are asked some questions.----By the way---we usualy admit nothing, and lie and inflate our knowledge more often than admiting we know nothing of what they speak. I will admit to knowing that perhaps 75% of our required training in fire and EMS is so far off base it is embarrrrrasing to say the least. Common sence is a vey serious crime in our governments eyes.

I'm waiting on the washing machine so I got time to make a example.. Fire training says to gain enterance -two story building / window. Our instructions--two fireman cary ladder and tip up beside window extending above such window. One fireman hands axe to fireman on ladder. Fireman on ladder climbs up ladder above window and swings underhanded at knee level to break window. Fireman on the ground holds ladder , and of course in full turn out gear to protect from broken glass.

My question and the proceedure we will use at fire scene is while two men set ladder---step sideways a couple extra steps and drop ladder against window breaking glass inward, and avoiding a flashback injuring fireman on ladder. Instructor says --great idea, but I have to go by the book. enuf sad best I go taa bed.
yea man,i agree 200% with you,but i have a question: how come citizen of almost every country somehow vote into office often the very people who are the most incompetent and arrogant idiots of their society, and do that time after time. it baffles me.
Our country to me is becoming more Nazi Germany or Communist Russia thats for sure. Our freedoms are slowly being raped from us. When illegal immigrants seem to have more rights than citizens something is bad wrong.
Because there are no competent people running. And after the floding here in Ohio this spring the goverment would not allow the home owners to clean up, threatened to arrest them if they did.
You apparently have never read "Catch-22" by Joseph Heller. Please go to your local library, check out a copy, read it, and *then* stand on your soap-box and lecture, if you still feel the need to.

Poke here
A scheiskopf is a scheiskopf whether it's someone walking down the street or a fictional character in a book.
So, if there is 1 idiot and 1 nincompoop and 1 braindead on the ballot, it becomes a toss up who to vote for and then complain afterwards if they don't live up to expectations.

It is high time the almighty lord takes over,cause people surely are not up to it.
I've read Catch-22 and a few thousand other books as well. The use of vulgarity in literature doesn't justify your vulgar handle.
like trying to pull a D9 cat out of the mud and all you have is a cross bike,a pony and a goat,you choose to use pony,even though you know up front that it will be useless for the job.
Having left the home place long enough to serve two stints in the Navy several decades ago, I'm fairly conversant with most of the words contained in Mr. Carlin's "Seven Words" routine (and here I must note the irony of your bombastic tirade, since he went all the way to the Supreme Court to defend our First Amendment rights to freedom of expression, and yes, for the record, the Court found the list of words "offensive but not obscene"). I also must note that of those seven words, not a single one was in French, Spanish, Tagalog, Japanese, Russian (all of which I have a passing familiarity with), Swahili or even German.

Oh, and one last thing, Jasper: Not sure if you've seen the news lately, but George will not be down for breakfast in the morning.

-- Scheisskopf

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