O/T Work Boots


Well-known Member
When I was working in my factory job my employer paid for my safety shoes or boots what ever I wanted. The shoe company sent a van to the factory. We didn't have much choice on what brand of shoe to pick from. Now I am on my own since I retired. Just about all the foot wear I see is made in china. Is there still a company in America that makes foot wear? Stan
Been wearing Red Wing "Pecos" for better than 30 years; used to get about 2 or 3 years wear when I was farming and also tromping around in the manure and mud; current pair will probably last at least 5 years........wearing 6 days per week.
I have a pair of field and forest boots made in wisconsin and sold by fleet and farm, and farm and fleet. I can't find a website so they may be exclusive to those stores or at least under that brand name. The leather is soft and wears well and breaks in easily.
You got my vote on Red Wings. Some of their styles are made in china but most still in the US. Have had a pair for 15 years. Resoled once. Leather is still good. Just clean and oil them every so often.
i have a pair of pull on Justins that I love and fit great...a dressier pair of Ariats that are also comfortable...but for around the farm I am usually just pulling on my "MUCK BOOT" brand tall boots. the neoprene uppers on these are actually pretty dawg-gone comfortable in an all weather situation-
A lot of my techs wear Red Wings and swear by them...
Im partial to my timberlands with doctor schole inserts its like a massage when you take a step even though there made in china the robber toed boots are some of the best boots ive ever owned
Being a woman, finding work boots that don"t cost a small fortune can be hard. My first pair was a boy"s size Georgia boot. Had real good wear out of them, but really too wide for my foot.

Then I changed to Ariat. Bought a pair of ladies" work boots off Ebay for $49.00 + shipping. THEY ARE WORTH EVERY PENNY. I have spent literally hours on my feet with these boots and my feet don"t hurt at the end of the day.
I am rather partial to Belleville boots. I buy them from Bellvilleshoe.com I, too, cannot find a pair of made in USA boots locally. Matterhorn, Belleville, and Redwing are the only ones I am aware of. The Rockys that I used to buy are made in China...

Here are my next pair of boots.

My employer furnished our safety boots and shoes too. They had a contract with the Lehigh Boot company. Hal
Red Wing 8" logger when working.
Asolo a few styles. I have had the Asolos resoled a couple times each.
The Red Wings I only use/wear in the woods.
Red-Wing style 1105 been wearing them for 50 years.
2 things in this world I don't complain about the price. The boots on my feet and the matress on my bed. I am in either one or the other.
I`ve had two major knee surgeries when I was a teen. I`m on cement 6 days a week. So i`m kinda fussy about my boots..

I always wore redwings, started trying cheaper boots. Irish Setter-no cheaper didn`t last long,
Wolverine-Comfortable but soles came apart, Rocky-doesn`t make an unisulted boot that I`ve found worth a hoot, Georgia-by far the most comfortable, nicest wearing boot, but soles split in two after the first month, brought em back, soles lasted two months in the next pair..

So, now I`m back to red wings. For me they break in tough. I always try to buy a pair to wear when I`m kickin around for a few weeks before I actually need em for work.

If you look at em some of the cheaper ones will be made in china, or made in USA with imported materials. The higher end comfort force red wings are made in USA. When I buy a new pair I buy an extra set of the comfort force insoles and a set of laces. Seems like after 6 mo I put the new insoles in, new laces on and go for another 6 mo. Then switch to my "good pair", use the year old pair for farm boots and the farm boot pair goes in the burn barrel. Then the whole chain start over..

Like I said though, I have more incissions than I can count on my fingers, and a handful of screws in my knees. So maybe this standing on cement thing ain`t so bright anyway.. Good luck BW
I agree that the Justin "Original Workboot, made in the USA is about the best around for comfort and long wear.
25 yrs ago i had a pair of long haul boots that i bought in truck stop in n.j. were recommended to me by boilermakers i was working with. broke in fast and easy they had a garentee was the strangest i ever heard. "if you wear out the bottoms before the top we will give you a new pair" they did not waer a bit. i'm cutting the grass one day stepped backwards for another pass and had a sa-200 lincoln welder behind me and the back of my knee hit the tire and my feet went out from under me and i pulled the mower over my foot sliced my big toe in half from left to right bleeding like crazy. but the only thing that i could concentrate on was i just blew the warrenty on my boots was so mad that it didnt hurt only in my wallet never could find another pair again after that al
Aaron, I went to the site you referenced, but I could only find military boots. So they make civilian work boots? Tom
Dittos on the Red Wings!
I'm on about my 10th pair of style 1905.
I've worn other brands in the past but I can put a pair of brand new Red Wings, put in a good hard day and not come home crippled for the first 2 weeks.
And they last. I'm a carpenter and work mine hard.
I'll save a buck if I can on a lot of things.
But like Vernon in KS there's two things I wont compromise on. For me it's
Redwing Shoes and and good beer.
Particularly Summit Pale Ale.
I vote for Red Wing. I don't know the model but I get 6-8 inch boots. I have gotten others since I got my first Red Wings but I went back 'cause I found that I couldn't afford the cheaper ones.
Go to Kenetrek.com and see. They are real expensive at $330/pair. (made in Europe)
I dont know of any boots that are USA made, other then Carthartt, (I think they are anyway)
I've seen these threads before and read them carefully. Up until this past February, I was part of the "cheap ones, frequently" camp.

I work in a cannery: cement floors, non-skid, salt water, grease, oil, crap crud and corruption, and would wear a brand new pair of Walmart Herman Survivor Made in China boots out in 6 weeks.

After reading yet another of these threads, and talking to a co-worker, I decided to take a chance and "blow" $180 on a pair of Redwings. I went to an actual boot shop, they do nothing but sell footwear. The salesman assured me that the model of Redwing I wanted was indeed made in America, and had a one year absolute warranty, regardless of working conditions. If a seam let go or I wore the soles out in less than a year, bring 'em back and they'd replace them.

After nearly 6 months, I can just start to detect a little wear on the very rear edge of the heel. Other than that and some staining of the leather from oil spills, they're just like new.

All I do is rub them down good about once a month with Mink Oil for waterproofing. I'm truly impressed, and there'll be another pair when the time comes.
CHIPPEWA the best make sure they are the american ones. Right now they got 240$ leather lined loggers for sale at hanks clothing.com
89 bucks great deal!!!
Haven't found a better boot, for the money, than Red Wings. For work & play both. If Bret Favre would "go to" Donald Driver, Red Wings would be my go to boot.
Red Wings have my vote too, I dont work mine as hard as some here I suspect ,like shop work etc, but my pair have lasted for years. very impressed with em
Red Wings. Sure aren"t the cheapest, but in my opinion the best...after they break your feet in though. I use the knee highs, but once they get broke in after breaking in my feet, the best. I saddle soap them out of the box, then mink oil the keck out of them. Stand up in coal, mud, climbing poles, in water...after breaking my feet in just right.

Good luck Stan.

Redwings! I wear an 11 1/2 A, and they have only 1 style with that size available, but they are real nice-have to swallow hard at the cash register though! Greg
Been wearing Red Wings for over 20 years. The tops will rot off before the sole will ever wear out. Had a paqir the the steel shank came loose on after three years--they still stood behind them and sent me a new pair at a much rweduced price!! Absolutely the best.
i wear rocky mountain tested slip ons and lace ups

rocky, chippewa, red wing, justin, and probably a few others are made in AMERICA.....
The $105 Rocky's I just got were Chinese made. But, I had to get 'em for "dressy" stuff, so they'll hold up just fine.
These will be my next pair if my current Red Wings ever wear out! Do yourself a favor, spend a bucker two and get Red Wings.
Unless they were given to me I wouldn't wear another pair of Red Wings, it could have been the style, soles feel apart in a year, they sold me another pair at half price and the same thing. Bought Carharts so far so good. Can't stand Carolinas, they shrink down bad and not from standing in water. Georgia's I can wear for a year then can't stand them anymore. I'm a 250 lb., 6'3" guy thats a mechanic. chris
I got justins that I'm not real happy with. Feet get tired after a while and hurt. Then the heel pads have come unglued in less than a year of part time wear. Just superglued them back in and haven't worn them yet.

Cowboy boots hurt my toes but need a somewhat pointed boot for stirrups. I've been bucked off and drug a little before tell boot slipped out of stirrup. Wouldn't mind having a narrow toed and steel toed boot for the times a rambunctious horse stomps my foot.
(quoted from post at 14:36:10 07/09/08) Go to Kenetrek.com and see. They are real expensive at $330/pair. (made in Europe)
I dont know of any boots that are USA made, other then Carthartt, (I think they are anyway)

White's Boots, and Wesco Boots are USA made.

In the White's I like the farm and ranch, or the smokejumpers, Wesco jobmasters are really good as well.

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