Looking for machinery


Where do you guys go when you're looking for machinery? I visit ironsearch and tractorhouse but I don't know of any other sites of that type. The implement I'm looking for is somewhat uncommon and either they call it by another name or it isn't available thru either site. I prefer to look for used machinery because it's a lot easier on the pocketbook. So where do you go looking? Thanks!
There is also usfarmer.com and equipmentlocator.com.

Unfortunately none of the implement dealers in my area keep their listings updated very often, so none of those services are too useful. However, they are very useful for checking prices or seeing photos of a make/model of something I see in a classified ad.
Some of the local radio stations do a buy, sell, swap segment. Some of them also have websites with a classified section. One that I visit regularly is KMA radio. Click on "e-shop"
Try Craigslist for IA. I've sold three pieces of equipment on the list, all within a week of posting.

I use ironsearch and fastline, as well as classified in regional papers. I've also used ebay's "want it now" free wanted ads. Fastline has free wanted ads, too, and I've had very good luck getting resposes there, from both dealers and farmers.
We're all poised over our keyboards, ready to find you a Prairie Dominator Model 2000 chisel rake with double-barrel elastrator attachment, or whatever it is you're after. . . Just let us know. . .
If you are in the CF/Waterloo area, try:


click on "swap sheet"

Also craigslist is good, as someone else mentioned.
What I'm actually looking for is a drainage tile plow (like the SoilMax Gold Digger) that is used, I'm willing to do some repair and rebuilding if necessary.

The other thing is that my biggest tractor is a 4-150 and I see that it's supposed to be 15,000lbs but the Gold Digger is supposed to be an 18,000lbs minimum. But I have two of those and I'm thinking with two drivers and a nice heavy cable I can run them both in first gear and have enough pulling power. Otherwise I may settle for a smaller one. I don't need to have the laser guidance or anything.

Anybody see one of those for rent? I don't even see them on dealer lots!

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