ebay changes

bill mart

Well-known Member
Looks like ebay users will have to start using that ebay money maker paypal soon.here is part of an email I received from them today.

Beginning late October 2008, all items listed on eBay.com must be paid for using one of the following approved payment options:
Direct credit or debit card payment via a merchant credit card account
Payment on pick-up
Paper payment methods such as checks and money orders will no longer be accepted on eBay.com
In my opinion they have really gone down hill. This whole no negative feedback for buyers just ticks me off. Now, since I sell a lot ebay actually calls me on my cell phone to tell me about its latest promos. I dont want phone calls. Email me, thats how everyone else on ebay contacts me. Now yesterday I got a bunch of junk mail from ebay. What a pain.
Sorry, I gotta side with eBay on this one. Anyone who has opened a newspaper in the past few years knows that mail fraud via checks and money orders is rampant. eBay wants to get out of the middle between fraudulent buyers/sellers and their victims. The easiest way is to force use of payment methods that are less susceptible to fraud.

Regarding no negative feedback by buyers against sellers, the reason for that is simple: Too many sellers were using it to retaliate against buyers. I know it happened to me the one and only time I left less than positive feedback. So for me that's an abuse rate of 100 percent. (In case you're curious about the details, I purchased an item from a brick-and-mortar store over eBay. They did not ship the item, nor did they respond to repeated emails. Finally I called them on the phone, and got the response "oh, we haven't checked our email." This was over a week after they had received payment! They shipped me the item, and I left neutral feedback. "Item perfect, communication poor" was basically what I said. The seller (several weeks later) retaliated with neutral feedback, saying basically it was somebody else's fault that they screwed up. Huh? Why does THEIR screwup translate into neutral feedback for ME?)

At any rate, eBay currently has the online option business wrapped up, except for niche areas (particularly guns) that they choose to stay out of. Be grateful they don't rip you off worse than they do. (God help you if Microsoft or Exxon-Mobil decides to buy eBay!)
I sold on e-bay, but no more. The economy is bad and money is tight, they should understand and live with less, just like the rest of us. They can't stand that fact, and are trying to milk it for all they can get. They had a good thing & now it's screwed up by management with little to do except worry about their jobs and how to impress the boss.
What about the ones who do not have a credit card (like me). I always e-mail the person selling the item if they take a check. So far everyone has. Some people wait to see if my check is good, then ship the item. That does not bother me one bit. I even had a seller bring the item to my house and for that I paid cash. Guess I might have to change or go else where.
First off ebay makes more of a percentage profit than so called 'Big Oil' makes which is around 8.50%.
And I don't need ebay 'protecting' me from anyone.If you think ebay is wanting to 'protect' anyone you have a seriou case of the Pollyannas
Tom, ebay is not the only game in town, and there are quite a few on-line sellers, including me, who will gladly accept a personal check, money order, or credit/debit card, but we do not sell on ebay, and we do not take pay pal. Ebay has shot themselves in the foot again.
I am amazed at how many people naively accept, without question, the profit percentages given out by any major company. Being a reitred CPA, I can assure you that without having a thorough knowledge of the company and extensive knowledge of its accounting procedures, you cannot compare their stated profit percentages with the normal profit percentages of a small business or individual (and that is assuming that their financials are fairly stated - ie Enron).

This isn't to say that the oil companies are ripping us off and lying about it. I am just saying that we really can't be sure because we don't have the necessary information and knowledge to really know. Of course we all trust them - don't we?
I"m not sure but I presume its another way for ebay to get more $ out of sellers. I VERY seriously doubt if the new payment methods they"re talking about will be free to the seller. I"m pretty sure pay-pal is owned by ebay and their fees are too high as it is. I"ve sold quite a bit on there and am not too happy that it costs $2 to sell a $10 item now. The up side to ebay is that you get a HUGE audience to look at your stuff. Will likely try selling more here on YTMag. There"s my 2 cents for the day.
Right at this moment I probably have $2000+ in active bids on items listed on eBay. Each of the sellers accept personal checks...which is the only method that I prefer to pay by. I simply will not be buying on eBay any longer under these new "rules".

It should be up to the seller to decide what form of payment they will take, not by eBay decree!

If I did not take checks in my business, I soon would not have any business.
Walmart stopped excepting checks also.
You can use your check for them to get an instant withdrawal but if the account is short on funds see if you can take the goods out of the store.
Office Depot along with other stores have also changed to this system.
I would guess that it will become common among most stores very soon. Rubber checks have a large cost to all businesses that take checks.
Has anyone else received this email? I haven't. I also just scanned the news bullents on ebay's site and they don't mention it either. Sounds like a hoax to me. I do get 2-3 scam emails from ebay per month, this sounds like it might be another one.
I received the email. It is pasted below.

We're taking steps to give sellers the most dynamic marketplace on the Internet: reduced upfront cost, optimized exposure, and a more consistent buyer experience to drive more sales.
Your Auction-style listings with a low start price are still the best deal on eBay -- no change in Auction-style fees!
Plus, we're introducing a new 35¢ Insertion Fee for Fixed Price listings-regardless of the asking price or number of items in the listing-with a 30-day duration and automatic renewal option at no extra cost. For some of your items, this new Fixed Price option may be a great solution.

Driving more sales with a more consistent buyer experience
We're taking other steps to ensure buyers keep coming back to eBay:

Limits on shipping and handling charges
Big seller rewards for free shipping, including free subtitle, a boost in search results, and double PowerSeller fee discounts
No more checks and money orders
New seller standards: Minimum 4.3 on all DSRs

More relevant search results to drive more sales. We're optimizing Best Match to surface the inventory most relevant to each buyer and show the best of Auction-style and Fixed Price.
Get more information about these important changes. You're also invited to participate in one of several webinars scheduled for August 20-26.
I got the message but haven't opened it yet. Someone mentioned that he hadn't gotten one but if he isn't a seller I don't see where he would have.

While I am not real crazy about the idea due to possibily eliminating some potential customers and the subsequant PayPal fees the more I think about it this should level the playing field for all of us who sell there. I hate it when people are the high bidder and then don't respond to my e-mails about payment method. I have had some who slowly put a check in the mail when reminded. That's real frustrating when you have their package sitting there waiting to be shipped out.

Nobody likes change but we all get used to it.

I have used PayPal since it began and have never been over charged for anything as long as you don't except credit cards there is no cost to buyer or seller for using it. Personally I except Credit cards as it helps me get higher bids.
If you don't have a CC or DB card then you can use your numbers off of your check and get direct Electronic transfers in an instant.
Trying to be old fashioned in this electronic age will just give you ulcers. Wake up and move up to the new age.
PS one nice thing about PayPal is you can transfer money between you any one who has an E-mail address at no cost to either of you.

Don't want to get nasty here but you may want to check your transaction details. Everytime I get paid PayPal takes a cut.

Doesn't worry me on the small stuff as knowing I have been paid is worth it but on bigger ticket items it can really add up.

Paypal Fees

Monthly sales
(Price per transaction)

$0.00 USD - $3,000.00 USD
(2.9% + $0.30 USD)

$3,000.01 USD - $10,000.00 USD
(2.5% + $0.30 USD)

$10,000.01 USD - $100,000.00 USD
(2.2% + $0.30 USD)

> $100,000.00 USD
(1.9% + $0.30 USD)
I have spent many thousands of dollars on Ebay items since I joined in 2002. All of it has been paid for with checks, US postal money orders or cash in person. I will never use Paypal. Paypal only sellers have never recieved any of my business. Nor will they now. Oh well, I made it perfectly fine for 50 years without Ebay. I guess I can do it again!
I agree. Ebay needs to let buyers and sellers reach an agreement. Yes, some sellers try to charge excessive shipping, but the buyers know this and bid accordingly. Ebay is becoming the new uncle sam.
I understand your point. But what about the buyer who bids and item up, then never buys. I had one guy run an item up, then he wouldnt respond. I filed an unpaid item dispute and got my fees, but I couldnt warn any other sellers that the guy is a deadbeat.
Exactly, pay pal takes a cut out of every transaction. Makes no differance if it is a direct bank transfer or a credit card payment. Pay pal even takes a cut out of the shipping fees, which is one of many reasons that I no longer use them. Goggle checkout not only has lower fees, but they do not dip into the shipping.
Go to your Paypal account and look at the far right and you will find the word (FEE)
Every payment I get there is a minus sign with the fee deduction.

Recent activity - Last updated 8/21/2008 09:52 PDT Show

File Type To/From Name/Email/Phone Date Status Details Action Amount ($) ( Fee )
Payment From John Doe Aug. 21, 2008 Completed Details $186.85 USD -$5.72 USD

Bill To johndoe@??.com Aug. 20, 2008 Paid Details $186.85 USD $0.00 USD
I'm a buyer only so it really won't affect me, besides I use a pre-paid credit card to limit maximum ripoffs should it be breached. Has worked well all but one time--something about limits unless confirmed information. I have never given banking information to confirm with PayPal so simply closed one account and opened another which gave new limits once again.

When you are basically the only ball game in town you can certainly call the shots. Ebay is the only one in town basically.
Been thinking about this.

Came to the conclusion that they must have hired an X-microsoft person for advice. Then it all fits.

I sell some on e-bay and got my email today also. As it stands, I accept paypal, cashiers check, money order, or personal check. I'd say 75% of folks pay with paypal even though I hint in my ad that its not my first choice due to the fees. I will likely continue to sell on ebay because where else can one reach that many potential buyers??
OK, First off I can perfectly see why the sellers on Ebay would be against the new rules and the fees of Paypal. But for the life of me, I don`t understand why the complaining from the guys on the buyers side.From what I can remember, there was no cost to setting up my Paypal account to be a buyer on Ebay. As I see it ,there`s no fees for the buyers. What am I not seeing ??
You're missing the point totally ebay isn't selling anything and isn't out 1 dime if the check or MO is no good because the SELLERS on ebay take the risk ebay is only THE AUCTION COMPANY
just let the sellers set what payment they are comforatable with just like Walmart does.
PayPal seems okay for buyers, but a seller gets high fees when using PayPal. When you add up the eBay/PayPal/Final Value fees, etc, a seller does not make much money for the item. I don't list on eBay anymore because they say I have to accept PayPal.
Well, before Paypal, Debit Cards and so forth the term "Identity Theft" was not a part of an American's vocabulary. Every time a "new" secure funds transfer method comes out, the hackers have it defeated within weeks. It's real tough to "hack" a Postal money order, or even a personal check for that matter. I figure it's my money and I'll handle it as I see fit. Ebay is NOT going to force me to handle it differently. I can just choose not to use their services.
They are selling a service. If they do not keep the sellers from receiving bad checks/payments they will lose the sellers that purchase that service. That means they lose sales (FEES)/(PROFIT) Same as Walmart. Several thousand people make there living by selling exclusively thru Ebay. They will have to find another service it it is not kept safe from cheaters.

My main business is manufacture and sales of wheelchair wheels. One part of my business is Cub Scout cubmobile wheels of which over half are purchased with paypal. Not my choice but my customers request. I do take personal checks and would just as soon all were paid by check. Paypal is safe and instant and I can ship the same day if it is before UPS picks up. Paypal customers can pay with a few clicks of the mouse.
Fine all you have to do is require Paypal for your sales but why do you want to compell all the other sellers to do what you want? Sounds like an idea fromt he old Soviet Union.
No doubt that one of the motives is to further line the pockets of eBay. But the closest I came to getting burned on eBay was when the seller required a money order. High dollar plasma cutter, new. After I sent it, he stopped communicating, stopped answering his phone. I contacted both the Sheriff of the county and the police of the town where he lives. Apparently the sheriff's dept knew the guy and contacted him. He then shipped. Got the box about 6 weeks after I paid. So I had local law officer witness the opening of the box just in case the seller shipped something different from what I bought. It was all OK. Paypal does offer some protections.
I cannot agree more than with all of those here against this monopoly of e bay with pay pal I receive their latest big news and I am seriously thinking of not selling anymore with them. I have been selling on ebay for the past 4 years to farmers and tractor collectors all of Case tractors parts and my feedback is 100% and I can say that for all the farmers and tractors collectors I have sold to, they are the most honest people on this planet, only one of them did not pay for a Ford manual of 15.00 out of over 400 transactions. Every other one paid by check or money order and even though sometime it takes a little longer than usual but they always pay. And all I can say here is mostly for those that sides with ebay policy are missing the point or simply do not understand the fact that in a democarcy choice was always in North America a very important factor which seems for some of the people that have responded here to be something of the past. Fraudulent people will still exist with the new policy of E bay because do not fool yourself e bay is implementing this because its bringing more money into their coffin,and not one darn bit of their worry with the final results in between the seller and buyer they lose nothing not even business simply because all big companies who have achieve monopoly always wants more.(GREED) my 2cent

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