O/T Respecting Our Veterans Today


Recently, I was driving through town and traffic was a little heavy at the time. As I grew closer to the stop light, I noticed a car in front of me with Veterans license plates. I began to observe the car a little closer gaining interest in the car after I saw that. I made my way over to the turning lane as he was headed straight. The light was red and suddenly turned green. Immediately, there was a car behind this man honking at the Veteran's car because he was not taking off out of the stop light right away. The Veteran looked very shocked and nervous for he did not know what he did wrong. He did nothing wrong, he just was not in the super large hurry the younger guy was in behind him. I could tell the Veteran was nervous and I felt so bad for him. I wish people would show some more respect for these servicemen who fought for everything we have today. If you see on on the street, stop and say thank you...At least say hello. One simple word like that can make anybody feel better. Just speaking my mind and Veterans visiting this web site, Thank you for everything you have done for our freedom.
I like that they have vet plates now. Did not see them till a few years ago. I stopped in walmart parking lot a while back to help an old man get his stuff into his car. When he thanked me I said no, thank you. He looked at me funny and I said I noticed his license had a purple heart on it. I try to be nice and friendly to every one I meet in every day life, but I do go out of my way to help out a vet when I can.

We owe these folks a debt that can never be repaid. I have lost two friends who served in the So. Pacific, one a carrier pilot on the Essex and the other a USMC B-25 pilot on Emeru. Neither talked much about their experiences. They were both good men along with thousands of others who served. They deserve our best.
Dad told me a story about a fellow that drove him all the way to Camp Atterbury in early 1946. Dads car had given out., And Dad needed to get some Army muster out details completed,.. Neighbor who had health problems and was unable to serve drove him over 150 miles . And would not take a penny from Dad.. He wanted to help Him..Dad said the man had less than him and.,,and the fella died before 1950.
Nothing wrong with a little beep to get things moving, I do it once in awhile, and I get it done to me once in awhile. Sometimes at long lights people space off and don't pay attention, no biggie.

However, if someone honks right away at me it will get them nothing but a very slow accelerating truck to further ruin their day. :twisted:
I think that folks are mostly respectful of vets and servicemen. You here of a few instances of bad crap happening but that sure wasn.t my experience. I was with Uncle Sams Misguided Children during the early "70s and spent a bunch of time hitchhiking between LeJuene and upstate NY and I never stood on the side of the road very long at all. Whenever I flew if there was room in first class the flight crew would move up and the stewardess were especially "nice". One 4 day weekend a PA. State trooper picked me up and relayed me all the way to the NY border where the NYSP took over and relayed me to my folks front door.
I was 6 years old when WW2 ended. I remember there was a lot of service men hitch hiking and not a one of them had to wait long for a ride. Folks would always pick one up and if he had been on the road a day or so he was invited to home for rest, food etc.

OH how times have changed. I wouldn't pick one up now even if I saw one. I wouldn't be afraid of the service man if he was indeed a service man, but wow could tell? And in reverse I guess you don't see then any more because he couldn't trust who might give him a ride,---How sad.
All depends what kinda thought you got running through your head about service. If you do it just for the job or if you do it because you want to. Me? Because I want to. Even if it did not pay a penny, I would do it. Not everything is for the money.
Not all veterans had the choice!!! (the Draft) Please don't ever compare police work to combat!

One time while driving Sacramento, CA I was at a stop light ans as soon as the light turned green the guy behind me laid on the horn I guess he thought that my little sports car needed a little push.
I thought for second then I dropped the clutch stalling the engine, waited until the light turn yellow and hit the starter and jumped across the intersection. He was caught at the second red light.
Don't mess with a Veteran?????
I'm proud of my Service and wish others would join to see what its all about.

Walt (Laos Vet, Navy 12 years total MR-2)
I wish some of these "unAmerican" people would show better respect for Veterans. So many people take for granted what so many others have fought for & have lost their lives. It don't take a whole lot to let them know you appreciate their sacrifices. Tell them "Thanks". Buy their lunch. Buy them a cup of coffee. Donate to any related charities. Or simply SHOW THEM RESPECT! They didn't start the conflicts they were required to fight in.
My dad was the only survivor and he was the tail gunner in a Halifax bomber. He sold commercial turf equipment for a living. He was given a purple heart but they took it away from him because he was Canadian. He got the Canadian equivelant. He had lots of stories from the war and other times. One of the best was when some idiot in a convertable sports car was honking endlessly at him while he was delivering a 9 gang fairway mower to a golf course. They only go about 25 mph top speed. The road went from a single lane into a double lane right before an intersection. The light was red when they got there and this idiot in the car pulled beside my dad and was yelling and swearing at him. My dad without batting an eye, proceeded to pull a hydraulic lever, that lowers the outer reels, and lowered the reel right over the guys head in the convertable. He said that that jerk took off so fast, he went right through the red light! Luckily no one was coming the other way. That's one of the funniest stories I've ever heard. Don't mess with a vet. Dave
The link below describes a facility at the Twin-Cities airport. I am one of, and claim to be the worst one of, several hundred volunteers. I put in one or two, four hour shifts each month and enjoy meeting the people. All active duty people are most welcome to everything we provide, but military retires are not and often develop an attitude when they do not receive Royal treatment. Many of these people with 20+ years of military service have difficulty grasping the concept of following rules.
Service Center
As a veteran myself, I don't feel entitled to special privileges. I don't believe someone should not get impatient with me because of my veteran status. Nor do I want or expect people to buy me a cup of coffee, or my lunch.

I don't wear my veteran status on my sleeve. I did what I did, and it's done now. I don't feel the need to get acknowledged or honored for it. Especially with much honoring being done incincerely and with much false romanticism of what I did.

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