Peanut harvest in south GA

Peanut harvest about half done in south GA. another couple weeks and everybody should be wrapping up A few have all ready started on there cotton if it was in early
Peanuts are running pretty good in this part of south GA this year
if it works this is some pictures of 3800 to 4000 lbs per acres peanuts


there is about 70 more acres to turn I will try and get a picture each one of those rows are two rows dug and turned together up side down by the digger.
Neighbors picked our place yesterday, left around 10 acres to still get. Yield is pretty good, moisture 11, should grade good. Think it could have used a week more in the ground, but, do what you have to. What county are you out of, I'm over in Worth.

Never seen peanuts harvested before, looks good.
I remember eating some fresh peanuts at the Southland AG Expo About 15 years ago,As i recall it was about this time of the year.
rustnsuch from TN.
Nice pictures and a good harvest. My late brother-in-law should have planted peanuts on his 55 acres that he bought in western GA back in the 1960's. He bought that when he heard they were going to build that Interstate from Birmingham to Atlanta. It missed his place by a mile or so.
My wife's sister sold it a few years ago now she's kicking herself for selling it since she's tired of the hurricanes in Florida. Hal
What's the process here? They grow underground don't they? I assume they must be pulled or dug and left to dry. For how long?

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