Most inportant profession??

A friend and I was discussing this over coffee this morning and came up with our answer will post when I see our choice.

What do you think is the most important profession?
Is it a doctor, Lawman, Military personal, etc.? You can choose anything from President To a tree trimmer, or anything you can imagine All I ask is explain why you believe this.
This may seem too simplistic but I vote for TEACHER. They fill our minds with knowledge from kindergarten on. They are our first mentors. They teach everyone from all of the professions that will be listed here. Without teachers we would only have what we learn by osmosis, basic survival skills and whatever we learned by chance or accident.

Good fortune,
This is almost impossable to answer if you think about it,but I'd have to go with the farmer. Only reason is if we didn't have people to grow food it would be pretty hard to stay alive. If no one is alive those other professions couldn't provide anyone with anthing. Just look at other countrys around the world who are just trying to make it day by day to find food and water. They don't do anything other then that.
Moneywise, its CEOs and founders of successful companies.

As much as much of the general public seems to despise these people, these outside of the box thinkers give people jobs in this country.
What you do for your family comes first,community second and profession third.
Most important professions. Well if you're a good parent the chances are your kids will find meaningful professions that benefit the whole community. Raising the standard and quality of living for all. This will last generations potentially. I'm going with parent.

CEO,Doctor, Lawyer,etc all great when you need what they provide...most important no. I'll probably change my mind after a beer.
Well you can live with out a doctor, some one in the armed forces a cop, or any gov. official but you can not live with out food so it has to be a farmer or gardener which ever you what to call them as long as they grow something to eat
Hobby farm
I respect anyone earning a living and not being a burden on society. I also think that we should view life as us being one in a team.

Food growers are important, but they depend on other folks so they can produce food.

Its a good thought provoking question.
Those were the exact 5 that I had in mind as well, but I don't know exactly what order to put them in. Thinking farmer 1st because of the basic need for food.
Teacher,Cause they can teach you how to do most anything you wll ever...scratch that.Being a dad,or parent. Hoss PS,my dad taught me how to grow a garden and how to hunt.
There is no one more important then the other. I look at it as string of workhorses working together, if one does not do his job it affects the rest of the team. If they all lay down nothing gets done. We all pull together and the whole world turns.
If you're going to rely on a 'professional' for everything, they every single one is important; for without one, the job doesn't get done and the house of cards will fall...
On the other hand, a world of amatures will survive for sake of the fact that knowledge and ability are broadly spread. Many will have a working knowledge of many things, and probably expert in none...


as proven by thousands of years of survival a good hunter/gather didn't need any of the professions . if this wasn't true none of us would be here today .
In today's world? It certainly isn't a doctor or a lawyer. Many different professions are needed together. Perhaps iron and steel producers because it is used in just about all industries. I'm probably biased but welding is considered one of the greatest technological achievements of the 20th century. Just about every industry relies on welded components. I read somewhere that if the Alaska pipeline was riveted, it would have leaked enough oil to serve a small town. Impossible to narrow it down to one profession though. Dave
Not real surprising But we came up with the Farmer. The reason being if it weren't for him no other people would exist.

The farmer don't get recognized as the hub of the wheel of human life, their toils usually go unnoticed by the fast generation today as they work almost unnoticed by the speeding traffic driving by. Ask 10 kids from the city where beans come from I'll bet 7 of them will say store or a can.

Though I'm no longer doing any farm work [since I was a kid] I want to commend the farmers, And give them a well deserved salute.

Their battle ground is just as important as any other.
I'm surprised none of you have mentioned being a Mom. Maybe it's old fashioned now to speak of a housewife etc.
But I can't name one lawyer, banker, teacher or carpenter that I could rely on as much as I did my mother.
Jerry- the only reason I clicked on this post was because I saw your name-and as usual- it was a good post. AIRBORNE and SEMPER FI to your response. No job is more important.
Toolmaker......Cause its my job.

Politican is actually the lowest form of a job there is: Cause you have to BS people all the time, you lie about everything, you steal from people and they actually think they are doing good deeds, Sad aint it.
While I understand your opinion I do not endorse it because the farmer is using the tools at hand and those tools were the result of someone, many of them actual farmers or, "farmers at heart", inventing those tools. In Roman times, a farmer could till about an acre a day. That didn't change very much until people like McCormick, Deere, Ford, Deering, Hart and Parr, Ferguson, etc., etc., came along which resulted in freeing up multitudes of people who could then go into other occupations, many of them inventing other things, and thereby creating wealth. 100 years ago, it took one farmer to feed himself and one other person. In other words, half of the population was engaged in farming. Now, about 3% of the population produces 95% of the food required. All this is due to the consumate tinkerer such as Edison or Ford or the inventive genious of GE, Boeing, Caterpillar, to name a few. Without them, we'd still be scratching the ground with sticks pulled by oxen. But it can't stop here. It must be further improved and it will be. By inventors using rapidly expanding knowledge accompanied by dazzling technological advances.
True but this relates back to the farmer. you say it yourself,when farmers or, farmers at heart started to invent tools. These people went on to create other jobs to make farming what it is today.Farm people are responsible for starting a evolution that we couldn't survive without.

That's a big battle when you say 3% of the population is responsible for our food.

I still commend them, because they take a gamble every year as to whether they themselves will survive,due to floods,fire, drought,etc.
Being both a farmer and a "farmer at heart", I have to agree on some of your points but I didn't say that all of these people (inventors) were farmers as you seem to think I did. Many of them were farmers simply because there were so many farmers and in Ford's case, simply wanted to make farm life easier. I don't think John Deere ever farmed. He was a blacksmith in Vermont and then moved to Illinois and made history by turning saw blades into plow shares so he could make enough money to feed his family. I don't think Edison ever farmed but I didn't give George Westinghouse, who I don't think ever farmed, the credit he deserves for making the distribution of electricity, which is vitally important to us as farmers, a possibility. I don't think he was thinking much about farming. His work was seized upon by farmers and put to good use.

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