Farm accidents

Walt Davies

Well-known Member
yesterday i was moving the torch around the trailer so as to get closer to my work area. I was making some new parts for an Xmas tree conveyor when i slipped on the wet ground and fell down with the whole thing landing on my right leg. BUMMER.
Right above the Knew I had an instance knot come up about 3 in across so I had Victor my friend who was there with me take me to the hospital in Dallas. Being on blood thinners you don't want to take chances. Turns out I have a very bad injury that swelled so bad that it stung like a bee bite.
Put ice packs on it last night and by bedtime it was doing pretty good but still has a nice knot that hurts when I move it.
I got say this farming is real dangerous stuff.
Can happen at any time, that's the last thing you needed, lucky the weight did not cause any fracturing. Trip and fall hazards are no joke, work areas need to be taken care of for those, no doubt.

My mother had slipped or tripped in the basement about 4 years ago, as she fell, she grabbed onto some concrete block and pine board shelving, think it was 3 high, well that lousy block caught her just right and broke both her legs, one compound, not sure whether age and brittleness, (she's always exercised and stayed in shape too) or what, hard to imagine what actually happened was caused by one block about 3 feet off the floor could do that.

Equipment safety, fall/trip hazards, confined space hazards, electrical and all the rest, can and will get you, get well and take er easy Walt !
Yes accidents and especially farm accidents are very common. As one guy once said,"Accidents don't happen, they're caused". So true! On Monday I was about to load my AC 650 Quad onto my pickup using 7 foot arched ramps. The end of the ramps were against the tailgate, I kicked the bottom secure into the ground, all was well so I thought. As the front wheels came onto the tailgate, one ear on the left ramp buckeled, the right ramp followed suit, down I went holding onto the handle bars with the Quad about to flip over. I laid on the ground behind the quad(looking death in the eyes) the quad was almost upright and than tilted back onto the tailgate. Took my tractor out of the shop and lifted the back of the quad onto the tailgate. What saved me....I had the receiver hitch on the quad which prevented it from flipping over. Bottom line, one should never trust ramps, another person should be with when loading. Unloading I just put it into neutral and pull it off. Lets all be more careful!!!!
I do my share of stupid and dangerous stuff. I do pretty good at avoiding accidents, just can't seem keep my left thumb and index finger nails for very long.

That might be a good topic for a separate forum, where we could share scary experiences and our ideas and practices for avoiding them. Could help insure that there are plenty of us around in another four years to post on the elections.
Sorry to hear about your accident. At your/our age any accident such as you just had can become serious +. Take it easy.

I visited with you once last fall, live about mile west off HWY 223 on Liberty Rd.
Leon Bolen
2570 Liberty Rd
I had almost the same type of injury about ten years ago playing football in HS. Had a 300 lb. guy's knee driven into the side of my lower leg. Same thing, it swelled way way up. Later that night, I almost felt something "pop". It burned like crazy. Then the whole area turned bright purple. To this day, it's still tender when I press on that area. Did they give you a specific diagnosis? I never did go to the doctor.
I made a bad step last year and hurt my right knee. Turns out it had cancer in it and now I am recovering from a complete replacement of the Knee and Femur with Titanium.
YEP! said I had football injury, Funny I have never played football. You are right it really stings.

Mine turned blue last night but the ice-packs brought it way down.
Wish you a speedy recovery. One of my retired co-worker's was cutting tree tops several weeks ago and one of the limbs somehow swung around and hit him in the back pinning him agaist a tree stump.
The limb also hit his wife and severely broke her ankle. She was able to call for help with her cell phone.

He has a cracked vertabrae in his back and he may need surgery and his wife will definitely need surgery on her ankle. Both are on walkers.
Yes Walt , Please be extra careful with that type of injury, especially with those blood thinners.

Not to give you a bad outlook, but I lost my brother last year because of a fall in his living room. while going down he hit the side of the coffee table basically scraping and bruising his entire hip.

Though sore, he thought it would be fine after the black and blue went away, but in a day it was totally black.

He was on thinners and , he had a pacemaker. He was 72. Reluctantly he went to the hospital because his head felt funny on one side and his disposition was changing rapidly. being very argumentative with family members and talking out of his head.

He went in the hospital on a Tue. afternoon and he was gone on Thursday night.
Walt --- that kind of talk belongs in the Sewer === if you don't straighten up - it will get a whole lot worse -- and then you be talking with the Devil ...
That is dangerous stuff!

My wife works in the hospital and said a guy came in the other night who got his hand caught in a baler. She said it "gloved" him - took all the skin right off his hand and left basically a skeleton hand. Ouch!
had a drunk driver hit me from behind october o5 while driveng the tractor back to the home place one dodge truck totaled drunk driver not a scratch one tractor totaled me broken ribs torn muscle in right leg knee mesed up 3 disk in my neck crushed lower back messed up but what dont kill you makes you stonger or thats what they tell me
Me Neither , Equilibrium Ain;t what it used to be either , This evening Had 2 gallons of Oil in my hands an climbing up the 3 row corn head on the Massey 300 doing routine maintenance , slipped and fell down on the sheet metal of the head , Least the machine was all quiet. Smarting tailbone , walking like granpa now ,, Tylenol Athritis to the rescue

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