buffalo artifically to holstein


Well-known Member
wanting tasty lean calves what about buying a couple of older holestiens possibly 1 quareter bad artifically breeding to buffalo . is buffalo semen available?? older cow should calf easily especialy big cow have plenty of milk Whats your opinion??
If I understand right, cow's carry their calves longer than buffalo and the buffalo calves will drown before being born. I think you can go the other way with success. I raised buffalo several years with cattle and only had one cross, buffalo cow to a shorthorn bull, it was a wild calf.
I don't know anything about buffalo.
Why not just stick a cheap holstein straw into her and raise the calf? That would be plenty lean I'd think.
We've raised a fair number of them here and it can be plenty hard to get finish on them...

I have always thought putting on a finish was to get more fat on the animal. would not putting a finish on beefalo be counter to the lean you was after.
I have not eat beefalo home cooked but just picked up a few pounds of buffalo meat Friday. You can not see the marbel fat like beef in it. Did they butcher the buffalo before they had finish on it??
If you want lean beef - just butcher a Holstein. Buffalo meat is lean, but then so is the beef from old culled cows - good mainly for hamburger.
Buffalo were bred with cattle in the early ninteen hundreds as conservationests tried to bolster their numbers and widen the gene pool.

Just read where the conservation dept. was seperating (trying) the Buffalo with cattle genes and the purebreds.
just go full blood longhorn they don't get fat just finish slick best tasting beef you ever eat no i'm not a longhorn breeder but i sell my heavy calves and buy a longhorn for myslf
Bad idea,you'll be sorry after if you do.I would just buy a 2 yr old bison heifer if you want good eatin,besides there is no bison semen straws around
Wife has an uncle that bred holstein cows and heifers to buffalo. I helped pull every calf, and all calves and 8 out of 11 mothers died. The calves were way to big for holsteins. Might be OK to breed female buffalos to holsteins? Wayne

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