Cold weather cliches`

Colder than a witch's heart. (or other body parts, pick your favorite.)

Freeze the balls off a brass monkey. (allegedly a brass monkey was a pallet to hold cannon balls on old ships, if it got cold enough, it contracted, and cannon balls rolled off. - check with Snopes on this.)

and it was a well digger's KNUCKLES!
Colder than a stainless steel commode in the Antartic.

BTW, you're right, Ray. The expression "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey" originated on sailing ships and had nothing to do with human or animal anatomy.
Can someone explain the significance of a "well digger's arse/knuckles"? Does it come from when wells were dug by hand?
So cold it take 3 people to put wood in the stove. One to put it in the stove and 2 to bring it in from the wood shed.

When I was a kid all the local wells were dug by hand, Our well diggers were the spitten images of Laural and Hardy right down to the English accent and derby hats.

I was a teenager before I saw them on TV, always wondered why they dug wells for a living if they were movie stars.

Colder than a banker's heart!
Colder than hell on stoker's holiday!
Colder than a knot at the North Pole!
Colder than a mother-in-law's kiss!
He was as blue as a whetstone!
As cold as a dead snake!
Cold ennough to make a polar bear hunt cover!
It's so cold here I propped the refrigerator door open trying to warm up the house.

It's so cold I had to chisel the dog off the fire hydrant.
Not about the Cold exactly -
My Great Grandfather used to say "Slicker'n snot on a door knob" for icy conditions
Two guys peeing off a bridge in the winter. First guy, bragging to the second, "Man that water's cold!" Second guys comeback, "Deep too".

Heard a guy I worked with in Madison refer to the cold as "the hawk." He said that's what they call it up in Alaska. Since then I've heard a few other people call it "the hawk."
"Bone chiller" also on tv ad.
It;s so cold instead of swallows returning to San Juan Capistrano, Penguins are replacing them.

Overheard on a cold day at the golf course by a worker on the other side of some trees. One woman said to the other; "It's so cold...I almost froze my vacuum cleaner" Lol Dave

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