O/T scammer I'm playing with


Well-known Member
I have something for sale on Craigs list, I got a scammer response, and I am trying to play with him as long as possible to for my amusement, at his expense. I just got the bogus Cashier's check today, and he sent an E-mail asking me to send the overage to his party planner. (Its all part of the scam, I'm buying your item for my sister's birthday, your check got sent to the party planner, by mistake...) My question is is other than asking him for the address of the party planner, so I can send the "party planner" a bogus check, hand written by a child, of course, are there any ideas out there of how to keep getting him to send me stuff via $10 Fedex envelopes, so I can at least draw out some of his ill gotten gains? Let me be clear about this- I have not cashed his beautifully done counterfeit check, nor do I intend to, I think I am just going to collect a few, to see how many I can amass.
go for it ! Too bad these scammers can't get shut down they hurt business for all of us legit people.
For some ideas...go to www.419eaters.com This is
a site where a guy "baits" Nigerian scammers and
keeps stringing them along..sometime for months.
It's not the same as your situation but you will
get some novel ideas. Good Luck
Tell, him you tried to cash the check and were detained for questioning on an ongoing investigation by the FBI into the source of this check. Tell them since you have been released and the FBI has the check for evidence, please send you a new check so you can complete your sale.
Email him some religious tracts. Sign him up for some magazines.

Tell him the check got torn/wet in the mail and your bank won't accept it. Ask for a replacement. Ask for a photo ID to give the bank.

Ask for his party planner's bank data so you can wire transfer the money. You're not going to do that but it's fun to ask.
Tell him the ruin check thing but you have another buyer and if he could send you 20 cash along with a new check to sweeten the deal so you'll go with him.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for your causing the scammer as much inconvenience as possible, but remember that fradulent use of the US mail is a crime on either side. Be careful how you string him along.
I checked out your 419eaters.com and did not have much luck. If you want some amusement with scammers being scammed go to http://www.ebolamonkeyman.com The tiffney johnson read is real good.
makes you the better person how? wrong is wrong..... makes no difference your intentions.

H$ll lets all just take the law into our hands and settle matters as we see fit.

get a life and be the adult
First remember, you're dealing with a criminal and he/she knows where you live. I wouldn't go too far down the vigilante route. Passing a fake cashier's check is fraud, probably felony fraud if the amount is high enough. By all means contact the authorities, it is the best thing for everyone.
Mail fraud and wire fraud is a crime, from any side or any way its played. If it was me, I would contact police dept or secret service and let them in on the fun. They could have a great time with a counterfeit check. For now, you can always let him know that as soon as the check clears you will act on it. That buys you some time to get the police involved.
Why deal with this guy, just turn him over to the cops. Think about it for a minute.----What is the worst thing "you" could do to him legally, not much. But the cops can knock on his door and his gut would sink----Right! Maybe he has committed fraud before or theft if he has ripped off anyone before or maybe he already has a record.
cops won't do a darn thing Ive tried even tho it's 100% illegal no body in the u.s. will lift a finger to try to catch the fools best bet keep it goin like you said just for your satisfaction
You send him anything fraudulant, that is mail fraud, you can go to prison for that I would assume. Ya gotta be real careful sending stuff through the mail.
I'll go the middle road: If you have the time, mess with this guy, but be careful not to do anything illegal.

Go for it!
Sending a crayon check may put you in legal trouble. If you have to send the party planer something, send'm some KFC coupons.

Good luck.

(quoted from post at 00:38:10 01/07/09) I'll get a life when you post as a regular member of this site, till then, bug out!
Hey DiyDave still gettin the wonderful Guest smart@#$ comments. Are they ever going to make this site where you have to register to post ????

Got the info from the bogus check, it was sent Fedex from 405 E Union St. Ligonier, IN 46767, one Bruce Leslie appears to be the sender. The check is Addressed as Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund The Vanguard Group P.O. box 2600 Valley Forge, PA 19482-2600. Kinda has a vaguely official sound to it, don't it? It is drawn on PNC Bank 249 5th Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15222, Phone # listed as 412-762-2000. Signature line is stamped, or computer generated, as Richard D Carpenter. I did the request a new check bit on him tonight, the scammer wants me to wire transfer the money to Juan Ramirez, Wasn't he some sort of historical figure, or perhaps a movie character in a western?, Garland, TX 75040. I think I'll ask him how do you get the money into the wires, as I have a telephone pole not too far from the house!
Tjdub, If you advertise anything on Craigs list, with your phone number and town, chances are if they want your address bad enough, they can look it up. I'll probably play with him a little while longer, then turn it over to the cops, who will likely put it in file 13, you know, the round file cabinet!
Be careful, 2 sites that deal with this, ebolamonkeyman, and 419baiter or something like that, if you want some ideas, don't do anything to jeopardize yourself, like playing chess with these jerks, I hammered one who tried about the same darned thing when I had something for sale in the local want ad, funny how they are interested in something they know nothing about, there is a language barrier usually, always a cultural barrier, you can really fabricate some outlandish things for these idiots, check those sites out you'll see
George: I did not include the number on the Fedex package, but it is very similar to the number you got. Could you double check that number and get back to me? I'm wondering if that's just the Fedex office. Thanks, Dave
Thats about 45 minutes from me. If you want to play it up, keep my email handy. I may be of assistance here. We won't tell him what I do though!
I had two checks for $2,500 each. They were conterfiet. There isn't much you can do. Unless you have a real name and address. They are usually from out of the country. They just get more names involved and will probably start to threaten you. They must have your address so look out. I would cut it off now! Why are you lowering yourself to their level??? If you're playing with them just remember what they say about those who play with matches!!

Be careful and good luck!!
String him along. As long as he is messing with you, he is leaving someone else alone. Be sure to stay on the good side of the law.

Telemarketers never know what they are gonna get when they call here...

Could be a set up just like the police do with drug dealers and women of the night! Especially if it goes on for a long period of time.

I delt with one who sent me counterfiet money orders and after 9 days he left me alone because he knew that's how long it would take for me to find out about the checks.
From experience, tell him you mistakenly forgot about the check in your back pocket when you washed your jeans and need another one. I bought my truck used from the brother in law of the owner who moved away. The owner got the check but forgot he put it in his back pocket when he put his jeans in the wash. The brother in law called to ask what bank I dealt with. How do you forget you have a $13,000 check in your back pocket? Anyway, try to get him to send you another check. Dave
The scammer who sent me counterfiet checks told me when the checks would be arriving to the address I gave him.
They do this on a very large scale and quanity of victims.
The FBI agent I talked to about it said that almost 95% of the victims fall for it!!
there is NO FedEx office in Ligonier,IN. you probably have to drive 45 min to find one. If it was truly sent FedEx it would have been pre-paid (cash or CCard at FedEx office) or billed to a FedEx account. If not paid for with cash it (the package) should be easy to track them down. I get a couple of these once in a while. Completely ignore their 1st attempts. Educating people about this stuff is a far better use of your time than messing with these loosers (although I think they deserve being messed with). That is the only way to stop it by having NO one fall for it. supply/demand eliminate the supply
Not trying to puy anybody down here ,but someone needs to wake up. In these times terrorist are well educated people and they know how to raise money for their causes and know how to funnel money back overseas. They are ruthless and as mentioned earlier they are smart, they know where you live, phone number and probably your s.s #. Smart people can do miracles with computers which you would'nt beleive. What do you know about them?? Don't intercourse around with them !! you or a love one could wind up in a ditch on the side of the road (not worth a laugh is it) there's other ways to have fun with less jepordy. We are'nt trying to rain on your parade, just want you to be safe. Take care !!
No Further comment on this forum, till something worthy reporting happens. Thanks for all the interest, I will post the outcome at the proper time.
try this on him. one of my friends years ago did this and told the guy he was part of some group and he can only buy stuff from people in this group. he made this guy do all kinds of stuff like dance around a fire and all. he got the guy to prove it my sending him picturs of him dancing. then he got the guy to send him $20 cash to "donate" to this group to be a member. the guy finally got tried of doing all this stuff and just quit emailing/mailing letters to him. hey but he made $20 off the deal...
Your absolutely right on not having a Fedex location. My guess is that you are 100% correct on using a biz account. I'll post an update to this once things are a little further along. We will just say, I'm on it.

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