** Gas Prices YUK **


Well-known Member
Went to work Monday morning gas was 1.49.9 .. after work it was 1.59.9 ... Came home today and they are 1.74.9 ... That's a quarter in lest 48 hours...Don't see it go down that fast ...
This is in Pella, Iowa ... Just makes me MAD..Now the Governor wants to add 1 cent per gallon to help fix roads ,, and heard the goverment wants to add 10 cents per gallon...
SORRY I just had to ,get it out...
The goverment is looking for their money. An article in the paper told about, I think it was the state of Oregon, who is experimenting with taxing the actual miliage put on vehicles instead of a tax on gasoline. This would mean that all states would require vehicle inspections to check the miliage. Oregon wants to do it through the use of GPS tracking devices on automobiles so you can't get away with unplugging your speedometer or whatnot. Right now they are doing a trial of 300 vehicles and claim it might be a few years before this would be everywhere. The politicians are concerned after they have finally gotten their wish with the gas guzzling pickups and SUVs, that the new vehicles are too fuel efficient and therefore they can't collect enough money through taxing gasoline as some of the new vehicles coming out don't use gasoline at all. I don't want my privacy violated through GPS trackers in this way. The goverment needs to find another solution is my opinion.

I've also heard of politicians wanting to be able to limit the speed of your car through GPS, so you could never exceed the speed limit, or even mail you tickets through the reporting of the GPS. Some of the technology is scary that they are thinking of coming out with. I am afraid that now the goverment through their car Czar they want, and the current control over the auto industry the goverment has, we will see lots of changes that won't be for the better.
Diesel was $1.99 this AM, $2.19 this PM. What a crock. No one ever questions why it takes weeks to drop 5 cents when the price of oil plummets, but they huslte right out and add 20, 30, 50 cents or more at the first $5/ barrel rise.

Get ready to be whacked again. Funny how we never get tired of being robbed. A little grumbling here and there, but that"s about it.
I filled up all my gas cans 10 days ago for $1.49, now gas is $1.99 here in Central Ohio.

thats a 33% increase in 10 days. Yikes

I knew it was too good to last.

Look for the price of oil to keep going up driving the price of gas up.

The USA has said they are going to take advantage of the low price of oil and refill the strategic petroleum reserve to replace oil sold off during Katrina. Something like 10 to 15 million barrels.
China is also building and filling oil reserves while the price is down. While China does not disclose the size of these reserves it is belived to be over 200 million barrels.
Same thing happened to me. Monday it was 1.47 at a station in the AM and when I went to lunch it was 1.59. The funny thing is another station was 1.58 at another station Monday but I filled up at the first for 1.59. Today the first station had dropped a bit to 1.54??? and the second gone up to 1.78!!! I frankly don't think they know what to price it at. I sure wish it'd stay down awhile.
I'm up near Mason City. Was still 1.56 tonight, but probably will be changed by morning. RE: adding tax for road repair- the state says that the roads and bridges are falling apart, but they keep pouring liquid salt brine on 'em. I can't figure out why these highly educated engineers can't put a connection between salt and deterioration of concrete and steel.
Also, where do they think the salt brine runs off to when it rains?
my 2 cents.
old bones
Look at what really has been going on. Israel has never lived up to the last or any peace agreement from the first day they were signed. They continue to force at gun point and even kill Palestinians out of their homes then they bulldoze the homes then rebuild a new one for a Jewish family. The BBC is one of the only news sources that will report this. American news for the most part doesn't (NPR sometimes). This happens to Palestinians and Arabs and Christians (to a lesser extent) everyday in Israel and in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank! I've seen the tapes. They harass the Palestinians people at their home and throw rocks at them and tell them they will die if they stay. They end up fleeing right then and there then a bulldozer takes the home down. This goes on all the time, everyday. What would you do if it was happening to you or your family? What astonishes me is that our NBC, CBS, ABC and of course Fox never show this footage.

Couple that to the fact that Israel as covertly gone into Palestine and Lebanon and other countries and kidnapped political leaders or members of their families and brought them back to Israel into prison. Now what would you do if your wife or son or father etc. was kidnapped by Israel? You need to look at what has really gone on now for decades and put yourself in their shoes.
Look at what really has been going on. Israel has never lived up to the last or any peace agreement from the first day they were signed. They continue to force at gun point and even kill Palestinians out of their homes then they bulldoze the homes then rebuild a new one for a Jewish family. The BBC is one of the only news sources that will report this. American news for the most part doesn't (NPR sometimes). This happens to Palestinians and Arabs and Christians (to a lesser extent) everyday in Israel and in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank! I've seen the tapes. They harass the Palestinians people at their home and throw rocks at them and tell them they will die if they stay. They end up fleeing right then and there then a bulldozer takes the home down. This goes on all the time, everyday. What would you do if it was happening to you or your family? What astonishes me is that our NBC, CBS, ABC and of course Fox never show this footage.

Couple that to the fact that Israel as covertly gone into Palestine and Lebanon and other countries and kidnapped political leaders or members of their families and brought them back to Israel into prison. Now what would you do if your wife or son or father etc. was kidnapped by Israel? You need to look at what has really gone on now for decades and put yourself in their shoes.
Yes, Also, I have read that the states of N.Carolina and R.I are also talking about the mileage tax too. N.Carolina wants to charge different tax rates for different areas, to cut down on traffic congestion. But of course the GPS would not be used to track your whereabouts, yet. Big brother is going to come up with many, many inventive ways to separate us from our money. We have'nt seen anything yet. Jack
Yes and maybe you should read it a little closer paying particular attention to the New Testament. Should I quote for you?
We're back up to $1.99 here in Indy, was as low as $1.30.

But ya, I was thinking about this yesterday. I drive for a living, so fuel is a big concern for me.

Even at $2.00/gal, seems like that is just about in line with inlfation. It was about $1/gal when I started driving in 1982, 25 years later most other things are more than twice as expensive.

What scares me most is the new abundant admisnistration and ultra abundant congress. They are talking like they want to make Detroit produce little crappy cars that no one wants to buy, and they know it, so they want to raise gas taxes to make the price $4.00 all the time so people will be pushed to buy those little cars they don't want.

Gee, whatever happen to free markets and free choice?

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