OT: PMG Jack Potter proposes cutting 1 day a week.

As a Rural Mail Carrier, I think this is a very poor idea. Part of the problem with USPS already is they are out to save money regardless of how bad it makes service. I could give you MANY examples of this, this is just one more of their ill conceived cost cutting ideas. Time for USPS (mis)management to go back to basics, and deliver the mail ON TIME, meaning honor mailer's requested delivery dates, not early or late. We get talks all the time telling us to sell USPS, but until they quit trying to save money by giving poor service it is hard to do. Too much mail is moving on competitor's planes, meaning FED-EX and UPS. ENOUGH FOR NOW. DOUG
I agree with the mis-management. I worked as a carrier for 39 years before retiring and the last few years were awful. People running the place had no idea how the job was done. Most of the management goons were stupid, rude and racist.

I feel sorry for the remaining employees, doomed to go down with a sinking ship.
I was told by the husband of a mail clerk, that the drivers are allowed three accidents, and they are out.

A nearby town, the roads were VERY ice packed, and that town has lots of very long steep hills in the Rural areas, and often curves on the hills. Schools were closed due to ice, power outages, and roads not fit for a dog with chains on his feet. One driver slid into the ditch, no harm done, STRIKE one

He later had his car PARKED at the POST OFFICE, 100% legaly parked and was inside when it was hit by another auto. Strike 2. no ticket for either one.

Our clerks in my home town close the post office from 11:00 to 1:00 every day. There are two of them, and could stagger their noon hrs and still keep the doors open....NOPE, that don't happen.

The Post master is retiring the end of this month because she is as high with her IPERS as she can get. She is fifty five years old.
Our Govt. has a scheme just developed whereby they withold ss payments if the indigenous people don't send their children to school.This has created ridicule from a number of sources. The bottom line... everyone criticizes but not one has suggested an alternative.
I wonder if floccinaucinihilipilification is appropriate.
I am a carrier in a small city. I firmly believe that postal managment is actually trying to put the company out of business.They were supposed to be develping these new miracle sorting machines at a cost of billions nation wide,they would no longer need as many clerks to sort manually,so as clerks retired they were not replaced. Lo and behold the mail volume dropped so these machine are no longer cost effective. Net result? Most days they pay me to stand around 45 minutes to 2 hours waiting for mail twiddling my thumbs. Then scream and yell if you run late on your route. They can't seem to see the cause and effect. The local office is micromanaged from 300 miles away. If the office has a couple of sick calls the boss must call headquarters and beg permission to bring someone in on OT and is routinely turned down and then gets his azz in a wringer because his existing workforce went into overtime. The office I work in has 130 employees and no less than 9 supervisors plus someone from Hdqtrs in in at least twice a week to audit this or collect data on that. Glad I only have 3 years to go.
"Flocccinaucinihilipilification", the longest word in the English language. I saw it once in a high school English textbook back around 1964 and have never seen it anywhere again until this morning. If I remember correctly it means "having the hibut of estimating as worthless.
Rural carriers do not get OT they are paid what the route is rated whether it takes them 5 hours or 14.
Good idea, We don't need Saturday delivery.
My Rural carrier is on salery, only works 5 days
anyway. We can always tell when the substitute
is working,(not always the same day) because
delivery is 1:late, 2: all screwed up-always get
neighbors or strangers mail due to sloppy, lax
A lot of USPS problems is it needs to be run with top dogs that are in touch with reality and not just sitting in a office making bad business decisions. They already raised prices again on shipping packages if you haven't had to ship lately yet said first class stamp wasn't going up till May. All the BS literature on prices online or flyers at post office is wasted money already out of date and prices no good when they put it out! Keep pissing customers off like that and they won't have business at all soon! When all government agencies start working 2 ot 3 days per week and expect us to pay for it will time to get rid of ALL their lazy A$$e$ !!!!!!!!!!
With the quality of service I get, I probably wouldn't even know the difference (a little like the old joke about a slow worker- "Ya gotta drive stakes to see if he's moving"). Different carrier about every day (at my business in town)- nobody wearing uniforms anymore, jeans and such (guess they don't get a uniform allowance until they are permanent, and apparently nobody lasts that long). Delivery is anytime between noon and sometime after we've gone home. I'd be in favor of shutting down Saturdays- Many businesses are closed anyhow, morale would probably improve among employees (everybody would rather have a regular weekend off). I have heard some talk of closing Tuesday, which is just idiotic.

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