Palin vs. Judd

plow hand

Well-known Member
Do you think there might be a civil and entertaining way these two ladies can settle their differences without being to rough on each other........
The dumb sister of Winona, typical leftist peta member, career on the wane, she resorts to attacking Sarah Palin over a wolf hunt, to get attention. I for one from now on won't go to a movie with her in it. Maybe she can do dixie chicks videos!
go to and look up asshley judd she is complaining about alaska predator contol program
wolves ect. must be getting out of hand in some parts of alaska and causing problems for other types of animals. so alaska must have declared open season on wolves etc.
Ashley Judd and Sarah Palin.....Hmmmm--Hmmmmm---Hmmmm----Good!

How about a jello wrestling contest between them?
Speaking of Dixie Chicks, I had one of their CD's once, I took my pocket knife out and scratched it all up then broke it in pieces. Wish I had found out how wacko they were before I bought the thing.

I think the people in AK would help the argument if they'd call it 'shooting' wolves and not 'hunting' them.

As I explained to my wife, you shoot fish in a barrel, you don't hunt them.

You don't hunt wolves from the air, just shoot them. I am not familiar with the wildlife arguments in this particular case, but a terminology change would be a good first step.

Palin by no means has the market cornered on being WACKY.

Have you looked in the mirror lately, Tom?
You forgot to mention that see was a VERY good looking woman also.


Was is right, seeing how its been 5 years since she's had a film she needed to ride on somebody else's reputation (and looks) to put her face on TV again. Palin should have ignored her.
We actualy do think alot alike ya know! Best be carefull, that cute blonde with a carefull eye on clocks may catch wind of this well thought out observation of yours ya know! Probably if she puts up with the old tractor hobby she has to have a good attatude.

I never seen if her eyes were blue, (still talking about the blonde yet) but yours could end up black and blue if she does find out yer a lookin .<Speaking of eyes, ya never realy get to know a woman till you look her right in the eyes .....(in a court room).p>What goes on in YT stays in YT!

for a price that is!

just a kiddin, have a good one.
Hmm, the Govenor with the highest approval rating, a family oriented woman, college grad, went from the PTA to the Governors office in a few short years, raising a family and showing compassion for a Downs syndrome kid, and a kid who made a mistake. How do you come up with wacky? Support your accusation Tom.
If Ashley wants to bring a knife to a gun fight, so be it!!

I believe it's time for some of these people to find out what it is like in the real world.
Ha! ha! ha! Dave, to satisfy your curiosity, they are blue! She has the " you can look but NO touchy " attitude. How's the grand daughter? Mom and dad getting any sleep yet? LOL.
Can you support this? I've done a few google searches and can find no proof that she was a nnalert. Can you provide a link or some other evidence?
Sucessful women are considered wacky to those that feel threaten by the sucessful.
Not much chance of that. Poor Ashley is just another cute but clueless Hollywood lib, who has no grasp of how things really work in the world. Folks like her get an exaggerated opinion of themselves because so much money is thrown at them for no good reason, and think the wealth somehow gives them some intellectual credibility. Alas, Ashley, 'tis not so. You're no smarter now than when you were still poor.
Grandaughter is sleeping longer than mom wants her too.

No one believes me that she knows her ABC's already, and is a future super model.

Your issue of lookiey / no touchey is typical, and not that uncomon what so ever. Alot of research has been done, and the conclusion is something in the wedding cake, or the gold in the wedding ring. My ex-wife said I was the only guy in town that complained....turned out she was right. However, my attorney got her to admit the long list of no complainers was not limited to this city only! aaaahhhhh bless her litle heart.
HA, HA It's OK, no it's not, it's OK. Y'all jump from one sinking ship to the next, then back again.
Your other crazy Repug hottie on the View said it and nobody disputed it. Strange how that only comes out after the election.

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