O/T Weekend Plans?


Well-known Member
What are you guys doing this weekend? Its going to be considerably warmer this weekend up here in Michigan for the next 5 days. I have to clean the barn...yes cow poop detail. Its been so cold and frozen. All I could do is keep dying down the floor at night with straw so they aint laying in it.

And the days are getting longer, I already placed seed orders for our greenhouses, and in 2 weeks its time to plant:)
My weekend will be 1900 Sunday to 1900 wed this week so the author of the Honeydo Novel will be working and not home to try and prioritize my tasks. I'll spend a day with the ATV and my harrow/drag concoction dragging pastures that wet weatherkept me from in fall, then massive amounts of tidying up after a winter of short days the "stick'er there" attitude. We have a real small place and you have to clean everyday to stay on top of things. And, and, and.......... I'll keep at it as long as it's fun.

Hello to all: Well the wife and I have a differant kind of weekend going..... We left Mn a week ago, Driving our dually to Ca. Today is the 2nd day of the estate sale, we are having to clean out her sisters home. 45yrs as a teacher, and never got rid of much!!! 4days ago, I orderd a custom trailer made. We had bought a 1935 PlymouthPJ before we left home, and had planned on renting a one way trailer to get it home. That was utill we found a53 40 JD tractor out here...3pt frt weights new tires and a roll over 2 bottom plow and 3pt disk.So Sunday we are picking up the trailer, Then next week driving up to Redwood City Ca and load up. Then after that it's 2500miles back home. I'll try to keep this ongoing deal posted!!! Thanks Bobmn
Suppose to be a real nice weekend here. Highs in the mid 70's and lows around 50.
The weeds and clover are blooming and some cold hardy trees are starting to get leaves. While the summer grass is still brown you can sure see where the weeds are because they are all green and growing.

Hang in there guys.... Spring is on the way.

I will spend part of my weekend planting potatoes in my garden and getting ready to plant my sweet corn in about 3 weeks.
Stand in a booth at a local info seminar for organics for Saturday and on Sunday have an appointment to make a deal for some of my brochures... I've had my fun with them..2 4 drawer file cabinets from the early 40's on up.
This winter thing isn't funny anymore.
Well, will be giving the shop a good thorough cleaning, cutting some firewood, removing the steering bolster off my super a to clean, rebuild, and prep for painting. Suppose to be close to 40 then maybe close to 50 next week. Going to try to pull the engine from a 140 Sunday.
You're right about a teacher not throwing away much. My wife has taught for 35 years and she has filled up every closet I have built. I am not building any more storage space cause she'll just plug it full again.

My sis and her hubby are coming from the quad cities. They couldn't make it for christmas so they are coming now.

Wife and I are working through the weekend. She's a never caught up workahaulic and I'm trying to get as far along with the big project as I can before the surgeon tears in to me next Wed. Jim
i will be doing bodywork on a 1964 chev impala ss it is supposed to be in the upper 20 to lower 30 this weekend in northern wi and i might go snowmobiling on monday
Don't know yet other then i do know that tomorrow night i am going to throw the last two porter house stakes on the grill chill a bottle of Modoc's finest do up a couple baked taters and a salad and who know's where that will that will go. It's our anniversary . Only forgot it one time and i sure won't do that again.
I'll be working on my <q>College Algebra</q> homework some more since I was assigned a complete chapter with lots and lots of problems this week. At least I don't have to work at the school this weekend.

I should do some work out in the sugar house to get ready for the season. Maple sugaring will be upon us real soon.
Planning on working on an aspen clear-cut--what a naughty word. Everything above an inch is cut so the aspen will re-generate. Come spring, thousands of new sprouts. Grouse and woodcock love it. Deer and rabbits too. If it's raining, I'll kick back in front of the wood stove,after I punch through the snow banks to handle the run off.

Larry in Michigan
Headin' out for Idaho at noon.Bought a '77 Firbird Formula out there.About 1500 mi. from here.

Talk to you guys in a few days.
Going to the consignment machinery auction in Woodburn, OR on Saturday, with a tractor jockey friend of mine. I generally don't buy anything anymore, but I've been going to it for over 30 years, and can't quite seem to kick the habit. Singing in a gospel sing-along Saturday nite, if I get back in time. Sunday looks like a little poop spreading and general farm work.
My older son turns 4 today, so we'll have a b-day party tomorrow... grandparents, several aunts, uncles, cousins... a house full! Hope to get the fuel problem on the old F250 fixed, since it will be warm enough to work outside. Otherwise, just the usual feed/milk/haul manure routine. May try to sneak a trip to the pistol range with some friends Sunday afternoon, too.
I had 8 very large pines get pine bark beetles and die last summer/fall at my hunting/fishing cabin. I had a guy come out and drop em' (60-80 year old trees)He climbed, topped em and safely dropped for $300! Gonna take the Ford 3910 out there and drag em' out and finish cutting them up to sawmill size. My paw and law got him a new sawmill, we'll cut them up and use the wood refurbish the inside of the cabin's bedroom and make some new cabinets. It'll make for neat story about all the wood being inside the cabin being from right outside the cabin.
Been a LONG, HARD winter for many, many reasons.I will be looking at the first sign of Spring.....the Bud Shootout from Daytona. Spring can't be far behind when Daytona gears up. Can almost feel the warm sun on my head from the good ole days when we left the frozen north and stepped off the plane in Daytona. I'll turn my reading lamp up on high and tilt it toward my recliner....almost the same !!
Ohhh man I am not looking forward to the poo detail. It needs to warm up soon though. Wont be long and they could just step over the fence.
It was funny yesterday I was there with them. A truck came down the road trailing 3 gravity boxes behind him.Making one heck of a racket.
All 4 cattle looked in that direction and as if on Q. They raised their tails and shot a poo stream. Dang guy making more work for me.

As for this weekend. I am building a wall and doorway for the wife in the basement. Dog keeps going down there and lifting his leg on her scrap booking boxes. She has had enough of that. So to work I go.
Bring some good strong friends, even the little organs are heavy. I helped the church with a garage sale fundraiser type deal, and somebody donated an old organ. Only deal was we had to pick it up. It took four of us to lift that thing out of there.

Sorry I don't have sausage recipies.

I am talking just bulk sausage and we get all our seasonings premixed from a local vendor, Excalibur. Brats are just adding seasoning, cheese, mix, and stuff.

Going to try some potato sausage that I got off cook.com so will have to let you know how it goes.
My wife had me make her a "scrap booking" room in our basement a couple years ago. Well, changed from scrap booking mode to reading in the living room mode. So there it sits filling up with pictures and such. What a waste of space.

You'll have to take pictures and post them of your lumber operation!!

We barely have any trees at all out here on the High Plains, so that type of thing is very interesting to me!

Nancy and I are getting up early Saturday morning and driving to Ben Franklin, Tx to pick up a #5 sickle mower.

We are then driving north to Brookston, Tx to pick up a JD 51MT.

When we get home after lunch, attach the Continental Belton sprayer to "Old John" Nancy's 48A and get set up to spray the hay meadow next weekend.

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Nancy will ride her horse on Sunday, and I will work on tractors Sunday.
Will go to local cattlemen's meeting tomarrow afternoon and dinner in the evening. Sunday I'll start getting feeding situated so I can leave for Kentucky on Wednesday to go to the National Farm Machinery Show. Between my wife and a couple good neighbors my cows shouldn't starve while I'm gone.
Its been a cold couple of weeks in Va- I'll be cutting 'n splitting in Stafford myself. Wife keeps the woodstove blazing- you could forge steel on it.
Thats interesting. I have a Nursery/Garden Center in Texas that my father started in 1953. I am worried that business will be dead this year with all the doom and gloom you see on TV.

This weekend? Its my 51'st birthday. How I spend it will be a guess. Nice weather here, in the 70's.
Warm here too. Need to work on the wifes Blazer.Put in some time on an Oliver 77 I'm restoring for a guy. My real job has kept me away from it for like 4 months. Change out an electrical panel in my son-in-laws garage.
start laying out my shop assembly building extension adding on 60 by 75 addition at least
Fri eve, go to the farm. Sat. am heading to Ben Franklin, Tx. to pick up the JD #5 mower and then to Paris, Tx. to pick up the JD MT we bought last w/e. Then hook up the spray unit and test. We plan on spraying the hayfield in a week or so.
My weekend started yesterday afternoon. (4 day work week @ day job) The weekend is being spent (so far) making up a parts list to rebuild my old Deere 336 baler. Then I'll send it to the local Mother Deere parts guy and see how much it'll cost to bring it back to good condition.

That's about all there is to do while I watch snow and ice melt!
Our daughter moved from a rental, into their new house. Said she didn't want the 1929 Lester Baby Grand piano at the new house. Maybe a console model in the new house. So I'm piano movin' this weekend. No helpers. So I'll take plenty of extra tools. About a 3 hour trip each way.
Haulin' wood, finish putting tung oil on two cherry doll beds I made for granddaughters. My nephew & wife are coming for the weekend, so will relax and sip a few with him.
All, Worming 400 head of goats! and digging postholes for a new goat shed. Praying for Rain, every little while all weekend long. We are over 24 inches behind in rainfall, ground water table is falling about as fast as the markets are and will after the new stimulus package hits!!! Wild fires are getting more and more prevelent, Wind is blowing all the time,,,Wind always blows in a drought. That what happening here in South Central Texas. Ya'll take care!
John A.
My splitting is down in Montross and your wife likes the same kind of stove as my wife. Can't keep enough wood in it for her.
Going to work.
I get to stain and poly 10 6 panel oak doors so I can install them next week for a customer.
I detest satining and varnishing - would rather clean cow poop. But hey, it's work and I'm needful of that this year so I'll go in with a smile and whistle while I work. Sunday should be a short day. Will probably get started breaking down some 13.6X28 tires in the afternoon.
Spend saturday with my two sons.Sunday I have to go to work to finish up a job so I can start another on Monday.Grateful for every little bit I can get.

Have to run the manure out of the barn.,After 4 days the gutter is gettin full. There saying 41 here in NY on Saturday, last knight it was -4. Also have to grind some grain, ear corn and oats, for the cows.
Supposed to be nice Saturday here in northwest Ill. Going to Galesburg Ill. to the Midwest Oliver Collectors Winter-Get-Together. Going to tour 2 different collections and then to the banquet. Tractor show in the mall there, so will go for a while Sunday and pass out flyers for the fall show of the tractor club I belong to. Chris
We are just thaw'n out from the worst ice storm any one can remember. I am work'n at the water factory tonight and then working on fences all weekend. Was planing on doing something with the wife for Valentines but now she has to work (works for local electric company). I will get off work at 7, work on fences till 2 or 3 and then try to get her a steak on the grill before she gets home. Then work more on fences Sunday before it starts rain'n.

Least we have jobs, power, and water even if all the fences are on the ground. We are alot better off than some folks.


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