This time I saw something at church

plow hand

Well-known Member
I went to church and the lady was doing sign language to the congregation....she looked kinda manly every now and then she would look down at the first row and smile and wink an eye..I noticed when I went up for communion there was a lady in the front row that was more manly than me with even shorter hair....Gentlemen I did not want to picture these two snuggling..
did you hear about the homo that went to church and when they passed the collection plate he put $100 in it. when the preacher saw it he said that the person who put the $100 in the plate could select 2 hymns. the homo stood up, looked around the church and said, i'll take him and him.
Tractors boys,just tractors.Plowhand,they got special sites for guys like you that may be able to help you! teeheehee Hoss
plow hand,
I guess the sermon was bad.Maybe you should try a protestant church.The Waspy women look better IMHO.I'm a little biased as wife can trace family roots back to the Mayflower on mothers side and Roger Williams on fathers side.

When The pastor was speaking of the Value Homos (he used a dainty word ) could be as Marriage Counselors????,To ME THAT WAS TOTALLY REDICULOUS !!!, I STOOD UP!,,and gave the pastor the I HAVE HAD IT LOOK~! , He Paused ~ and I strolled right out the center aisle and waited til a couple came out as well ,, WE Will not go to any Service where I know that Guy will be preachin .hel kNOw ... I have Stamped the DUST FROM MY FEET
Would you consider running for the Senate, we in Illinois may be looking again. Once in DC you could tell your pres. how you IMMEDIATELY left a church when the minister started talking garbage.
(quoted from post at 18:41:16 02/16/09) and forget about going to church and just be a good honest person!another thing, ah forget it

Sure wouldn't have to worry about your kids....Sounds like little girls won't even be safe...................

naw...Roger Williams is a pianist..from Des Moines, Iowa, was Louis Wirtz before he went to Hollywood, or wherever, and changed his
Joe, you are entitled to your opinion...I think that everyones form of prayer maybe different from one another...How poeple interpet the bible is their business...Whatever type of prayer one uses to overcome a hurdle in their life is fine or where they do there praying.. It may not seem right for some, but it works for them.. Just my opinion.......
(quoted from post at 10:16:14 02/17/09) Sure , Can I establish residency from your barn ?
This story brings back memories from my childhood and every word is true. A deacon in our church who was also the owner of a very large tractor dealership would after passing the offering plate around would put a personal check in the plate for a $100 made out to the church, he would then pull out as change $80 cash. What really peeved my families and others was that the preacher knew and would not try to correct this wrong. We eventually left that church and the deacon/owners crooked ways finally caught up with him and he's still catching his wrath with all kinds of HELL coming his way. He's still alive but definetly not living, just a walking dead man, now a bum. Don't mess with the ALMIGHTY.
The treasurer at my uncle's church was doing something similar. He would count out the cash in the offering plate and then put in a check for that amount. He then removed the cash and was able to use his "donation" for a tax deduction.

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