flying belgian

Well-known Member
Called for prepay price of anhydrous here in So. Mn. $812/ton. Don't need it until side dress in June. Think it will go cheaper? What is it in your area?
Prices are all over the place. In central Ill. near Springfield I got a quote of $675. I am south of Chicago and last years supplier told me $900. They all but admitted they were caught with last fall inventory. I left and will wait till I sidedress.
It's gonna be interesting. I need to check out UFC, River Region, & FCH. I live in UFC territory, but have seen a lot of RR tanks go past me the past 2 years, so have to shop around.

Not sure if you are in the same part of southern MN.

Going to be interesting. I had them broadcast some P&K this fall, figured at least I have something down, only 1/3 of my acres. Still need to look for starter & NH3, like you I can sidedress, so won't be in a hurry for the N I guess.

So many waited, if everyone decides to go ahead anyhow, could be a shortage during pre-plant anyhow.

We are in corn country here, beans have not kept up on yield, os I don't see many switching to beans.

I pre-paid for for 65 ton of NH3 @ $700.00/ton last month. 11-52-0 @ $460.00 and Potash @ $893.00. Potash prices just won't go down here in Mid-Michigan.
Bought mine for $600 here in west central MO. But other retailers are higher, all depends on when they bought it from wholesalers.
That's what I've been thinking instead of preplant. The stuff's been as low as $125 at the gulf. Let somebody else use up the high priced stuff early on.

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