O.T. Health Insurance?

flying belgian

Well-known Member
Wife got laid off from job so we lost our health coverage with Bluecross Blueshield. Looked at Mn. Care which is partially funded by the state but have to many assets to qualify. So we decided to continue with BCBS and pay 100% of the premium. They made us fill out an application just as if we never were insured with them. Got the results back today and we were denied Because the wife had a biopsy on one breast which was nothing and I had ruptured a disk in my back last year which corrected itself and required no surgery. Oh and also because I had symptoms of carpol-tunnel in both wrists. What do I do now?
Sounds weird to me. Blue cross here is the insurer of last resort, they have to take anybody who applies. Minnasota is different?
You might talk to somebody else about your rights, I believe something was passed that you're able to take insurance with you. Don't know if the MN insurance counted as interim insurance.
Some dipstick on here, if he posted it once he posted it fifty times, that everybody has insurance. Ya, if you give up all your assets.
They can't deny you insurance if you get it when she was laid off. It is called COBRA. The company that was carrying the group insurance for the company can't turn you down. The insurance will be the same as your group coverage. You do have to pay full premiums. Company you worked for doesn't pay part. Now there may be a time limit when you have to sign up from the time you lose you job. However is seems since you don't know about this she may not have been told of the option to continue your coverage. They are required to tell you and if they didn't I would think a letter from a lawyer would change their main and let you sign up.
I should have mentioned she got laid off last June and we were put on Cobra at that time but that only lasts one year so time is running out for us to find something else. Thanks so much for thinking about this.
You can get COBRA. Been like that for over 15 years. Under the stimulis (sp) bill just passed you can also get COBRA and the GOV. will pay 65% of that COBRA plan for 9 months since the job loss was from a layoff.
Correct on Cobra .They have to make avaible. I think you can be covered for 6 month.You will need to pay premium.
You're one of the lucky ones, it seems....when the frame plant closed in 2005, COBRA coverage for just my wife and me was gonna be almost $1,200 a month. Probably because of her pre-existing conditions and such, I guess.

Needless to say, I just couldn't afford that, and still keep the house.
Yes, good for 18 months. There is are was some way to get it extended to 24 months. My wife retired at 63 and got it for 24 months to get her to 65 for medicare to kick in. Even at 18 months, that gives you some breathing room. Double check and be sure and or why you would only have 1 year coverage.
Yes, cobra first...and after that is gone and if you want to keep blu X blu
shield you will have to do the health profile and that might ding you. It did me. Asthma, knee ops, melonoma, all fixed and with docs recommendation to them, still refused..at the company rate. However they will let you pay a huge monthly fee if you have defects.
Ask questions of your State Insurance Commissioner Office.

REGARDLESS of your political affiliation / leaning, please call your Congress people in Washington...you (hopefully) have two senators and 1 rep.

I do believe that Health Care will be a big one for debate and you/we all need to let our feelings be known in DC.rather than just grousing about it here on this foruum.

I was raised to debate issues...not partisan politics...and you will find genuine people on both sides of aisle.

my $00.02 worth.

I agree with Buick and Deere. Also, you could talk to a decently recommended trust/probate lawyer. They could give you some ideas about structuring your estate/farm to meet requirements to purchase your own group insurance with some 3rd party provider. Just a thought. Know a good one in our county. Good Luck with your situation in these tough times.

Are you anywhere close to Medicare age? Maybe you could find something to bridge the gap till then?? May also be worth visiting with your insurance agent, to see if he has any useful ideas, or products.

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Had A lady friend that was denied coverage from BC BS because her husband had knee surgery seven years prior to her trying to get the coverage.

Important factor in this issue....her husband died in a accident right after his surgery.
3 years ago my wife got a new job and health insurance was cut off for 3 months. We got a catastropic plan for me, the wife and my son. It was $300/month. Keep in mind that this ins. policy was for a year and did not cover doctor visits like head cold, poison ivy rashes, etc.

You may have to just buy lower coverage until the wife or you get a new job.
State backed hospitals here can not refuse to treat you if you don"t have insurance. I have been in the emergency room and seen people(especially illegals) there for just a cold and one young person came in just to get an excuse to miss work. Makes my blood boil when I think about my insurance cost.
We haven't been able to afford insurance for years. Haven't had it since 1998. Premiums have gotten WAY outta line....
A lot of my friends are 'self insured'. It scares me to death to think about doing that but they do. Most of them put some money back in a health savings account and then try to negotiate for surgery. One of them had the same operation I had. The listed the operation on my ins bills for 65,000, my ins paid 35,000. My friend that had it negotiated for 38,000 for his, paid up front and they covered any complications.
WHoever mentioned COBRA is right - your wife can keep the coverage she (you all) had but will have to pay the premium. It must be set up by the company that laid her off becuase it is continuing coverage under that policy - but they cannot turn you down. It is not cheap though.

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