shooting in Alabama

in reality doesn't this happen about once or twice a year. So why are we going from bad to worse. Things haven't been right since ACLU began, but whats new. Time to just put God back in the equation and get on with life. Just my opinion.

17 year old kid went to school yesterday and took out 16 kids and teachers (total) just outside Stuttgart yesterday. Cops killed him. Saved a bunch of bucks cause there is no death penalty here.

Your rambling doesn't make any sense. Don't you believe in civil liberties? I would hope God does. When was God taken out of what equation?
Yeah happens every spring now, Dident Germany have a shooting this week too? Last spring I think it was Virgina Tech. There was also Coloumbine or how ever you spell it.
Well Thomas....There is no doubt in My mind You will have the pole position in any STUPID CONTEST You are ever run in.....The ACLU took GOD out of the classrooms a long time back....What COWPILE have You been hidein' under

Reason , I don't believe for one second God ordered anyone killed.....You and Thommy are runnin' neck and neck.....Maybe Satan did....There are good and evil forces in this world....God represents good, Satan all that is evil....We all free to make Our choices...some chose the evil side
Yes i believe in liberties but not when someones thought up liberty (The thought that we are all OWED something)takes away my fought and worked for one. God was taken out when they took Him out of places such as schools and political places.
Who's God do you want to be included or excluded? There is certainly a reason for the ACLU and the separation of church and state. Here in America I can choose to believe whatever I want, and so can you.Dave
Hmmm.Satan is a son of God.Look there are lots of books besides the Bible.If you read a few more of them like the Book of Enoch,the Life and Times of Adam and Eve,and others,you soon see there is more to the story than just the Bible.Once you get an idea of the whole story,you then begin to see that you have been lied to mostly for your whole life about everything.
So You have read all the books and You have all the answers....Why do people write books?...To sell for money...What kind of books sell??? You are a fool if You beleive every thing You read, that is like beleivein' everything You hear

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