More telemarketer problems


I travel a lot in my line of work. I"m gone quite a bit and I guess folks think I therefore know quite a bit about the weather. I don"t mind but the other morning I lost it. I was supposed to be out of town on a trip but it was unexpectedly cancelled at the last minute. Still at 6AM I get this annoying call from some idiot. I had had enough telemarketers and such so I holler into the phone, " how the HE77 would I know I"m in central Iowa you @#$%^&*!" The jerk called me to ask if the coast was clear
I know a guy who tells telemarketers that he does not have a phone! He asks them how did they get hi number? Most say it is a number on a list. He always says "That's funny I don't have a phone." Most apologize and hang up.
I know what you mean. I can't believe anyone would really fall for the stuff they cold call you on the phone to buy.
Every day I come home from work, there's at least 2 calls on the machine that start out, "I'm looking at your file and see you have about $6000 in credit card debt..." Once in a while I'll let them go through the whole pitch and then I tell them, "I pay my bill in full each month." There's usually a a short pause and a sorry I bothered you, or they just hang up. I must be unusual in that the only debt I have is a mortgage.
I once let a telemarketer go on for about five minutes about all the fine stuff I would get if I bought their freezer plan. Finally asked her, "How am I going to fit all this stuff in my freezer, along with the dead cow?" "CLICK" Didn't even say goodbye to me.

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