Blonde Jokes for You Early Risers


Well-known Member
2 blondes living in Oklahoma were sitting on a bench, and one blonde asks the other: Which is farther away.... Florida or the moon? The other blonde - Hellooooooooooo, Can you see Florida?

A blonde pushes her BMW into a service station. She tells the mechanic it had died. After a few minutes, it was idling smoothly. She says, what's the story? Mechanic replies just crap in the carburator. She asks - How often do I have to do that?

A police officer stops a blonde for speeding and asks her politely for her drivers license. She replies in a huff - I wish you guys would get you act together. Just yesterday, you took my license away and then today you expect me to show it to you?

There's this blonde out for a walk. She comes to a river and sees another blonde on the other side. "Yoo-Hoo" she shouts. How can I get to the other side? The other blonde shouts back - you ARE on the other side of the river.

That's all for now, and yes my wife is blonde fading to gray!
I heard they are converting all dimmer switches back to the floor. Too many blondes getting their leg caught in the steering wheel.

Did ya hear about the blonde that tried rocky mountain oysters for the first time? Hog drug her around the lot for an hour and a half.

gotta love blondes
A blonde is sitting at coin changer and she is feeding dollar after dollar after dollar into the machine and getting quarters....A guy walks up and watches the whole scene and says what the *ell are you doing!!....she replys....Winning--Duh.
you know it is a good thing Kim has a good sense of humor. If I remember right she is blonde.

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