Another calf question concerning grass feeding


My buddys dad said that grass fed beef will taste like sh!t if I dont finish them on grain. He used to run cattle back in the day and I know everyone has their opinion but I would like yours on what kind of hay to feed, I was thinking just a mixed grass. Do you clover/ grass mix and timothy/orchard mix available too. But is this true that the meat wont taste very good if grass fed only?
it will have a different taste true. i have eaten grass feed Highland beef and i like it.
the thing about a Highland feeding them more than 7 or 8 lbs of grain a day they tend to get very fat
go to ACHA web sight to learn more about them.
most breeds of cattle have been treated like pigs
and feed to much grain
I have grass fed beef for 35 years and it does taste different then corn fed beef. It doesn't taste like Sh**! I think it has a stronger flavor that I like. The fat has a yellowish color from the carotene in the forage whereas corn or grain fed beef has white fat. Until the of end WW II, most beef was grass fed. I think it's fair to say that your friend may like the taste of grain fed beef better than grass fed beef, but to say grass fed beef tastes like Sh** implies that a lot folks around the world who eat grass fed beef like the taste of Sh**.

Opinions are like belly buttons-everybody's got one. This is mine on the subject of the flavor of grass fed beef.
Grass fed is by faaaaaaaaar the best we have ever had,,,,,,,,,,,,when we feed a grass steer i try to get ahold of a Hereford as they seem to finish better on grass,,,,now if you put a Hereford on a high grain diet the get quite fatty....the strait blacks finish better on grain,,,JMHO
I have to rely mostly on supermarkets for my beef, so I consider a slab of grass-fed beef a treat. It's what beef used to be before the feedlots took over. It is a different taste. Some would say it's "gamier" than grain-fed, and I know what theyre saying, but it's not wht I'd call gamy. But it smells different when cooked and tastes different than what you may be used to. I prefer it myself. If I had the room, I'd be grazin' a couple.
Hoggs fed only Potatoes will taste like taters in the chops and bacon ...btdt .. Agreed about beef ,'cept , I disagree about grASS taste being unacceptable , ain't No biggy in my opinion ..A STEAK is a STEAK !,I can detect taste of the corn in corn fed beef ,and i can tell range fed ,, to me its kinda Like Chili , don't matter who made it, Its allGood , Even WhiteCHILI .. A steak is a Steak ,, B-I-L dad always put a gallon or 2 of Apple vinegar thru all his butcher Steers starting about 45 days from count down ,I have had some of that meat ,THAT is REAL GOOD tender eatin.. Always said I was gonna do that here one of these Days .. Happy EATING, Jim
I am lookin at gettin two holsteins to raise on grass. How will these finish and what kind of hay would be best to feed?
Holsteins are a *itch to finish on any thing and I have never heard of any one have'n any luck finishing them on grass. To finish on grass you need a smaller framed easy finishing breed. google "stockman's grass farmer" its a magazine all about grass finishing. Good info and if you want to do this I would do some looking up on it before I put any money into a holsein or any other critter.

Good luck.

Thats what I'd go with, just cause they are easy to come up with. Try to find calves out of a smaller framed herd.

Don't know where you are but to put a finish on a calf, from what I have heard, you need to do it in the spring with wheat or rye grass, or in the summer/fall with pearl millet or corn before it has an ear.

Good luck.

Finish'n beef on grass is kinda like the old say'n if it was easy every one would do it. If you are wanting to do it this year you might want to think about putting out an acre or two per calf of some warm season grass (corn is a warm season grass) stagared to you can strip graze it over about six weeks. Start with about an 850lb steer and it should put on 3-4 lbs/day and have plenty of fat on it to taste good.

Good luck.

If you're going for grass fed, try and find some Murray Greys. They will marble on grass. I crossbreed Charolais with MG and come out with Chargreys. The MG's have a close grained meat.
There's a business in a small community 7 miles S of me that only sells organic grass feed animals, cattle ,sheep & chicken. They sell it for a premium price. One can look it up at
I used to butcher steers that I raised mainly on grass. I used to give them some grain to get them used to coming when called and used to me so they wouldn't be wild as hawks. The best eating one we ever had was one that got brain injured somehow and had to be kept in a pen for the better part of a year. To be tender they should be confined for a couple months before slaughter. Think couch potato vs athlete. You can still grass finish them either on green chop or hay.
Most grass fed producers agree that the old fashioned English/UK beef breeds are best for grass fed beef. I am using old style Hereford which are a foot and half shorter than modern Hereford but really wide and fat. Many use old style Angus.
To lean more about grass fed beef, you could join this grass fed group and read some of their old post. A lot of smaller producers are on this group.
yahoo grass fed beef forum
ditto what Jerry said. We've raise grass fed Angus and do not finish them with grain, and fiends/relatives are not used to the subtle stronger taste.

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