Hey, did those navy seals use 50 caliber sniper rifels(sp).I understand they are deadly accurate for a long distance,and do terrible damage to target.Anybody know for sure?????????

We may never know but that is a terrific weapon. Of course if it was really a 30 meter shot those guys could have made it with a four inch S&W. Then again, even 30 meters is a long ways when there are rolling boats involved. Darned good work! God bless the USA!
if they went by the book they used highly accurate semi-autos(prolly AR-10's with 26" barrels) with hellfire trigger mechanisms that fire 3 rounds with one trigger pull. 3 snipers, each with his own pirate, firing at once, on command; 9 rounds went out at once. They never knew what hit'em.
Don't have a clue what type of weapon, but had to be a very difficult shot. Seals in one boat rolling & moving, target in another boat rolling and moving.

Job well done.
Wife and I were just talking about why they couldn't get snipers to take out the pirates. Those three won't be hijacking any more U.S. ships. "Don't Tread on Me!" A job well done.

Larry on Michigan
The SEALs' weapon of choice for many years has been the venerable M14. Accurate, reliable and plenty of knockdown power out to 600 meters and beyond. It's possible they used .50s, but a rolling boat is a lousy gun platform, particularly for a big, heavy rifle that needs to be fired from a prone position. For the same reason, they may have opted for M4 carbines rather than the heavier M14.
Had to be VERY HARD shots indeed.

Job well done ! Except for one now that has to come to USA for a trial and US to pay for keeping him alive. Lets hope he gets killed trying to escape !
Hellfire tigger devices are an add on after market thing. Most squad weapons are forces carry come with select fire switch . Single or burst .
They tested those sniper rifles at Aberdeen Proving Ground in MD back in the 1980's. Civilian gunners did the testing and they couldn't believe how accurate they were. Give those Navy Seals a promotion. Hope the sharks were well fed from the pirates. Hal
Heard a commentary on this and how desperate people are forced to do desperate things. Well I am sorry, hijacking ships and extracting millions in ransom is not an act of desperation. Clearly an act of greed and lawlessness. Those pirates are not dumb! Just very stupid. They have vowed to retaliate. Give them a very clear message! IF YOU COME WITHIN FIRING DISTANDE OF ANY SHIP, YOU WILL GO TO THE BOTTOM. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Didn't we do that in the persion gulf back in the 80s and it cleared up some problems there?
I for one am very happy the Navy Seals are on our side.
The Navy had the lifeboat under tow to calmer waters, one pirate pointed his AK at Phillips' back, the snipers took the shots. Distance was less than 100'.
Now it's time to turn that ship full of food back around without unloading any of it. Why should we be feeding future pirates ? Makes no sense to feed them and make them big and strong so they can fight us for many more years to come.
Also...it was bound for Mombasa and Kenya...not to a pirate haven in Somalia.
The media keeps saying "Snipers", but more likely than not they were SEALTeam Six and used their standard issue M4 or their M14 rifles. I can't see them using a M82 for a 100 yard shot, "over penetration" would have put everyone on the life boat at risk.

Remember, the media calls anyone taking an aimed shot a "sniper".

All three shot in the head. No way they used 50 cal. I think it was a pretty easy shot. Hope someone got videos. They will make some good cut bait now. Good job Navy!!
It is my understanding that the lifeboat was an enclosed one.

The one I saw on the Drudge Report was different than the one in the link below, but still enclosed and more like a speedboat with a top.

Can't see them, can't shoot them in either case.
I've been wondering how they took those shots. The range was very short, less than 50 yards but they were inside an enclosed fiberglass lifeboat with minimal windows to see what's going on inside. The bullets would have to punch through that fiberglass which they can easily do but is sure to cause some deviation in their flight path.
We may never know just how it was done because the Navy won't want the pirates to know how to avoid such a fate in the future.
Yes, we did. Back in the early 80's the Libyans would buzz our carrier battle groups to back us off in Lebanon. Reagan finally gave the order to "splash" the MIG fighters when they did that next. We responded accordingly and Khudafi (spelling), Libya's leader, went and sat in a corner after that. Have not heard much from him since.
Pretty easy shot huh?

How many people have YOU shot?

How about you and I go out in the ocean on rolling seas and you try to hit an 8"x10" target..along with 2 other shooters simultaniously. Also keep in mind..that not only is the target pitching with the sea..but your
"platform" is also rolling as well...

There was no use of a .50 cal as that would not be an effective tool for this situation. Possibly an M4 (5.56mm) or M14 (7.62mm) with a Nightforce daylight scope as those were the procured item for Crane/NSSW.
Read a report on MSN.com this morning and apparently the pirates were dumb enough to stick their head and shoulders out. When the US saw that and the gun to the back of the Capt., they opened up. End of pirates.

Pirates are now vowing to retaliate. Perhaps they kicked the wrong sleeping dog.
I was commenting to my wife last night that it must have been kind of a spooky experience for the Captain to be standing there and all of a sudden three pirate's heads explode simultaneously.

I believe at 75 ft that was a pretty easy shot, even under those conditions, for one with some practice. They probably picked out which hair to split. Two exposed their head and shoulders while the third was visible in the cabin. The trick was giving the order to fire only when all three were locked in. A lot of communication going on between shooters and commander at that time. Makes me proud.
Several people familiar with the area said the sea is as calm as a lake during this time of the year- which is why the pirates can take dinky little boats up to several hundred miles offshore. So neither the ship nor the pirate boat were pitching or rolling, making it a pretty easy, close shot for those pros.
Ever ride in a 20ft boat roughly 50-75 behind in the wake of a 75+ foot SHIP?? I don't care how calm you THINK it is...it is not a lake and there are certainly more variables in play.

But I will leave the subject alone at this point as I am clearly among the ranks of the some of the most elite tactical tractor sharpshooters.
Yabbut, part of the load was bound for Somalia. No way to land a ship in Somalia, obviously. Those containers ought to come right back.

I say throw a naval blockade around the bustards. Blockades work to hold pirates in as well as they work to keep supplies out. If they're going to hijack the goods being sent for relief to them, then get the international community to stop all relief shipments. Tell the pirates and thier bosses that food and medicine is for sale and they can buy it with all the ransom they've been collecting. The local warlords -- pardon me, tribal leaders -- are in charge. It was they who held up the negotiations for Capt. Phillips's release. And it is they who can tap into all the ransom money to pay for relief supplies. Trust me, they won't be warlords or leaders for long if they hold that money back.
"I am clearly among the ranks of the some of the most elite tactical tractor sharpshooters."

blueclawz, LMAO!!
Now THERE"s a skill on which I have to work!
True but these aren't squad weapons. And squads don't use sniper weapons. They use the 3 burst firings in case someone moves slightly or a twig or other invisible object deflects one or two rounds, there is still a chance one round will kill.
7.62X51 or the 308 for most snipping against "soft targets" at "short range".
There is some "short range" custom subsonic stuff out there that shoot heavy slugs at approx 1100 fps. Just a "boom' that a silencer will supress. No supersonic "crack".

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