News and parallels O/T

Anyone have any thoughts on this ? What happens when the bad guys/pirates have guns and the good guys/merchants are unarmed ?? Any reason we should NEVER give up the right to private ownership of guns?
Seems like external_link would have a hard time arguing against armed self defense since he just made the argument for it!
Seems there's some international convention about merchant ships not being armed? Stupid, if you ask me. Weapons training doesn't seem too difficult for a seaman to comprehend, If I had a ship out there, I'd be worried if there wasn't at least some protection.
Crews on most ships are unarmed for the same reason that clerks in 7-11 aren't armed: the owners don't allow it.

Strangely, even though far more convenience clerks are murdered in this country every year than the number of seamen killed by pirates off the Horn of Africa, nobody here is screaming to arm 7-11 store clerks. What's up guys?
I agree the owners should allow at least the captain to have a high powered rifle. If the able seamen on some of those vessels had access to firearms they would likely be far more dangerous to each other than the pirates.
There are some other things they could do to make it harder to board those ships. The railings could be changed to make is difficult to get a grappling hook to find a hold. They use fire hoses to try to repel boarders with limited success. If they piped boiling water through those hoses I'll bet they would be more effective!
Most crews are made up of people from 3rd world countries, often from pretty dodgy backgrounds. I douhbt if the officers on the ships want those guys armed. I was surprised that there was a US crew in that part of the world, it's pretty unusual. Very few US flagged ships still sailing.
I couldn't do that kind of work. Too much water involved. But, if I had to, I would carry a gun no matter what the company said. Even if it was just a little over & under belly gun. Never carry a knife to a gun fight !
I believe that a reliable security crew of 4+?,
and 4+? .50 and .30 caliber machine guns with sufficent ammunition, 24+ L.A.W."s, and any personal weapons they would prefer would go a long
way towards repelling unwanted boarders or pirates
of vessels without providing a credible threat
to any ports or countries entered.

The means and capacity for self defense is the only effective deterrent to a thug taking our freedom at any level, from home invasion to space capsules.
I know it's easy for me to set here on safe dry land and say I would do this and I would do that but I had an idea the other day that I can't get out of my head.

You can't have a firearm in an OTR truck because of dot regs. You can have a flare gun in case you get lost or need to signal help in an emergency. I know ships carry flare guns but can't carry firearms due to international rules. The one thing that has never changed in the history of war is that the first on who catches fire losses. When one of them rickety little boats pulls up beside a large cargo ship to toss a rope over the side, two five gallon buckets of gas and a flare down on'm would go a long way towards makeing a bad day for the b******s.

Where I work they have signs saying no firearms, I know that rule gets broken pretty regular.

I don't know any one who works 3rds at a convenience store who does not have soming under the counter. Some have pepper spray but most have heat.

Flare guns are 12 gauge. Would it work? Would it be suicide? Maybe mythbusters know. Don't try this at home unless you have vise and 500 foot string. Tried flare in shotgun but it got stuck and deformed barrel. dave
Plowboy, here's how that scenario might play out:

Ship's crew dumps two five gallon pails of fuel overboard at small boat. Most of it misses the boat and is quickly swept away, since ship and boat are both going 10 knots.

Crew fires flare pistol at small boat. Flare misses boat, lands harmlessly in the sea.

Pirate crew takes offense at the ship's crew's use of the flare gun. Pirates fire a rocket propelled grenade at the ship's bridge. RPG scores a direct hit, killing everyone in the bridge. Game over.
It sure sounds like you favor bho's idea of setting down with your ENEMIES and having a friendly chat about how wrong there ideas are. I'm really surprized that he hasn't already apologized to the parents of those "poor innocent" teenage pirates. I would rather be killed resisting than surrender to people that have nothing to lose by killing me.

I have no sympathy for the pirates. They took their chances, and were either stupid enough or unlucky enough to attack the only US-flagged merchant vessel in the Indian Ocean. They paid the price as a result.

I also have no misconceptions about the possibility of negotiating with khat-chewing lunatic warlords from an anarchical African state.

But I do find it ridiculous to hear all this macho nonsense from guys who have clearly never spent five minutes on the open ocean in any vessel large or small.

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