Soldiers in the news???


Well-known Member
have you folks been hearing of Soldiers that were tried and convicted of murder during the war? 2 guys got life and one 35 years. Just wondering if Stateside papers are covering it and what public opinion is.

Just a little blip on the radar.

The biggest news now is the waterboarding techniques used that the nnalert want to punish the Pubs for.
This will probably be dropped now that we now that the nnalert know about it since 2002.,0,5190373.story

here's one report of many. Google it if you are interested. 3 lives ruined with no evidence other than hearsay. I'm not taking sides, but wonder how far a court in hometown USA would get in convicting Bubba cause Marcel said he snuffed a guy one day but there was no body etc.

I caught just a sidebar on But I rarely watch the news because of the media distortion, so I don't know if it was reported.
If anyone can spare the time, google a little to read up and when/if you don't see where any evidence was brought forward start asking questions of the folks you elected. These heroes will go up the river without the hometowns even knowing about it if we let it happen. Hatley went through the 1st Gulf War, 2 tours in the Balkans, and 2 Tours this Goround. The other 2 have been around the block also. If any of you guys/gals are Legionaires, 40&8ers, VFW, Masons, or any group that get together and have a voice, start talking just to get the public curious. Please..........
Click around and read a little.

Thanks, Dave

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