Injured, off-work prolonged period of time, been wonderin'


Hey all,
Anybody else been unable to funtion physically for a prolonged period of time???
How do you deal with it???
I'm on here occasionally, got prior-service issues and other things going on, always been a go-gitter, but been wiped out over a year plus, still recovery time ahead. Surgeries ain't been workin' out like I'd hoped, talk of totallin' me out, but my mind and spirit don't quit, though my body's killin' me...been a test of my marriage, still puttin' up with her, and she's still puttin' up with me, but I just can't hang with my share of the workload around the house, much less workin'. Kills me to see my wife haulin' up the firewood, hell it wasn't but two years ago I was still cuttin' em down, splittin' em, and etc. Now, can't hardly change oil in a car, matter of fact been sendin her to a damn jiffy lube type place.
This is crazy, I'm too young for all this, but I've suffered some multiple injuries, some neglected by active duty docs and VA, then finally got to a head and things gotta be fixed...
How do you old-timers deal with this??? Proud to serve, but I can barely hold my own any more...chores are stackin' up, I'll get better some day, but sometimes wonder...this is a tractor forum, w/ all know the deal...not lookin' for sympathy, but hard to stay strong some days...
Any words of encouragement would be nice, I guess if you feel the need to dog me out, go for it....
Take care, Holding my own
Still live in the best damn country ever, spite of the politics...:lol:

I really regret the difficulty you're having. I've never had to face what your going through and I hope that I never will.

Do you have any family members that could help out? How about a church family? Do you have any close friends that could help? Is your financial situation such that you could hire at least a little bit of help?

Again, I'm really sorry for your trouble. I believe that faith and prayer really work too.

Tom in TN
You just gotta remember, Tomorrow's
Going to be a better day! I've been
through some bad medical times myself.
Looks like I'm heading into some more.
But with the help of Family and God, We'll
get through it.
Pay attention to the Doctors, But do
what the Nurses tell you!
Good Luck and God Bless!
Steve A W
just sit on your duff. obammy will provide for you.

mo more kidding dude, I don't know what is wrong with you but I have had two surgeries within the past 4 months. one knee scope and a torn lower bicep tendon. Yes My body is different and I am not the same as before but I am a man and I get my tail up and go to work. you did not specify what you have been through. What ever it is, do not use it as a crutch to sit on your tail and watch jerry sprigger all day. If you can do ANYTING get up and DO IT every day ALL day.

I hope the best for you Bro.
Well, I"ve never had a serious injury, other than messing up a knee thru sheer stupidity, but being 77+, and having to stop and pant sometimes in the crummy 2+ blocks to the mailbox, I"ve learned to:
Concentrate on what I CAN do, not what I did 20 yrs ago or should do...
Injuries, serious injuries, require facing the fact that you can"t scamper around like you used to, but no one"s going to look down on you as long as you do what you can, and make the best of it...
Look objectively at what"s really important, and don"t sweat the unimportant...
Hopefully the new Administration will fire up the VA to do a better job for you guys; you deserve the best care available. Best wishes.
I am basically in the same situaton. I have worked two jobs nearly all my 64 years. I had to retire early at 60 because of spinal degenerative disease and arthritis in almost every joint. I basically wore my joints out. I can't do the jobs I did 5 years ago but I take my time and try to enjoy what little I do.
I am the type that has never hired anyone to do work for me, like plumbing and electrical, but I have lately.
I am just glad that I can still do some of the things I enjoy doing.
I have my home for sale and I will move to something easier to take care of.
I will miss the country life and all my equipment.
hang in there if you can do any thing like walking do it go a little farther each day if it tahes allday to go out for the mail so what you got it your self. improvise ways to do things.but keep that busy.
my wife was wheel chairbount 1 1/2 years finaly had back surgery 8 mounth ago got her walker walking 2 mounths now going for a cane now she is 80 im 83 we work at it every day. have a lot of god's help
old art
I have worked since I was ten years old now 58. Forty years in the generator field. Found out during knee surgery that I have bone cancer in both legs. Now I have PVNS which is an infection of my knee joints. Very painful to walk. So I do what I can rest when I need to and try not to over do it.Yes it gets to me at times,but I just tell my self there are people worse off than me.Keep on doing what I can when I can. Help out on three web sites. Makes me feel good that I can pass on my knowledge to the younger ones that want to learn.You should try it.Pass on the things you know that might help someone. You would be amazed at what the young ones are not being taught.
Over all of these years, I honestly didn't know that. Thanks for the heads up Virgil. And knowing old as much as I thought I did, that's an excellent idea. There's a guy that will give one the shirt off of his back too.

old hangs out mostly here on the Allis page, although I see him other places too. Great idea Virgil.

And to this young man, I've not walked in your shoes and don't have the answers. Good luck and may God bless. Your situation is a humbling situation to a thusfar blessed person such as myself.

Reading your letter, I think you may need to see a counselor to get your thoughts and perhaps your meds back in line. They are like any other type of drug - they can help you get better.

I've been injured and it is a miserable feeling. You do get better or you learn to compensate, one or the other. Worst thing was when I had to take oxycodone for the pain. With the oxycodone I didn't hurt but I was stupid and impulsive (uh, more than usually so). The pain is what lets you know where your limits are; manage it but don't let it own you.
Yep it is no fun. I'm a DAV plus have other problems. I have learned to do what I can and still do a lot but it now takes me a day to do what use to take me an hour or 2 to do. I have a bad shoulder, knees and a bad back plus the p[problem I had from the navy. You just have to learn to do thing different and take your time doing them. I think if I ever wake up and I'm not in pain I'll probably be afraid to even move because I will know for sure something is very wrong. So just hang in there and do what you can when you can even if all you do is say work for and hour.
Remember if you want to dig a swimming pool and you dig 1 shovel full of dirt a day sooner or later you will have that hole dug. Ya it may take you 2 or 3 years but you will get it done. That is how I live any more and that is how I also work
Hobby farm
Join the DAV & Military Orgs. You will find out how others cope. I think you will find some worse, some better than you. Learn what works for you, never let anyone tell you that you can"t better! Learn how to eat a elephant. (One bite at a time) P.T. when they ask you to do 3, do 5.
Since your wife has to do stuff for you, you try to do some things to help your wife.
VA - Fight for what you deserve & don"t forget Veteran avocicates program, you are allowed to see all your files and what the Doctor write abouts you. Be positive!!!
dbernie, I injured my back at work in 2005. I went to a chiropractor, who after xrays noticed something out of the ordinary and suggested I get it checked. The problem she found was an iliac aneurysm, after further examination, I found I had an iliac aneurysm on each side, a plugged artery in the right leg, an aneurysm in the left leg, and on top of that a severly damaged heart. I was lucky my wife was carrying health ins. on me through her job. The first thing I did was improve the heart all we could with stints and had the iliac aneurysms repaired. I am now left with a weak heart and the other problems. I can no longer do the part time job where I got hurt nor can I do the job at which I was self employed, I too felt totally helpless. I decided the one thing I could do was to help my working wife in any way I could, load dishwasher, do clothes, walk out and get the mail, and any other job however small I could. I also asked her to go to the Dr. with me so we would both know my restrictions and what strengths I had. We both worked on improving my strengths. I also started a small garden, I now felt valueable again. I now have a garden 10 times the size of the original, my wife and I both do mystery shopping to supplement her income and my disability. I would most likely not be here today had that accident not happened. I received the best news of the last 4 yrs. Weds. From my cardiologist, my heart is stronger as a result of my determination to get exercise any way I could. The Dr., my wife, and I sat down and discussed a plan to make it stronger yet. This is only a small portion of the last almost 60 months, but if you email me at [email protected] I will be glad to share my phone #. Good Luck, Gary
i know what you mean, i"m just going on 45 yrs old and hurt everyday and night. cant sleep without waking up every couple of hours.bad elbows and shoulder.

I dont take pain medicine and the pain tells me when to slow down or stop.some days i hardly do anything so the pain wont be so bad at night.

wife says even in my sleep i still show i"m hurting with facial expressions.

hang in there and just do what you can.

And i"m not on any type of disability, i just live with the pain from years of hard work.
I ve had 5 back surgeries and a hip replacment all by the time I was 42 . 10 yrs. later I m still getting my chores done . I run cow/calf herd bale hay and cut all my wood . I m in pain 24/7 and somtimes takes 3 days to get over one . Alot of time you have to really bite that lower lip to keep going . I ve figgered out the easy way to do things and keep a few things back for when help stops by . I m not telling you to get of your duff , just figger out what you can do and do it , this is what has worked for me . Use your head and keep your chin up . I m not one that all the bosses would be fighting over but I can get things done , and it makes me feel good knowing I can still get more done in a day than half of the High School Grads !!
Well, don't know about the encouragement thing, but I know how you feel.
I was hit in Hue in 68, they tried to push me out...said H*#L no!
Got real mad and started pushing myself a little more each day.
Got better and got hit again near Camp Evans in 69 when they blew up a ammo dump.
Still refused to get out. I could walk, talk and raise sand with the best of them.
Bottom line, I stayed for 23 years...hurt and all.
I am just a hard headed kraut and refuse to let the pain get to me. I found if I really tried I could almost turn it off completely.
When it started to hurt...I just pushed a little harder. Seems next day it was I pushed harder.
I have no idea how must you hurt, but I feel your pain. I feel for any vet that is hurting.
All I can add Old what you can...don't stop...don't lay down. Keep doing all you can.
I am 63 now. The joints and other parts hurt...but I just make myself get up and keep going. I feel if I retire...I will do like many of my friends...die.
Keep pushing, love your wife all you can...even a hand squeeze helps at times.
Your not dead...keep pushing on.
One of these days when I go to Indiana in the Summer...I gotta meet we could drink coffee and tell lies for awhile.
These golden years are really great if you have good health. I lost most of the fingers on both hands when I was 20 years old. I still held a good engineering job and managed to restore several cars and 5 tractors. Two years ago at 71 years old they found a tumer that was cancer in my right knee and cancer in the left lung. I now have the lung cancer stopped but I am now titatium from the hip to just below the knee. Thank God for a wonderful wife or I would be in a nursing home. We were married two week when I lost the fingers and I told her she was free to leave and find someone that could support her better but she is still with me after 53 years.
Go to the Tales or Kountry Life boards and post for Old Sarge. He is an expert in dealing with the VA, red tape, and the programs that go along with your type of injuries. He can probably give you some ideas of who to call to help you out. He is a real upstanding guy.
Hi dbernie,

If your talking dealing with the pain, that's a tuff one as there's nothing, including morphine, that will take away the pain.

If you've never been thru the disability system, the below info might help you.

A person has to be disabled for more than 6mths before you can collect for SSA benefits and two years for Medicare but do NOT wait to file the claim as it goes by the filing date, not when ones eligible for benefits, so file early and wait.

Also file immediately for any insurance or "disability retirement" funds as they also go by the date of filing and will NOT "back pay" the claim. You don't have to be complete in your first filing and "unknown at this time" on applications is an acceptable answer in court.

PLEASE, find a legal aid that specializes in disability claims to help you fill out the paper work. The wording response of the claim is critical, in that it will save you time and trouble in the future of an allowed claim or disallowed claim. On disallowed claims, it takes a good attorney to win and is very costly to win, over $100k is common.

Every person you talk too in the medical field will be working for the insurance company's. DON'T ever forget this! You will be video and audio taped without her permission given. You give your permission when you APPLY to receive ANY benefits and it's legal!!!

Always get copies of ALL medical chart notes, starting from day one. The "hidden" chart notes you will never get but they'll sink you like a rock if the person making the medical notes doesn't like the patient.

You will fight all insurance company's, including SSA (SSA is nothing more than a gov't insurance company), until the person is 55yo, so get used to it early on.

Most insurance company's will not bother you for the first 6mths of disability, but after 6mths then you get "new claims adjusters" for the "hard cases", meaning long term disability's and they will make your life pure heII.

I had back surgery on 11/3 last year,and got a bunch of titanium added.I have said I went in feeling like I was 50 (I am 64) and came out feeling like I was 80. I was on disability for 3 months. I went back to work even though I felt terrible. The activity has helped more than any physical therapy. I am about to embark on a mission to restore another tractor. I think it will take me longer,but I feel I need to keep moving on something I enjoy. I don't like pain pills, so I need this to kee[p my mind going. I would say to you keep charging ahead. Things are bound to look up. Bigwheels
I am recieving VA Comp for service connected injuries so, like Old, I spend all day doing things that used to take me an hour to do. I was told by the Docs 15-20 years ago to "retire". Kept working for several years after that. Now I work on my farm as much as I can. There are a few people who don't know anything about my situation, so they make up rumors as they go along because they are to stupid to ask. It's always laughable to see what their next feeble attempt will be....
Some days it just gets to you. None of us really know what you are feeling but a lot of us have been in similar situations. I nearly lost my legs 3 years ago. Spent 2 months in traction and bed with my legs anchored to the ceiling. Every Christmas since they've cut on me to fix something. Since that time I've been through a divorce, tax audit, and forced retirement from my regular job.

Some things help more than others. Best things I did was put down the pain pills ASAP, get hooked up with a shrink, and decide to not mourn what I lost but celebrate what I still have. If I need something I take tylenol or ibuprophin and deal. The others are right, stuff just takes longer. This winter was a test for me. Before I'd pulled and overhauled 3 engines in a week, now I spent all winter doing one. Some stuff I've just got to hire done. Fencing is one of them. It costs but thats just the way it is.
I've been unable to work as a diesel mechanic for a year now. Been working with SSA to get disability and it.s been since Sept. of 08. Got denied and hooked up with an attorney to do the appeal and I sit here waiting. The most by law that my attorney can get off the case is a little over $5300, and this is the only type of cases he takes.
I'm stuck with no health ins. and the only way I can get my back/disk condition fixed, is through an operation.
The SSA process takes a while, and like the others have said, Start the paperwork as soon as possible
Don't let it get you down, cause it will take a lot of time to resolve. SSA is like all other government branches, red tape and not enough people reviewing cases. Good Luck!!
Document your injuries and pain. Keep a daily log/diary of when it hurts and how bad it hurts and what you can't do and had trouble doing that day. (Dropped my pen at 2:15, bent over to pick it up and felt a sharp piercing pain in my lower back, sat down at the computer at 9;00 and within 2 minutes my back started aching, pain was so bad, I had to go lay down for an hour, took the prescribed pain pill at 12:00 but still have some pain, laid in bed for 1 1/2 hours before I could fall asleep, etc.) Give an updated copy to your doctor each visit. It will help you in court later to document your claim. Two or three years down the road, you won't remember the daily problems you have and your testimony won't reflect all the pain and suffering.

Most doctors work for the insurance company so you have to get your own independent medical exam sometimes which you may have to pay for. You may want to change doctors too.

Know a guy with a bad back and in a lot of pain also a jokester. Went to the doctor and cracked a joke. Doctor asked how the pain was and at that particular moment it wasn't bad because he had just taken some medication and he said "it didn't hurt right then and he was feeling better". All the insurance company's doctor's notes for the visit said was that "he came in smiling, happy, and reported no pain and feeling better". The reality was that there was no change in his condition.

The moral of the story is that you can be your own worst enemy. You sure need let him know how bad the pain is. You need to give him your written log cause he and you don't have time to discuss everything in a short visit. Even when you do discuss everything, when he does his dictation later on that evening, he can forget or doesn't mention everything and can slant it the way he wants to.

The rule of thumb is that the SS always denies a claim the first time and your best bet is on an appeal. They are worst than anyone for wanting documentation. Also if they think you can't do mechanic work anymore but you can still get a desk job somewhere, they will deny you which is why you want to document problems with stationary duties like sitting at a computer.

Good luck.
Everything in this post is true, I think it bears repeating, everything in this post is true!!!! I also might add, don't even think about going after ins. claim or disability without a good attorney. Good Luck, Gary
I here your pain man ,I smacked me head in january and have really bad symptoms ever since ,I'm 43 very active till this happened,been off work since .
any time I do to much symptoms come back.
Was not allowed to drive nd get real tired now on short drives...GOING FREAKING NUTS really.
Just wish ringing in my ears would stop..But can get on here and think about all the stuff I need to do :) hang in there
Be sure to hang in there on your fight and watch dates like a hawk. I missed sending something back to the SSA and that caused me to loose a few hundred a month because it put me in a different pay bracket and it was because my first lawyer dropped my case but did not tell me that he was doing so. So watch him close also and keep at him to keep you updated on every thing. It took me 5 years to get my SSD
First and foremost, I sincerely thank you for your service to our country. Without you, all of us on the forum would not be able to enjoy freedom.

I have no advice I can give on how to deal with your service, health, and disability issues, but hope you will get some solid, valuable advice from the others here.

I can and will pray for you.
bc is right about what you say and who you say it to . I was denied one time when the doctor that was interviewing me claimed there was nothing wrong with my back and it was all in my head . He put in his report that I laughed at inopertuned times . He was asking me some stupid questions and I was laughing at them , guess I should have been wearing a more painful look .
Holy cow, old!
I hope I don't have to wait that long.

This attorney said about 95% get rejected the first time around, and he has a cap on what he can make off of it, so he'd like to see it finalized quickly.

I've had all of the doctors that checked me out (even the one SSA sent me to) say that an operation is the only cure of repairing the damage (hopefully before it gets too bad), till then, I say hello to my 2 little 500mg friends ((Vicodin))every am & pm to allow me to get the pain to a manageable level.
Keep the comments coming, its good for us all (I think?)

I just knew this was the right place ask.
Don't feel so alone now.
Don't want to bore anyone with details, its a long story.
Might not believe me anyways, docs couldn't once they realized what I'd been pushin' through.
Yep, they're playin' games with me.
Tryin' to figure out what caused what, and who's accountable.
They're bein' penny wise and pound foolish, if you ask me.
Should never been honest with them, but I've got to look myself in the mirror. They just can't believe the true story, or don't want to admit it.
Been gettin' treated, need more, now they're playin' politics, meanwhile I'm here w/ no status change.
PT's been sayin' this ain't the pain to push through, but I do some times.
Pay for it dearly, tell myself I'll never push again....but then I forget...
Been stayin' strong for my wife, and my grown daughter, (and of course my critters), but somedays just feel weak, like when I posted.
I usually go to the corn crib--just don't want anybody seein' me weak. This ain't me.
SSA-screwed myself--got 40 years payin' into them, and in this state, if you get a state job, you lose it all.
I know it will get better, holdin' my own.
I was hopin' to push through some stuff, and get docs to clear me, but couldnt' do it.
I've had some realizations to come to, that I didn't want to.
OK, I've accepted that, but damn, how much more do I have to endure?
Stay tuned, when I know I'll let you know.
Nobody ever told me I had to go above and beyond the call of duty, in active duty or civilian employment or otherwise, but sometimes I think...
Damn, what have I done to myself this time :D
Guess I just don't bounce back as quick...
Got prayers out for all of you...
take care
Oh, and thanks for the company...I'll check back :eek:
As far as THAT goes
No thanks needed,
I'm honored to have served, only wish I could have done more...
(and still wish...)
dbernie, I can understand a little of your problem. Find the thing you liked doing best and do it as much as you can, if you can, and when you can. For me this was cars and tractors. First attempt ended in leaving wheel nuts loose on truck, so be careful, double and triple check everything. Its like learning all over again. Only take pills if you have to. Go for a little ride, pet animals, talk to people and kids if possible. There are some just like you. You must find them. Thank you for service to this country. I have done that but no scars that I recall, except never being able to watch vietnam movie until last year. It is not your fault or my fault, so let it go. If you believe in God, this will help. He is the only one with all the answers. Give him some questions. Give him a chance to help and he will, believe me. One day at a time, no. One second and then work up to a minute, then an hour before you try a day. Ask God every day, what can I do. Hope your situation brightens up. Say something positive about all things. Praying for dbernie right now. Dave
so, ok, braved it to see what flack I'd hit tonight...

Busted up when you talked about a flick...

month ago,
caught Band of Brothers, one episode, WWII,
different time but the same, took alot out of me to endure that show...

its all good...thought I said nothin' follows... screwed up agin didn't I?
Case anybody wonders, the AC190 will be the last to go (save for the place) if'n things don't go right

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