OT Insurance question


My wife was sitting at a stop light, and got rearended by another car. My question is, both cars are insured with the same company, is there anything I need to be aware of or concerned about when reaching a settlement?

thanks for any advice you share.
You really have to say what state you're in if you want to get a useful answer on an insurance question. Here in Michigan, the insurance is no-fault, so each driver's insurance company pays for damages to the insured vehicle. Which means that if you get rear-ended, you have to pay to fix your own car if you don't carry collision insurance.
If the other driver had a different ins co., your ins co. would most surely subrugate against the other driver. You file a claim with your co. and then your co. demands payment from the other driver. I would try to file the claim on the other driver's policy. If you file on yours, you can pretty much expect your rates to go up.
If you work with the adjuster and are fair, but firm with them you should be able to work something out. You need to be "made whole again".

Car fixed, any medical bills paid, rental car if needed.

If you get pis*sy with the adjuster you may get the same back.

Dont get an attorney. you will end up with the same $$, if not less. They tell you they are looking out for you, but why are so many of those ambulance chasers so rich?

There should be no deductible to have the cars fixed since you both have the same insurance company. I wouldn't be in a hurry to sign off
for the insurance company since you both may have
some after affects from the accident. Hal
Depends on what state, is no different if you both have same company or not, liability is still determined the same way. Only thing is subrogation for insurance company is out of one pocket and into the other, not your worry. Would also have no affect on how you discuss your claim, still not your fault, other drivers policy needs to respond. HTH Mark ( insurance adjuster for past 23 years)
Was she injured? What damages & was car totaled? You deal with your own insurance company just like it wasn't yours. Cause the fact of the matter is, the insurance companies are only looking out for themselves and not anyone else including their insureds.

Depending upon state law, they may, after making that determination by looking at the accident report, charge the accident off against the other guy's policy and his liability insurance. You don't want it charged off against you on your collision coverage which in insurance terms means your wife was at some fault and therefore a black mark against you on your policy come rate fixing time.

Talk to your agent who may or may not help you much. If there wasn't an injury severe enough to reach the pain and suffering threshold in your state, an attorney won't give you the time of day except at his hourly rate.

Lastly, I hope she went to the emergency room and got xrays if there was any hint of pain from a whiplash injury. You will have to fight to get medical coverage if it shows up sore later. Then it will take xrays, cat scans, and mri's to detemine if the injuries came from the accident or were preexisting. Any time between the accident and medical treatment will be treated by the insurance company that there was some other intervening cause for the injuries such as a slip and fall in the bathtub. Then they will resist paying for the medical under the auto policy fault or no fault.

Good luck. Everything is a fight with the insurance company including the value of your own car and what condition it was in. You want blue book value and they want to pay black book value to keep their profits in the black.
Generally no, its two different policies. Some companies its a non issue, some its a big deal. With fair position, such as actual damages, actual medical bills, and scale pain and suffering they should just sign off like any other. Adjusters get paid to close cases and keep policy holders coming back not to squeeze every penny they can out of a claimant.
Your policy states it will restore everything back to pre-accident condition , including the person , and if not 50%or more your fault , there will be no deductable and no affect on your rates. If the person cannot be brought back to pre-accident condition then you can ask for or sue for a settlement to make up for that.If they don't think it is feasable to repair the car then they will pay you book value based on the original condition of the car and they take ownership of the car or you can keep it and pay them salvage value off your settlement. Same co./diff. co. , makes no diff!
You are not at fault when rearended. If you don't think you're getting a fair deal from the insurance company. Hire a good lawyer. Hal
DON"T sign ANY medical release form for a few YEARS!! I got rear ended in 1985 and 6 years later had neck pain..Dr's said it was directly caused by the collision..STILL hurts to this day!! Can't get anything from the ins co because I signed a release form...HAD to to get them to pay for the car..if I had to do it over again I would NEVER have released them..just FYI...Charles

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