Too late for corn?


Well-known Member
Between my messed up work schedule and the wild weather we have been have'n my seed corn is still in the bag. Alot of people have already swiched to beans and gave up on ground they did not have N on. I was hope'n to get it planted Saturday but we got 1.5" more rain last night. I got home with my first buggy of N yesterday when I heard thunder. The buggy is in the barn under roof for when ever it dries out again. How late is too late to plant corn in your areas? How late would you think would be too late for NW KY? It is heavy wet bottom ground if that matters any.

Thank you much.

I sure am sorry to hear that! I thought that we were cursed here in west washington, for poor corn seasons, and rain. well you folks sure have taken the prize this year. i don't know if it will dry up in time for you to get it in the ground, in the next few days, however your first frost will mean more, than when you planted it. Can you use it for insilage, If it dont dry down in time? I have had to traditionally, wait for memorial day to plant corn here, however I got a 2 week jump on it this year. I have to leave it in the field to dry, after several frost's. It still feeds good. Good Luck Ralph
We used to plant as late as mid-June about 150 miles South of you, but had to spray for corn the days before Bt corn. I wouldn't leave the fertlizer in the buggy very long; I've seen it set up almost like concrete.
I have triple stack seed so borers shouldn't be an issue.

The fertlize is the high dollar ESN. It is urea with a polymer coating on it so it releases slowly. If I just had urea I would not have minded spread'n it in the rain, but this stuff floats and this little low botton ground has had water over it a few times this year already.


You didn't say what maturity seed you have. I don't know about NW Kentucky anyway. I would check with agronomist(s) to see what muturity level should be planted and when you get ready tio plant, use that. Your seed dealer should take back the seed you have in the bag now and replace it with what you want as long as there hasn't been a run on it. That's done a lot around here. I plant 95-100 day corn in early to mid May. If it goes beyond that, say early June, then I'd be looking at 85 day.
Can you switch from 100 day corn to 80 day corn? 80 day is what most folks plant here in PA. I always though you folks down South planted the 100 day for the better yields. Dunno, just thinking.
Around here they say the cut off date is June 15th. We've gone as late as june 25th, but it was for silage, not combining. We normally plow under our worst hay feild after taking 1st crop off, and then we put corn in.

This year dad bought 105 day corn vs. what we have planted in the past which was closer to a 85-95 day corn. If we do plow under any hay this spring we'll trade in the 2 bags of seed we have for some shorter day corn so hopefully the 2 plantings will mature out around the same time.

Donovan from Wisconsin
In that area a 120 day corn would be normal. Here in northwest Ohio the norm is 112 day but we always liked to stay with a 105-108 day but some always wanted the 120 day. Could not get anything under a 100 day here.
Switching to earlier corn may be a little tough this year. A lot of the midwest is late planting due to rain and there may be a lot of demand for earlier corn.
Here in Central MO. The crop insurance "final planting date" is June 5th. Then there is a late planting period where you receive 1% less coverage for each day after June 5. We consider June 10th about the last day to plant.

I put out some food plots and on those we will plant all the way up till the end of June.


There is still time. I have had good crops planted in mid June. Planted corn on July 4th one year and it made a good crop. Just depeneds on the season.
I'd not worry a bit. I've still got all but 8 acres of 120 day corn sitting on the pallets in the barn. After June 20 or so I might start to stress it a tad and wish for some 110 day but not now in late May.
Breckenridge Co, Ky. Have a neighbor who has flat wet ground, He never gets in a hurry to plant corn or beans but ends up making some of the beast crops in the county. It comes up growing and never stops until maturity. He sometimes waits as late as the 20th of June on corn. Good luck. Joe
Im in SE SD . Went through the wet spring last year . We try to be done by May 20 but last year planted till June 25th. My neighbor switched from 112 day to Pioneer 85 day and it yielded 175 bushels where he normally would expect 220. So he was very pleased after thinking it could be zero. Could not plant beans due to herbicide already down.
If you have to you can get some 90 day corn and probably be alright up until the last of June as long as it doesnt frost until October.It depends on the maturity and when it frosts on whether you can plant the corn you have.Surely you wouldnt expect a frost the first of September in Kentucky.Say the middle of September,which means that 105 day corn for the first of June planting.Maybe 100 day corn would be better.Might cut the yield a little but it would be better maybe than 120 day corn planted the first of June and hoping theres no frost until the first of October.

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