How dry is it in my location?????

Dave from MN

Well-known Member
Apparently it is the driest spring for my township since the dust bowl years. Yikes. Surprised that corn is still growing. Shower heading my way right now. I"ll bet my only pair of underwear with out holes that its divert around me or peeter out before it gets to me.
Feel for ya man I'm sittin here at 6 pm watching the rain miss me, I'm just east of you in NW Wisconsin. We havent had any real moisture in over 5 years. The lakes and rivers are dry here.Oh well, thank goodness for crop insurance.
I wish I could share with you. We have had rain all but 6 days in May. Corn and cotton are too late to plant. It looks like a lot of soybeans will be planted. Hay is about 3 weeks late also.
yep I'm over here in NW Wisconsin I was watching a big black cloud coming right for me,you guessed it same as you Dave got about 3 drops.we got 2 tenths yesterday and you can't even tell it rained ,not good
I know the feeling. We've had no appreciable moisture at all this spring. Between that and a very cold May, we won't even be cutting hay this year if this keeps up.
Wish I could pipe some up your way. That last 1.5" I got Wednesday night was not needed just like the 2" last weekend. I ain"t fuss"n, when it quits it will quit for months. My little soggy bottom had about 3" of water standing over about 25% of it this morning. Good luck, hope you get a little water and I get a little sun and wind.

I know how you feel this year is the only one in a long time that I can remember wanting it to not rain for a few days. almost 7 days of on and off showers that are enough to keep my skid steer spinning so I can't finish the clearing and grading job. Thankful for the rain not complaining we have been in drought conditions for a long time.
You had how much snow all winter? How much rain last fall and winter? Still whining your not even close to dry if you got corn up anything here that"s up is because it was irrigated. Only about 2" since last fall, winter wheat was hurt from early heat and bugs then froze by a dry blizzard wind chill so no crop till fall maybe. Out farther west they are drier than here yet so you got it really rough there huh.
we've had 2 or 3 tough years due to drought, but so far this spring has been all right. I'm almost afraid to say that for fear of jinxing it so I'll tap on the desk (haha)
Yes it is dry here, very dry. Not whinning. Yes lot of people have had it rough the last few weeks. Snow, very little all winter, does little for moisture in the feild when it melts and runs into ponds and streams because the ground is froze 4' down. I would love a good soaker. So, it is dry but I guess I dont have it as rough as you, whoever you are, but rememeber some one always has it worse. Boy your a peach, kinda remind me of MnJoe, related?
Actually Poncho Villa has very good taco's. I am not sure if they are open anymore locally here. Taco Bell and Taco Johns are the local favorites right now. Sour puss's are never ending.
(quoted from post at 05:15:07 05/31/09) Looks like MnJoe put a lasting impression on you,
thats funny,,, I'm glad some one put you in your place....
could be --- you are related...

You leave a lasting impression with whatever name you use.........


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