Well we got this new puppy 3 weeks ago. Has been a typical Catahoula from the get go. They are know to be naturally protective of what and whom they think they own; especially small children.

Since our last dog had skin problems the vet attributed to food with to much corn in it my wife has started this puppy on higher priced food. The main ingredient is chicken and it has no corn in it.

So the question is.........
What do you guys (and gals) feed your dog?
Does it have corn in it?
If so how do you feel about feeding cheaper corn based food to a dog (carnivore)??

And a few pictures......
Puppy and my 6 mo old grand daughter taking a nap.


Puppy taking over the baby swing since the baby went home with mom.

We feed premium food (Nutro) until dog is done growing. We pay special attention to keeping the puppy a healthy weight. (Fat dogs wreck their joints).
After the dog is grown it gets mostly what we find on sale at Tractor Supply.

We've got a 15 year old Shetland Sheepdog that has been eating Purina Proplan all his life. The Proplan we feed him now is Chicken & Rice Weight Management! He's still doing great for his age! You can get Proplan for puppys!
In the domestic market you can't do much better than Wellness brand dog foods, specifically their Super 5 mixes. A tad pricey but a happy healthy dog is well worth it.
I've always fed my dogs Purina products.
I've never had any problems.
Heres a picture of my dog Bolt
he is a rat terrier,he's 14 years old still doing great.
I've always fed my dogs Purina products.
I've never had any problems.
Heres a picture of my dog Bolt
he is a rat terrier,he's 14 years old still doing great.
Heres a picture !
i fed my saint bernard the high protein dog food from theisens since i took him off purina puppy chow at 3 years of age.
but i cant forgot the fresh gravy my wife made for him everynight. lets not forgot the summer sasuage he got as treats, or the hotdogs to. he was just a little feller, right at 200.
he lived to be a age of just over 10 when i had to send him to a better place. i hope he is waiting for me when i get there someday.
sure miss that ol hound
I'll second the Purina ProPlan. It is good stuff. My wife and I have a Jack Russell and she loves the stuff. Two years old and pure muscle. She eats 2 cups a day.
Our 14 year old Yellow Lab gets Purina Proplan for seniors . She is doing well,not like a 10 or 5 year old but for her age very good. Goes for a walk every morning with me and looks forward to them.
Regarding the ingredient list on pet food:Golden Plump chicken processor in Central Minnesota trucks tankers of chicken guts, offal, etc. to a pet food plant in Matoon, Ill. and they spray it on the "food" on the production line. It is listed as "chicken flavoring" on the ingredient list. I rode with my son on one of his trips hauling that.

We feed purina puppy/dog (as needed) and IAMS. There are times that they don't use the purina real well (soft stool like a cow) and we ease them onto the iams for a few weeks and ease back. About once a week in winter when they get purina,they get a 3 or 4 ounces of whatever cooking oil we have in the feedroom 9horses get it also.
Used to (years ago) feed the olroy high protien feed from walmart to my beagles and it gave them hot spots from too much protien.

I used to feed all fourdogs--three beagles and an English setter--Purina Pro Plan. But then they added "shreds." The dogs eat the shreds and leave the rest.Swithched to Diamond Lamb and Rice.

Larry in Michigan
Go with Purina Puppy Chow for 18 months. Then go to one of their Pro Plan Products.
ALways read the ingrediant list on the bag. The ingrediants are listed in order of the amount included. So the first item is the one that is the primary. Ingrediant. And you will see many that list corn or wheat gluten first! Stay away from those.

Corn is not a natural food for dogs! Look on the
bag label--if the first ingrediant is CORN, shy
away. I used to feed my dog Pro-plan until I
saw a TV show that said, "read the label"
" Chicken Digest byproduct" (or something like it)
is processed chicked GUTS, with the products
still inside--partially digested feed, and other,
probably rendered safe to eat by cooking, high
heat. but if I wouldnt eat it I wouldnt feed it
to my dog.
If you're not paying $40 a bag for dog food then you're being cruel to your animal. I would suggest sirloins for protein....dogs are meat eaters you know, supplement the sirloin with chicken liver for extra iron and add a calcium supplement for proper bone and tooth development. Make sure he gets 3 hours of exercise a day and have a good counselor on hand in case the doc shows signs of depression or malaise. Soft music...like quacking ducks or mewing lambs is also recommended at nap time.

If necessary, kick one of your kids away from the table so Fido can pick and choose...ala carte from whatever momma has prepared for supper. The family can eat the shreds he leaves. Nothing should be spared when it comes to feeding a dog!

As for me and my dog......well, I've always had one for nearly the last 50 years. He gets what is thrown out after we humans have had our fill of it and then, he gets a bowl of Big Red Nuggets from the local Southern States Coop. They've all died of old age...usually around 14, although one made it to 18. I don't know any vets...never been to one.
I have been finding EXCLUSIVE for five years now. Good food. IT is Purina Mills brand. You can find it at your local feed store.
You know those little "yap" dogs? The shitzus, etc. They make pretty good dog food, but sometimes their bones and fur causes my dog to choke. Babby kittens and rabbits are the second choice.

You know I am kidding, right?


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