Hunting rights

flying belgian

Well-known Member
Wifes family has some property here in S. central Mn. that they are considering leasing out for hunting. It is aprox. 6 acres of ravine and woods with 2 acres of grass meadow for a total of aprox. 8 acres. The woods abrupts the river valley. I believe the only hunting potential wood be deer. The only access would be to hike on foot through the field about 200 ft. They also own the field so permission to cross would be no problem however they do not want you to drive through crop so has to access by foot. Question. What would something like that be worth? X amount per year? per 5 years? per season? Wife would have a lawyer draw up papers but just has no idea how to go about this or what it's worth. Any ideas or comments welcome. Thank you, The Flying Belgian.
Around 'here', hunting rights go for 2--10 dollars per acre, per year, depending on the circumstances. For 8 acres, it wouldn't be worth the me. Your experience may vary...........
around here for a small acreage like that we just give ONE trustworthly hunter access to it for hunting and he keeps the others out.

This way I dont worry about the place being shot to h$ll.
Here in Illinois you need 40 cares for a landowner permit, so on 134 acres I am allowed 3 permits.

I have been offered $500 for shotgun only permission which is 7 days. So far I haven't given in for deer hunting access but I can assure you that it would be at least $500. For a full season probably closer to $1000 per hunter and there would be a pretty steep limit, like only one or two hunters allowed at any one time.
With only 8 acres I wouldn't let anyone on with a rifle unless you want to be in court every time some idiot shoots out the neighbors window. I have a shot out window from clear over the hill about 2 miles away. Some kids were target shooting.

6 of us lease 1200 acres in TX for $7.50 / acre.

No way you lease 8 acres for deer. Give someone you trust permission and tell them to give you 1 deer to butcher.
Confining deer hunters with high powered rifles to an 8 acre plot would be sheer lunacy.


I have 150 acres of prime deer hunting area and things get hairy enough on that at times.
The others are right finacially i doubt it is worth much but if one is willing to pay $50 or more its your gain. Small game (birds wood chucks rabbits) may be a potential for a full fall season. It would probably only serve 1-2 people.
Apparently only 8 or so acres are wooded but the farm is larger. If so, might be able to rent it for a few dollars if deer are known to frequent the area. I've got a 75 acre parcel that has 30 or so wooded acres separated in two pieces. A couple of bow hunters have shot deer and the neighbors have shot gun killed at least one deer every year so it doesn't require many wooded acres to attract deer as long as food and other shelter is available. I don't charge anything just glad to see them thinned out. Renting would increase my liability insurance cost enough that it wouldn't be worth the hassle.
I let a buddy hunt 8 acres of my place. I don't charge him anything, but he keeps the idiots out.
Would definitely not be worth it. Your insurance risk, and the risk of someone getting killed by bullets going off the tiny property would be enough to nix the deal. The ONLY thing I would consider is leasing by permit to ONE hunter for bow hunting only, and he signs on the dotted line that NO ONE at any time other than himself can be on the land, in any capacity whatsoever, meaning his kids, his wife, his BIL, his buddies, absolutely no one but him. There are didicated bow hunters out there that would take this deal and treat you right, and would watch for trespassers for you. Tom
I will add my 2 cents. I if you pay a lawyer to draw up the contract it will take you years to break even on that expense alone.

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